Opinions on EC Stack?

I want to hear people's input on EC Stacks. Some people like it, some people do not think people should use it, so I wanted to hear what others think about it. Right now I'm currently running on one.


  • I did daily EC stack for months way back in the day. I regret doing it and wish I could take it back. I just remember getting jittery, fast/strong heartbeats, and I honestly don't remember if I lost much more weight adding it to my diet/exercise routine. I'd get random headaches too back then from it mixed with caffeine. I did have crazy small bursts of energy.. but I'd had horrible "lows" as well.
  • Did you start at a low dosage and increase every week?
  • Yea I did. I increased it over time like instructed. It made me feel really weird and I wasn't digging it after awhile. I first started it to get some good energy for weight lifting, I was in shape back then. I just feel like the same effects are achievable by eating tons of sugary foods and caffeine. That's what it felt like to me, a huge sugary/caffeine boost. I personally feel if I would have kept going that it would have had a negative impact on me some way or another, but not sure of course as I'm no doctor.
  • Oh and everyone at work knew I was on something because I'd be pacing around like a mad man at times.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I was taking EC for about a month to help me out of a plateau and had good results with few side effects and no dependence. I appreciate that it's not for everyone, there are risks and that most will preach alternative methods for breaking a plateau but it worked for me. I lost around 10lb in a month. I didn't really experience any side effects, my energy levels were increased - not to a point of being hyper, but just feeling awake and energetic - my appetite was reduced and I drank lots of water which obviously helped with any water retention I may have had at the time. I didn't have any insomnia, headaches, irritability, heart palpitations etc.

    Like I said, I wouldn't say they're right for everybody but they worked for me, and I would use them again if I needed to.
  • dunlunicor
    dunlunicor Posts: 189 Member
    I've used Primatene, which has ephedrine, but is actually FDA regulated, with a cup of coffee for the caffeine. I lost double what I was losing without it, had great energy, preserved lean mass, even though I was only doing cardio at the time. You just have to limit your consumption of other stimulants - I did 2 cups of coffee and a cup of tea a day, no other caffeine at all, but when I would have a third cup of coffee or an energy drink, that's when I got the symptoms others have described. As long as you are not super sensitive to stimulants and you are using it in the proper dosages (the old ephedra diet pills had WAY too much), I don't see why not.
  • alexluong
    alexluong Posts: 24 Member
    it totally works. make sure diet is in check, lift heavy, fat will melt right off.