Need Help With MyGoal!

Hi, I have posted one of these before, But I am relly confused! I want to lose 50 lbs in 6-8 months.
I started my diet on 12/1/12 I join MFP on 12/9/12 In my Goal profile on MFP It says I should be eating 3,550 - 490 for calories defect.

I am walking 30-40mins 5 days a week (2 Miles each day) I am weight lifting 3-4 days a week for 10-15mins, and playing the guitar for 30mins each day.

to make a long story short, I weight my self on 12/14/12 and it showed I was348lbs,I was so happy!! But then to day I weight as soon as I got up (and used the bathroom) and now it says I am 354lbs!!!!!!!!!! I was so hurt!! And Upset!!!!

I got an email from one of the members on MFP and they said In order to lose weight you must burn more calories than you eat a day, So if you eat 1,500 cals in a day you need to burn 1,850 aday.

So to me it sound I need to starve! Or I need to eat 400- 800 cals in order to lose weight? I am all confused!!!!

If some one would please help me I am new to all of this! I do not drink soft drinks, or smoke, and I have been eating around 1,500 and 1,800 calories aday, and I am walking 2 miles aday 5 days aweek. What Am I doing wrong????

Will I lose this weight within 6 months-8 Months with what I am doing now? Here is all of my info

I am a male: 29 years old 350lbs 6'3''

I am active: I am a Magician, Gunsmith, RC Pilot, and Musician,

I have just want to look good and fell good about myself! I have never had a girl to look at me let alone talk with me so I feel if I lose the weight I will look better FYI.

Again Any hlep is great!


  • scorpion8319
    IE Sorry if my spelling is wrong My key pad is a wirless one and some times it hits,the wrong key.
  • Textmessage
    Textmessage Posts: 387 Member
    Hey, I think you should give this a read:

    It helped me out and I think it may answer most of your questions. Feel free to add me if you have any other questions beyond that, though I'm no expert.
  • kelkelswls
    How accurate is your scale? If it's not the scale, don't lose heart. Keep going the way you're going the weight will come off. Remember too that you are building some muscle so you'll probably have a big loss soon. Keep going you can do it!
  • shabl
    shabl Posts: 5
    Hey here's my tips. I've lost 54 pounds in a little over a year. And note I'm 55 years old, have severe arthritis in both knees and smoked for 30 years. I hope this helps so here goes.

    #1. The math doesn't lie. That means you have to understand exactly what your calories IN (food & drink) and calories OUT (exercise) is every day. It will become habit but to start you cant be guessing. It's easy to get tripped up.

    #2. Play the hand you were dealt. Meaning, I cant eat anything I want like my wife does. Not in my DNA. I'm always one chicken wing away from being heavy. That's my metabolism, that's the way I'm built. Sucks but there it is. Fact.

    #3. EAT. The fun part is, you get to eat. Just don't eat garbage. I eat every 2-3 hours. But i eat real food. Lean protein (Chicken, fish, Egg Whites) Complex carbs (Sweet Potato, Brown Rice and vegetables. It's just like the old computer programming axiom "garbage in, garbage out." If it doesn't run, swim, fly, fall from a tree or get pulled from the ground don't eat it. I log every bite honestly into MFP.

    #4. Cardio and weights. You MUST do both. Weights first, end with cardio. Warm up properly. The constant tearing down and building up of muscle that is done through weight training will rev up your metabolic rate so you become a calorie burning furnace. Cardio will burn away and use up excess fat stores. Remember muscle is heavier the fat so don't be discouraged by the scale all the time.

    #5 I encourage you to subscribe to Men's Health or Men's Fitness magazines You will learn A LOT about health, lifestyle and nutrition from experts and doctors. You will also see how hard all guys work to look like they do! It doesn't come naturally to anyone! I also highly recommend any of the Eat THIS NOT That" books. Amazing to find out how fattening things we eat are that we took for granted!

    #6 Know that you will get stuck. There will be weeks when the scale doesn't budge. This is your body trying to adjust to the new intake. When this happens, make an adjustment so your body re-calibrates and starts to release fats stores again. More cardio, less carbs, smaller portions, more protien etc. It's a work in progress an takes vigilance.

