Is there a healthy way to get to 140 by december 28th ?

I currently weigh 152 and I wanna drop at least 10 lbs pounds before my birthday so I can fit into something really nice can someone tell me if it's possible


  • sugarlips1980
    sugarlips1980 Posts: 361 Member
    Yes sure, if you don't mind the prospect of saggy skin and piling the weight back on and feeling exhausted and weak through lack of fuel, go ahead!
  • jessgumkowski88
    jessgumkowski88 Posts: 189 Member
    5lbs is probably more realistic. ;/ And you'd still have to work your butt off. But if you pick up lots of strength training, you might be able to tone up enough that it looks like you lost more than whatever it is you lose :) So it's something to consider.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Thats basically 5 pounds a week... which is not healthy or safe at all.

    How about you find an outfit that fits you well now and wear that? You'll look and feel better that way.
    Everything its possible ,not healthy but if u must just do it girl and look beautiful on your party.Google for James Duncan diet.i lost 6 lbs in 9 days.I Need to lose at least 6-10 lbs till New Year Eve.
  • LennyInFlorida
    One possible short term way is to cut your sodium intake.

    I'm not sure what you normally eat or drink, but if you consume a lot of sodium in your normal diet you may be retaining a lot of weight in water. So assuming you could get rid of that 5-7 lbs and lose 2-3 lbs naturally, you may hit your goal.

    Don't cut sodium too low though or you risk cramping...and know that it's onlly temporary because as soon as you go back to consuming sodium like you use to it will come back on.

    Anyway, just an idea...