How to tell your husband...



  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 126 Member
    I put my foot in it last night. Not sure what the results of that will be but I think I definitely hurt his feelings.

    I had washed one of his sweaters and hung it by a window to air dry. I told him he should put it inside the closet now that it was dry and he said well it needs to be ironed first. To which I it doesn' stretch it well enough. DOH!

    I back pedaled out of that one..or tried to anyway. Uff..sometimes I need to zip it! He has gained weight..mostly because we are both enablers of each other. We both love food but unlike me, he has always been a super skinny guy that could eat anything. But he loooved the fast food in college and now has a little pouch for a belly. He has now been good about skipping desserts and eating more fruit and taking care of himself. He even went jogging with me! So my snappy comment wasn't necessary.

    Now I have to go 'do him favors' to

    ETA: So the moral of the story is..don't do what I did..hopefully he will realize he needs to make the change by watching you get fitter and back to your pre baby body. :)
    PHATCHIK Posts: 9 Member
    You could tell him how much you have always admired his 6 pack and that maybe you two should start working out together so you can both have sexy abs. Or maybe get him to "help you get yours in shape" (wink):wink: !
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Not that this was my intention, but by me working out and transforming my body, my boyfriend keeps talking more and more about wanting to try some of the things I do....I think when you and your partner are growing together, you tend to gravitate towards the same interests....and I have pushed him out of his comfort zone and he has been dabbling more into jogging :) It's been nice.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Not that this was my intention, but by me working out and transforming my body, my boyfriend keeps talking more and more about wanting to try some of the things I do....I think when you and your partner are growing together, you tend to gravitate towards the same interests....and I have pushed him out of his comfort zone and he has been dabbling more into jogging :) It's been nice.

    the term you are looking for is inspire. You are an inspiration to others :smile:
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    yeh and you should get a boob job. cause your not ok the way you are.

  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member
    "Get a six pack or no sex for a month." He's a man, he can take it.

    This would not work on my husband. He know...I wouldn't be able to wait a WEEK!!! lol