    #7 Read labels and understand what a SERVING is of any food so you can accurately calculate fat calories and sugars. Avoid High Frutose Corn Syrup. It's simple empty sugar and its in EVERYTHING, even ketchup. Buy the ketchup without it!

    #8 I m not a nutritionist. But, I personally lost weight on 1950 calories a day (about 1 pound per week). Understand that is your NET calories not GROSS. Meaning, I ate an actual 2500 calories in a day but through exercise I had 550 calories available in the bank so to speak BECAUSE I exercised so at the end of the day my NET was 1950. See? The only accurate way to know is to wear a heart rate chest strap when you work out or walk. I use a Garmin FR70 which is complete with the watch and strap. It will tell you how many calories you burn walking, jogging, lifting etc. I try to burn at least 600-900 per day via exercise. I take 1-2 days off per week for recovery. 1500 calories for a guy your size is WAY too low. 2000-2500 should be a minimum NET number. Starving like I said (See below) doesn't work. It has the opposite effect in the short term.

    #9. You MUST eat. If you take in too few calories your body will think you are in danger of starving and hold on to all fat stores in case of emergency. It's the way we are designed from back in the cave man days when we hunted our food and might not eat for days. It takes trial and error but you will find your own energy equation meaning how much to eat and how much to exercise.

    #10. Portion Control. This was one of my BIGGEST problems. For instance a tablespoon of peanut butter is 190 calories. But, I was slapping on at least 4 maybe 5 on a sandwich! That's 950 in one little meal! Never going to lose weight like that! Buy measuring spoons and measuring cups both dry and wet measure. $1 at the dolor store. Just to understand what a serving is.

    #11. Man to be 29 and 6'3! Lucky guy! You can do this. It's just math. But you need tools just like any other hobby just like you need picks and strings and be able to tune a guitar. The weight WILL come off. There is physiologically no reason why it wont. Dont fall into the "I've always been big" trap either. It's because your nutrition was always off! I was always big too. Remember it's YOU VS YOU. No one else is making us heavy. Also remember it takes time. Took 29 years to put it on, will take a year at least to get it off. Go slow and steady, IT WILL COME OFF. You'll look better in the end if it comes off gradually while you ADD muscle.

    #12. Keep up the good work. Join a gym if you can. Many are only $10 a month here in the north east. Dont be intimidated by anything or anybody. The gym is full of ex heavy people male and female! I was 270 when I started at 5'11. My goal is 190. It's getting harder now that I'm down to 215 but that's just pissing me off! You need more weight training than 10-15 minutes a day. Try to get up to 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week. Just increase some each week, you'll get there.

    #13. Biggest thing i learned from a pro fitness model and body builder friend. It's 70 percent in the kitchen, 30 percent in the gym. No lie. Got to re learn how to eat and prepare your own food.

    Ps. Once a week have a cheat day if you need it. Eat anything you want that day within reason. It's good to throw your body a curve ball so it doesn't get too used to the new way of eating and start adjusting again. GOOD LUCK!
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Give your body time its only the 15th!! Keep with one plan and keep going;)
  • RebelAlliance1989
    Unfortunately a lot of people of fluctuate. But the advice about starving yourself? Not good!

    I would suggest evaluating your menu, as well as your calorie count. While MFP is a great resource, having the number verified by a doctor could be important. Here's a link to a great website with healthy recipes:

    They have low-calorie recipes, healthy snacks, all kinds of stuff.

    I would also suggest stepping up your cardio. Weight lifting is great for toning, and you should definitely keep it up to make sure when you are slimmer that your muscles tighten and tone, but focus on cardio for weight loss.

    While it doesn't necessarily help your current situation, I promise the fluctuation is normal. I lost 8 pounds, then gained back 5 in two months. I had to really look at what I was eating, cut my daily calories, and up my cardio A LOT!

