Over 200lbs to lose and could use some friends on here

Hey, I've just joined and could really use some friends to compare notes with, also to help with motivation and support really. I'm turning 41 next week and have the fitness of someone in their late 90's!! I suffer with agoraphobia and have been housebound for over 12 months now, during that time i've gained over 7 stone and become virtually unable to move. My doctor has referred me for bariatric surgery but that's the last thing I want to do, I have just about run out of time to prove I can do it on my own, but i'm hoping one last push can convince him that I really CAN do this. I've never been slim, I have been obese since my childhood...it's these last 7 stones that have just about done me in, I have leg ulcers, find bathing impossible (baths just aren't designed for someone my size) and am growing increasingly down about this whole situation.... I sound a proper moaner don't I lol On the plus side, i'm ready to change, and am looking forward to hopefully inspiring someone else who finds themself in this postion this time next year. 2013 is about finding a whole new me!! If anyone at all fancies coming along for the ride I'd love that. Thanks all for listning x


  • kathheen
    kathheen Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there! Add me f want. Well done for making the decision to improve your life you will gain confidence when you start to feel better & meet lots of new friends on here. I don't have any experience of your illness but can be here to help you along the way!
    Looking forward to your progress!
    Good luck!
  • The journey of a 1000 miles starts with the first step.

    Congratulations!!!! You've taken your first step!

    Next: One foot in front of the other, over, and over, and over....keep moving forward.

    And believe - it is possible.
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    Hey there. I have a couple friends with leg, back or knee problems that just can't do traditional exercises. I was doing a Jillian Michael's workout DVD the other day (okay about 2 weeks ago before I go bronchitis) and she said (for people with mobility issues) you should do the upper body portion of exercises (for example jumping jacks minus the jumping) because it will still raise your heart rate, burn calories and build physical endurance.

    Also, I read a motivational post a while back who lost 300+ pounds. When he started he couldn't walk or move and hadn't left his house in over 10 years. For his start into exercise he would lift one leg, put it back down, lift the other leg, put it back down and then repeat until he was too tired to continue. Then he worked his way up to standing, since that took him great effort. He would stand, then sit, never venturing from his couch. He would do this until tired. Eventually he worked his way up to roaming around the house and eventually out into the world.

    I hope you find these suggests useful. I do not know your exact physical condition, but this seemed like a good place to start!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Here is a site that may help you to stay motivated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbVpCc_r9Sw
  • cherirae
    cherirae Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'd like to be your friend. I've lost 92 #'s and still have almost 40 to go. I know how hard it is to get started - to goal seems overwhelming. So, don't think of needing to lose 200 - start with a goal of 25, then 25 more, etc. This site is wonderful encouragement - and will help you along. Let me know how I can help!
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Hi I'd like to be your friend. I've lost 92 #'s and still have almost 40 to go. I know how hard it is to get started - to goal seems overwhelming. So, don't think of needing to lose 200 - start with a goal of 25, then 25 more, etc. This site is wonderful encouragement - and will help you along. Let me know how I can help!

    Cheri is really an expert at this so don't turn her down.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hey there. I have a couple friends with leg, back or knee problems that just can't do traditional exercises. I was doing a Jillian Michael's workout DVD the other day (okay about 2 weeks ago before I go bronchitis) and she said (for people with mobility issues) you should do the upper body portion of exercises (for example jumping jacks minus the jumping) because it will still raise your heart rate, burn calories and build physical endurance.

    Also, I read a motivational post a while back who lost 300+ pounds. When he started he couldn't walk or move and hadn't left his house in over 10 years. For his start into exercise he would lift one leg, put it back down, lift the other leg, put it back down and then repeat until he was too tired to continue. Then he worked his way up to standing, since that took him great effort. He would stand, then sit, never venturing from his couch. He would do this until tired. Eventually he worked his way up to roaming around the house and eventually out into the world.

    I hope you find these suggests useful. I do not know your exact physical condition, but this seemed like a good place to start!
    This is a wonderful start and so true too. I do the upper body portion when I do Leslie when one of my knees starts up when I am pushing myself to do more

    One day at a time.
    One meal at a time
    One bite at a time....

    MFP does work IF you work with it!

    Success is never giving up!!:flowerforyou:

    Not sure why you will not consider weight loss surgery as a jumpstart and tool but for me it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Not for everyone but it is not as bad as many make it out to be and it has help many people change their lives. People tend to focus on the negatives and not the postives of WLS.

    I hope MFP works for you. It has helped me tremendously!
  • Feel free to add me, all the best in your quest for a new you! MFP is amazing! Good on you. :)
  • The good news is you don't have to lose 200 stones !!! All you have to lose is 1 stone 200 times ,you can do that!!,just trying to cheer you up,please feel free to add me if you fancy it.
  • I'm a similar boat, feel free to add me. :):happy:
  • Just the fact that you are ready to face this head on shows your true strength. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I wish you all the best on your journey...it will get tough at times, but YOU ARE WORTH THE FIGHT!!! I'm on here a lot and love to drop positive comments and advice where I can. Add me if you'd like!! :smile: