Joined a gym!!Problem is what to do first....

Been going for 2 weeks now and im nit sure if im doing things right.I do cardio for 30 minutes then I work on my legs then arms thenabs...Does that sound about right?I have lost 5 lbs!


  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    happens to everyone. If you are making progress keep doing what you are going. If you find yourself lost, ask. Most guys in the gym would be delighted to watch your form on exercises :laugh: i know i would.
  • So then cardio first is good wasnt sure if I should be lifting weight first ...Lol yes im sure I look quite nice all sweaty and all.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    So then cardio first is good wasnt sure if I should be lifting weight first ...Lol yes im sure I look quite nice all sweaty and all.

    ideally, do weight training first, then cardio. Helps with recovery. And are you kidding!? A hard working girl breaking a sweat in the gym? That's my type of woman! :love:
  • ARHx0
    ARHx0 Posts: 32
    Warm up with a litle cardio, then strength train, followed by your actual cardio.
  • Good to know that the sweat on my back and butt isnt a big deal lol and here I was try to hide it ha...Thanks for the tips!
  • Warm up with a litle cardio, then strength train, followed by your actual cardio.

    Ok im deff. Going to try that thanks so much!
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Heavy compound movements such as squats and deadlifts with some high intensity interval training (think sprint intervals) for cardio.

    I personally do cardio at the end of my workouts cause I find heavy lifting more taxing on my body and CNS or on completely seperate days.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Like someone else said, do your strength training first. I also recommend following a lifting program, it's a lot better than wandering around trying to figure out what to do next :) I recommend Lee Labrada's Lean Body Trainer and Jamie Eason's Live Fit Trainer both are free 12 week programs on
  • anybeary
    anybeary Posts: 188 Member
    If your gym has classes, do that first. Instructors will teach you a lot of great exercises and good form. Look for something like a total body conditioning class. OR, even better, if your membership gives you access to the trainer, use it, and the trainer can show you those very important form tips.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    strength before cardio. always.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    If your gym has classes, do that first. Instructors will teach you a lot of great exercises and good form. Look for something like a total body conditioning class. OR, even better, if your membership gives you access to the trainer, use it, and the trainer can show you those very important form tips.

    Not all the time. To me good form is to prevent injury (which most instructors are very good at advocating), as well as maintaining maximum contraction on the eccentric and concentric parts of the movements (which i find that most instructors in my gym overlook).
  • Got it!!Thanks you all!
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    ideally, do weight training first, then cardio. Helps with recovery. And are you kidding!? A hard working girl breaking a sweat in the gym? That's my type of woman! :love:


    strength before cardio. always.

    Not always! I always do Cardio first then eat lunch then Strength train.
    Reason being is after a hell of a leg day my legs turn into spaghetti noodles and doing any thing afterwards such as running, biking, stair stepping is futile as they are taxed to the hilt.

    ^6'0 height 230lbs
  • mlang1955
    mlang1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks for the information! Looks like I have been doing it backwards.