    Good luck, don't give up!
  • childermass
    childermass Posts: 115 Member
    Wow Shabl.
    you put so much time into that post and it was PACKED with the best advice!
    OP, you can't go wrong listening to that!
  • Tabithagulett
    Listen to your body..Shabl has some great advice use it...I started in November..The first 1st time I weighed in I lost like 3 lbs. Then the next week I gained a pound back that's when I started using MFP...After a week or 2 it became a habit to log in and check everything. The counter says I should loss a 1 1/2 a week..I average 1 a week not sweating it cause it's still coming off just going to take a little longer than I wanted. But the first week or 2 where the hardest for me because I did the same thing. Just don't give up. Maybe try weighing the same time of the day once a week it does make a difference.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I just joined a group called drop it like its hot. its a group for people who want to lose at least 50 lbs. You should join!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member

    I got an email from one of the members on MFP and they said In order to lose weight you must burn more calories than you eat a day, So if you eat 1,500 cals in a day you need to burn 1,850 aday.

    So to me it sound I need to starve! Or I need to eat 400- 800 cals in order to lose weight? I am all confused!!!!

    I am very concerned that a MFP member would tell you you need to burn more than you eat.

    Your deficit is already built I to your MFP goal, eat back your exercise calories and hit your goals and you will lose weight.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Don't weigh yourself so often, tends to leave us discouraged. The place I workout at, we weigh in once a month. Are weighing yourself on a level floor? Listen to all the advising above. Take measurements sometimes inches speak greater than pounds. Weight loss must be a life style change, not a phase. The outcome is very rewarding. I hope you can reach your goal. But you must be determined and have the willpower to give it your all and then some. Good luck in your adventure.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member

    I have just want to look good and fell good about myself! I have never had a girl to look at me let alone talk with me so I feel if I lose the weight I will look better FYI.

    Again Any hlep is great!

    Are you kidding? You look good now. You need to lose weight sure, but you look good. :love: :love:
  • Blessedbythebest1
    Blessedbythebest1 Posts: 971 Member
    Hey here's my tips. I've lost 54 pounds in a little over a year. And note I'm 55 years old, have severe arthritis in both knees and smoked for 30 years. I hope this helps so here goes.

    #1. The math doesn't lie. That means you have to understand exactly what your calories IN (food & drink) and calories OUT (exercise) is every day. It will become habit but to start you cant be guessing. It's easy to get tripped up.

    #2. Play the hand you were dealt. Meaning, I cant eat anything I want like my wife does. Not in my DNA. I'm always one chicken wing away from being heavy. That's my metabolism, that's the way I'm built. Sucks but there it is. Fact.

    #3. EAT. The fun part is, you get to eat. Just don't eat garbage. I eat every 2-3 hours. But i eat real food. Lean protein (Chicken, fish, Egg Whites) Complex carbs (Sweet Potato, Brown Rice and vegetables. It's just like the old computer programming axiom "garbage in, garbage out." If it doesn't run, swim, fly, fall from a tree or get pulled from the ground don't eat it. I log every bite honestly into MFP.

    #4. Cardio and weights. You MUST do both. Weights first, end with cardio. Warm up properly. The constant tearing down and building up of muscle that is done through weight training will rev up your metabolic rate so you become a calorie burning furnace. Cardio will burn away and use up excess fat stores. Remember muscle is heavier the fat so don't be discouraged by the scale all the time.

    #5 I encourage you to subscribe to Men's Health or Men's Fitness magazines You will learn A LOT about health, lifestyle and nutrition from experts and doctors. You will also see how hard all guys work to look like they do! It doesn't come naturally to anyone! I also highly recommend any of the Eat THIS NOT That" books. Amazing to find out how fattening things we eat are that we took for granted!

    #6 Know that you will get stuck. There will be weeks when the scale doesn't budge. This is your body trying to adjust to the new intake. When this happens, make an adjustment so your body re-calibrates and starts to release fats stores again. More cardio, less carbs, smaller portions, more protien etc. It's a work in progress an takes vigilance.

    #7 Read labels and understand what a SERVING is of any food so you can accurately calculate fat calories and sugars. Avoid High Frutose Corn Syrup. It's simple empty sugar and its in EVERYTHING, even ketchup. Buy the ketchup without it!

