Long distance runners/workout junkies....

SoDakRunner Posts: 25
edited January 6 in Chit-Chat
I am a long distance runner. I like to workout. I like to push myself. This being said I tend to have a personality that can put up with tough times. I can work through tough spots. I can work through jobs I don't like BUT I married a man that doesn't like to push. Doesn 't like to work through the tough jobs. We currently moved to a new city and now both have new jobs. I like mine. I went to school for mine. But while in college I worked jobs that I didn't like that I didn't go to school for BUT I still did it and I still put up with the jobs that sucked. My husband on the other hand has been through 5 jobs since the beginning of the year. He has quit because he doesn't like the job or hasn't gotten along with the boss. My mentality is "its a job and it pays the bills"....but his is "i don't like the job so its not worth it"....its a constant battle...are we so differnt that we will never see eye to eye on this? Or is it something we can meet in the middle? Any others out there dealing with a similar situation?


  • I guess my point (or question) is is it because I'm a long distance runner/workout junkie that I am able to put my head down and do things I don't like or that may hurt for bit or am I being unreasonable with my husband by telling him to just do it?
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    No I think you've just learned the magic of being a mature adult and your husband hasn't quite mastered the concept.

    Perhaps your personality helps you here but I don't think your tolerance of life/odd jobs is really all that related to your work out habits. It's more of a personality thing.

    Sounds like hubby has some growing up to do. Not every job you work is your dream job. Work ain't always fun but it pays the bills. Sounds like he isn't going to be happy at any job if he's already gone through 5 does he even know what he WANTS to do?

    Some people are more resilient and head strong than others and therefore would have an easier time pushing themselves in terms of exercise. But I'm sure plenty of people who exercise also hate their jobs and bounce around from career to career.
  • No he doesn't know what he wants to do "when he grows up"....I think part of it is that he might be envious of my career. I do make more than him but in my eyes that doesn't matter. As long as he is working and contributing to the household income, what he does doesn't really make a differnce to me. He is a mans man though so it makes sense that his wife making more money than him bothers him...I would be open to ideas of how to encourage him or support him?
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