I need help with eating all day..



  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I use sugar-free gum -- and most of the time I don't use it daily, or I go through a period of a month or two where I'll have it daily and then for 6 months not have any gum.
    Also, tea really helps (with stevia or splenda or whatever).
    black coffee
    those flavored waters.

    Most of these help. Although I have found that sometimes when I'm hungry, having something with flavor just makes me more hungry!
  • mbryant22
    mbryant22 Posts: 24 Member
    Ditto on the brushing your teeth, it really works!

    Also, may suck/chew on some crushed ice? Might trick yourself into thinking you are eating.

    Hmm crushed ice, some members in my family used to do that but I found out through a doctor that overtime it becomes a problem by constantly chewing ice your replacing it with some type of nutrients or protein you need..I forgot exactly what the doctor said but he made it clear that chewing ice constantly was a no no.

    I do remember my aunt having problems with her teeth because she chewed on ice all day. But I wouldn't mean all day, just to get rid of that need to eat something else at that time. Also, I have very sensitive teeth and couldn't chew ice if I wanted to :) I would just suck on it hoping to get rid of the cravings. Was just a thought, I've never tried it myself. Haha!
  • journeytolong
    Sugar-free gum? :huh:

    sugar free gum can still cause cavities after a while of eating it and with me..I abuse stuff if i like it lol
  • journeytolong
    I have the same problem when I have a day to just relax. I started trying something so simple the last couple weeks... and it's working.

    As silly as it may sound - I sat in a different spot on the couch. I used to plop down in the middle, turn on the tv, get bored, and eat. I tried sitting somewhere different and... I can't even explain it, but it works. Maybe my brain associates that middle spot with eating or something, I don't know, but I just know over the last 2 weeks my calorie consumption on the couch as decreased significantly simply by moving 2 feet to the right or left.
    I think you are on to something...I think it has to do with being comfortable. I am always sitting in the same spot when I'm my laptop...maybe if I switch it up a little I won't be driven to eat so much. Thanks guys for your help!
  • TiffersStr1
    TiffersStr1 Posts: 67 Member
    Hershey makes a sugarfree chocolate syrup that's good in almond milk too...20 cals for 2 tbls plus 40 in a cup of unsweetened almond milk. Fills you up if you need a snack.
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    go with gum, i had the same problem because i used to chew tobacco. it definitely keeps you from snacking all day. or toothpicks
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    what worked for me was to decrease my carbs, like donuts and such (actually try to avoid them) and added Ensure high protein...I really seldom get hungry between meals....and I don't buy any snack items that I shouldn't eat, especially those items I keep at the house....I buy bananas, nuts (not with shells or salted or roasted...raw is best) at work, I bring things that I can put in my desk drawer, canned salmon (personal size), fruit cups, canned veggies, pkgs of nuts, etc...then when I feel I need something it is right there and I just grab it... it has helped me stay close to my goal calories every day.... at home, I either am at my computer all day, snoozing, or watching the TV....sometimes, I just want something to eat that I don't have in the house (oh, and I don't cook much for myself, because the kids are grown and moved out or do their own thing....then I go to my fave restaurant and let them feed me....

    also, I eat NUTRIENT DENSE FOODS WHEN I CAN...not calorie dense