    #8 I m not a nutritionist. But, I personally lost weight on 1950 calories a day (about 1 pound per week). Understand that is your NET calories not GROSS. Meaning, I ate an actual 2500 calories in a day but through exercise I had 550 calories available in the bank so to speak BECAUSE I exercised so at the end of the day my NET was 1950. See? The only accurate way to know is to wear a heart rate chest strap when you work out or walk. I use a Garmin FR70 which is complete with the watch and strap. It will tell you how many calories you burn walking, jogging, lifting etc. I try to burn at least 600-900 per day via exercise. I take 1-2 days off per week for recovery. 1500 calories for a guy your size is WAY too low. 2000-2500 should be a minimum NET number. Starving like I said (See below) doesn't work. It has the opposite effect in the short term.

    #9. You MUST eat. If you take in too few calories your body will think you are in danger of starving and hold on to all fat stores in case of emergency. It's the way we are designed from back in the cave man days when we hunted our food and might not eat for days. It takes trial and error but you will find your own energy equation meaning how much to eat and how much to exercise.

    #10. Portion Control. This was one of my BIGGEST problems. For instance a tablespoon of peanut butter is 190 calories. But, I was slapping on at least 4 maybe 5 on a sandwich! That's 950 in one little meal! Never going to lose weight like that! Buy measuring spoons and measuring cups both dry and wet measure. $1 at the dolor store. Just to understand what a serving is.

    #11. Man to be 29 and 6'3! Lucky guy! You can do this. It's just math. But you need tools just like any other hobby just like you need picks and strings and be able to tune a guitar. The weight WILL come off. There is physiologically no reason why it wont. Dont fall into the "I've always been big" trap either. It's because your nutrition was always off! I was always big too. Remember it's YOU VS YOU. No one else is making us heavy. Also remember it takes time. Took 29 years to put it on, will take a year at least to get it off. Go slow and steady, IT WILL COME OFF. You'll look better in the end if it comes off gradually while you ADD muscle.

    #12. Keep up the good work. Join a gym if you can. Many are only $10 a month here in the north east. Dont be intimidated by anything or anybody. The gym is full of ex heavy people male and female! I was 270 when I started at 5'11. My goal is 190. It's getting harder now that I'm down to 215 but that's just pissing me off! You need more weight training than 10-15 minutes a day. Try to get up to 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week. Just increase some each week, you'll get there.

    #13. Biggest thing i learned from a pro fitness model and body builder friend. It's 70 percent in the kitchen, 30 percent in the gym. No lie. Got to re learn how to eat and prepare your own food.

    Ps. Once a week have a cheat day if you need it. Eat anything you want that day within reason. It's good to throw your body a curve ball so it doesn't get too used to the new way of eating and start adjusting again. GOOD LUCK!

    ^^^^^I really like it when good people take the time out to give people great advice!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    DON'T starve yourself! The MINIMIUM for an adult female to eat is 1200 calories/day, if you eat less and you are a larger male then your body can't manage and you will get sick. When I first started I felt as though I was eating too little (the goal MFP gave me was 1200, which I still personally think is too low cause I work in a restaurant and move constantly). Anyways... here's some math I did to adjust my thinking on things I should eat :)

    cucumber- 1 cup of slices- 16 calories
    celery- 1 cup chopped 14 calories
    baby carrots- 100 g (about 16 baby carrots)- 35 calories

    granny smith apple (medium)- 40 calories
    peach (medium)- 68 calories
    plum (medium)- 30 calories
    strawberries- 1/2 cup- 25 calories
    blueberries- 100 gr- 69 calories
    grape tomato- 8 tomatoes- 16 calories
    carrots- 1 cup- 52 calories
    orange- 85 calories
    banana (chiquita)- 105 calories
    Mcdonalds grill chicken breast only- 90 calories
    Yoplait Source yogurt Raspberry- 150ml- 53 calories

    TOTAL: 698 Calories

    PAPA JOHN'S CANADIAN PIZZA- 2 slices (cause I can never eat just one lol)= 698 calories

    Obviously calories aren't the only thing that matters (protein, fat, sugars, etc), but I find this comparison helped me to stay on track :) I'll save the Papa John's (cause it's soooooo good!!!!) for a special occasion or cheat day :)
  • pueblocortes
    I joined here in august 2012. I have changed my life since then. I exercise (very brisk walk most days for one hour), I cut out alcohol during the week, and I eat less and mch smaller portions. Muy doctor was walking past my house this morning and cant believe the change in me. My dietician tells me its all about the math....... Calories in V calories burned. You need to face up to the problem. My time was when I said to my wife "I have a serious problem and I need to change". It's like an alcoholic facing the fact that he cant drink anymore. Smaller portions...... exercise....... no junk at all. It does work. I have lost 49 pounds since 25/8/12.
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    Well done Shabl
    Scorpion, just put one foot in front of the other. There's no magic - except for the great Community on MFP.
    Good luck!
  • Prek2005
    Hey here's my tips. I've lost 54 pounds in a little over a year. And note I'm 55 years old, have severe arthritis in both knees and smoked for 30 years. I hope this helps so here goes.

    #1. The math doesn't lie. That means you have to understand exactly what your calories IN (food & drink) and calories OUT (exercise) is every day. It will become habit but to start you cant be guessing. It's easy to get tripped up.

    #2. Play the hand you were dealt. Meaning, I cant eat anything I want like my wife does. Not in my DNA. I'm always one chicken wing away from being heavy. That's my metabolism, that's the way I'm built. Sucks but there it is. Fact.

    #3. EAT. The fun part is, you get to eat. Just don't eat garbage. I eat every 2-3 hours. But i eat real food. Lean protein (Chicken, fish, Egg Whites) Complex carbs (Sweet Potato, Brown Rice and vegetables. It's just like the old computer programming axiom "garbage in, garbage out." If it doesn't run, swim, fly, fall from a tree or get pulled from the ground don't eat it. I log every bite honestly into MFP.

    #4. Cardio and weights. You MUST do both. Weights first, end with cardio. Warm up properly. The constant tearing down and building up of muscle that is done through weight training will rev up your metabolic rate so you become a calorie burning furnace. Cardio will burn away and use up excess fat stores. Remember muscle is heavier the fat so don't be discouraged by the scale all the time.

    #5 I encourage you to subscribe to Men's Health or Men's Fitness magazines You will learn A LOT about health, lifestyle and nutrition from experts and doctors. You will also see how hard all guys work to look like they do! It doesn't come naturally to anyone! I also highly recommend any of the Eat THIS NOT That" books. Amazing to find out how fattening things we eat are that we took for granted!

    #6 Know that you will get stuck. There will be weeks when the scale doesn't budge. This is your body trying to adjust to the new intake. When this happens, make an adjustment so your body re-calibrates and starts to release fats stores again. More cardio, less carbs, smaller portions, more protien etc. It's a work in progress an takes vigilance.

    #7 Read labels and understand what a SERVING is of any food so you can accurately calculate fat calories and sugars. Avoid High Frutose Corn Syrup. It's simple empty sugar and its in EVERYTHING, even ketchup. Buy the ketchup without it!

    #8 I m not a nutritionist. But, I personally lost weight on 1950 calories a day (about 1 pound per week). Understand that is your NET calories not GROSS. Meaning, I ate an actual 2500 calories in a day but through exercise I had 550 calories available in the bank so to speak BECAUSE I exercised so at the end of the day my NET was 1950. See? The only accurate way to know is to wear a heart rate chest strap when you work out or walk. I use a Garmin FR70 which is complete with the watch and strap. It will tell you how many calories you burn walking, jogging, lifting etc. I try to burn at least 600-900 per day via exercise. I take 1-2 days off per week for recovery. 1500 calories for a guy your size is WAY too low. 2000-2500 should be a minimum NET number. Starving like I said (See below) doesn't work. It has the opposite effect in the short term.

    #9. You MUST eat. If you take in too few calories your body will think you are in danger of starving and hold on to all fat stores in case of emergency. It's the way we are designed from back in the cave man days when we hunted our food and might not eat for days. It takes trial and error but you will find your own energy equation meaning how much to eat and how much to exercise.

    #10. Portion Control. This was one of my BIGGEST problems. For instance a tablespoon of peanut butter is 190 calories. But, I was slapping on at least 4 maybe 5 on a sandwich! That's 950 in one little meal! Never going to lose weight like that! Buy measuring spoons and measuring cups both dry and wet measure. $1 at the dolor store. Just to understand what a serving is.

    #11. Man to be 29 and 6'3! Lucky guy! You can do this. It's just math. But you need tools just like any other hobby just like you need picks and strings and be able to tune a guitar. The weight WILL come off. There is physiologically no reason why it wont. Dont fall into the "I've always been big" trap either. It's because your nutrition was always off! I was always big too. Remember it's YOU VS YOU. No one else is making us heavy. Also remember it takes time. Took 29 years to put it on, will take a year at least to get it off. Go slow and steady, IT WILL COME OFF. You'll look better in the end if it comes off gradually while you ADD muscle.

    #12. Keep up the good work. Join a gym if you can. Many are only $10 a month here in the north east. Dont be intimidated by anything or anybody. The gym is full of ex heavy people male and female! I was 270 when I started at 5'11. My goal is 190. It's getting harder now that I'm down to 215 but that's just pissing me off! You need more weight training than 10-15 minutes a day. Try to get up to 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week. Just increase some each week, you'll get there.

    #13. Biggest thing i learned from a pro fitness model and body builder friend. It's 70 percent in the kitchen, 30 percent in the gym. No lie. Got to re learn how to eat and prepare your own food.

    Ps. Once a week have a cheat day if you need it. Eat anything you want that day within reason. It's good to throw your body a curve ball so it doesn't get too used to the new way of eating and start adjusting again. GOOD LUCK!

    ^^^^^I really like it when good people take the time out to give people great advice!
  • Prek2005
    Hey here's my tips. I've lost 54 pounds in a little over a year. And note I'm 55 years old, have severe arthritis in both knees and smoked for 30 years. I hope this helps so here goes.

    #1. The math doesn't lie. That means you have to understand exactly what your calories IN (food & drink) and calories OUT (exercise) is every day. It will become habit but to start you cant be guessing. It's easy to get tripped up.

    #2. Play the hand you were dealt. Meaning, I cant eat anything I want like my wife does. Not in my DNA. I'm always one chicken wing away from being heavy. That's my metabolism, that's the way I'm built. Sucks but there it is. Fact.

    #3. EAT. The fun part is, you get to eat. Just don't eat garbage. I eat every 2-3 hours. But i eat real food. Lean protein (Chicken, fish, Egg Whites) Complex carbs (Sweet Potato, Brown Rice and vegetables. It's just like the old computer programming axiom "garbage in, garbage out." If it doesn't run, swim, fly, fall from a tree or get pulled from the ground don't eat it. I log every bite honestly into MFP.

    #4. Cardio and weights. You MUST do both. Weights first, end with cardio. Warm up properly. The constant tearing down and building up of muscle that is done through weight training will rev up your metabolic rate so you become a calorie burning furnace. Cardio will burn away and use up excess fat stores. Remember muscle is heavier the fat so don't be discouraged by the scale all the time.

    #5 I encourage you to subscribe to Men's Health or Men's Fitness magazines You will learn A LOT about health, lifestyle and nutrition from experts and doctors. You will also see how hard all guys work to look like they do! It doesn't come naturally to anyone! I also highly recommend any of the Eat THIS NOT That" books. Amazing to find out how fattening things we eat are that we took for granted!

    #6 Know that you will get stuck. There will be weeks when the scale doesn't budge. This is your body trying to adjust to the new intake. When this happens, make an adjustment so your body re-calibrates and starts to release fats stores again. More cardio, less carbs, smaller portions, more protien etc. It's a work in progress an takes vigilance.

    #7 Read labels and understand what a SERVING is of any food so you can accurately calculate fat calories and sugars. Avoid High Frutose Corn Syrup. It's simple empty sugar and its in EVERYTHING, even ketchup. Buy the ketchup without it!

    #8 I m not a nutritionist. But, I personally lost weight on 1950 calories a day (about 1 pound per week). Understand that is your NET calories not GROSS. Meaning, I ate an actual 2500 calories in a day but through exercise I had 550 calories available in the bank so to speak BECAUSE I exercised so at the end of the day my NET was 1950. See? The only accurate way to know is to wear a heart rate chest strap when you work out or walk. I use a Garmin FR70 which is complete with the watch and strap. It will tell you how many calories you burn walking, jogging, lifting etc. I try to burn at least 600-900 per day via exercise. I take 1-2 days off per week for recovery. 1500 calories for a guy your size is WAY too low. 2000-2500 should be a minimum NET number. Starving like I said (See below) doesn't work. It has the opposite effect in the short term.

    #9. You MUST eat. If you take in too few calories your body will think you are in danger of starving and hold on to all fat stores in case of emergency. It's the way we are designed from back in the cave man days when we hunted our food and might not eat for days. It takes trial and error but you will find your own energy equation meaning how much to eat and how much to exercise.

    #10. Portion Control. This was one of my BIGGEST problems. For instance a tablespoon of peanut butter is 190 calories. But, I was slapping on at least 4 maybe 5 on a sandwich! That's 950 in one little meal! Never going to lose weight like that! Buy measuring spoons and measuring cups both dry and wet measure. $1 at the dolor store. Just to understand what a serving is.

    #11. Man to be 29 and 6'3! Lucky guy! You can do this. It's just math. But you need tools just like any other hobby just like you need picks and strings and be able to tune a guitar. The weight WILL come off. There is physiologically no reason why it wont. Dont fall into the "I've always been big" trap either. It's because your nutrition was always off! I was always big too. Remember it's YOU VS YOU. No one else is making us heavy. Also remember it takes time. Took 29 years to put it on, will take a year at least to get it off. Go slow and steady, IT WILL COME OFF. You'll look better in the end if it comes off gradually while you ADD muscle.

    #12. Keep up the good work. Join a gym if you can. Many are only $10 a month here in the north east. Dont be intimidated by anything or anybody. The gym is full of ex heavy people male and female! I was 270 when I started at 5'11. My goal is 190. It's getting harder now that I'm down to 215 but that's just pissing me off! You need more weight training than 10-15 minutes a day. Try to get up to 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week. Just increase some each week, you'll get there.

    #13. Biggest thing i learned from a pro fitness model and body builder friend. It's 70 percent in the kitchen, 30 percent in the gym. No lie. Got to re learn how to eat and prepare your own food.

    Ps. Once a week have a cheat day if you need it. Eat anything you want that day within reason. It's good to throw your body a curve ball so it doesn't get too used to the new way of eating and start adjusting again. GOOD LUCK!

    ^^^^^I really like it when good people take the time out to give people great advice!
  • Prek2005
    I totallly agree!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hey here's my tips. I've lost 54 pounds in a little over a year. And note I'm 55 years old, have severe arthritis in both knees and smoked for 30 years. I hope this helps so here goes.

    #1. The math doesn't lie. That means you have to understand exactly what your calories IN (food & drink) and calories OUT (exercise) is every day. It will become habit but to start you cant be guessing. It's easy to get tripped up.

    #2. Play the hand you were dealt. Meaning, I cant eat anything I want like my wife does. Not in my DNA. I'm always one chicken wing away from being heavy. That's my metabolism, that's the way I'm built. Sucks but there it is. Fact.

    #3. EAT. The fun part is, you get to eat. Just don't eat garbage. I eat every 2-3 hours. But i eat real food. Lean protein (Chicken, fish, Egg Whites) Complex carbs (Sweet Potato, Brown Rice and vegetables. It's just like the old computer programming axiom "garbage in, garbage out." If it doesn't run, swim, fly, fall from a tree or get pulled from the ground don't eat it. I log every bite honestly into MFP.

    #4. Cardio and weights. You MUST do both. Weights first, end with cardio. Warm up properly. The constant tearing down and building up of muscle that is done through weight training will rev up your metabolic rate so you become a calorie burning furnace. Cardio will burn away and use up excess fat stores. Remember muscle is heavier the fat so don't be discouraged by the scale all the time.

    #5 I encourage you to subscribe to Men's Health or Men's Fitness magazines You will learn A LOT about health, lifestyle and nutrition from experts and doctors. You will also see how hard all guys work to look like they do! It doesn't come naturally to anyone! I also highly recommend any of the Eat THIS NOT That" books. Amazing to find out how fattening things we eat are that we took for granted!

    #6 Know that you will get stuck. There will be weeks when the scale doesn't budge. This is your body trying to adjust to the new intake. When this happens, make an adjustment so your body re-calibrates and starts to release fats stores again. More cardio, less carbs, smaller portions, more protien etc. It's a work in progress an takes vigilance.

    #7 Read labels and understand what a SERVING is of any food so you can accurately calculate fat calories and sugars. Avoid High Frutose Corn Syrup. It's simple empty sugar and its in EVERYTHING, even ketchup. Buy the ketchup without it!

    #8 I m not a nutritionist. But, I personally lost weight on 1950 calories a day (about 1 pound per week). Understand that is your NET calories not GROSS. Meaning, I ate an actual 2500 calories in a day but through exercise I had 550 calories available in the bank so to speak BECAUSE I exercised so at the end of the day my NET was 1950. See? The only accurate way to know is to wear a heart rate chest strap when you work out or walk. I use a Garmin FR70 which is complete with the watch and strap. It will tell you how many calories you burn walking, jogging, lifting etc. I try to burn at least 600-900 per day via exercise. I take 1-2 days off per week for recovery. 1500 calories for a guy your size is WAY too low. 2000-2500 should be a minimum NET number. Starving like I said (See below) doesn't work. It has the opposite effect in the short term.

    #9. You MUST eat. If you take in too few calories your body will think you are in danger of starving and hold on to all fat stores in case of emergency. It's the way we are designed from back in the cave man days when we hunted our food and might not eat for days. It takes trial and error but you will find your own energy equation meaning how much to eat and how much to exercise.

    #10. Portion Control. This was one of my BIGGEST problems. For instance a tablespoon of peanut butter is 190 calories. But, I was slapping on at least 4 maybe 5 on a sandwich! That's 950 in one little meal! Never going to lose weight like that! Buy measuring spoons and measuring cups both dry and wet measure. $1 at the dolor store. Just to understand what a serving is.

    #11. Man to be 29 and 6'3! Lucky guy! You can do this. It's just math. But you need tools just like any other hobby just like you need picks and strings and be able to tune a guitar. The weight WILL come off. There is physiologically no reason why it wont. Dont fall into the "I've always been big" trap either. It's because your nutrition was always off! I was always big too. Remember it's YOU VS YOU. No one else is making us heavy. Also remember it takes time. Took 29 years to put it on, will take a year at least to get it off. Go slow and steady, IT WILL COME OFF. You'll look better in the end if it comes off gradually while you ADD muscle.

    #12. Keep up the good work. Join a gym if you can. Many are only $10 a month here in the north east. Dont be intimidated by anything or anybody. The gym is full of ex heavy people male and female! I was 270 when I started at 5'11. My goal is 190. It's getting harder now that I'm down to 215 but that's just pissing me off! You need more weight training than 10-15 minutes a day. Try to get up to 30-45 minutes 4-5 days a week. Just increase some each week, you'll get there.

    #13. Biggest thing i learned from a pro fitness model and body builder friend. It's 70 percent in the kitchen, 30 percent in the gym. No lie. Got to re learn how to eat and prepare your own food.

    Ps. Once a week have a cheat day if you need it. Eat anything you want that day within reason. It's good to throw your body a curve ball so it doesn't get too used to the new way of eating and start adjusting again. GOOD LUCK!

    ^^^^^I really like it when good people take the time out to give people great advice!

    Agree...not much else to say here. this is some awesome advice