abs and weight loss

Hello every one im new fairly new to My fitness pal. Any ways here goes. I recently cleaned my diet up with the use of my fitness pal and have lost over 30 lbs using my fitness pal over the course of 4 months. I have started Insanity program and have not seen any real changes to abs. I have just finished day 13 of insanity. Im not dropping any more weight i seem to be stuck at 143lbs. I started at 175lbs 4 months ago. I have not done any measurements. Im 5' 6" tall. Any suggestions from anyone would be greatlly appreciated. I want ripped abs is what im after. I have dropped 4 pant sizes.


  • Give it some more time. Your are building up muscle under skin and over time, that will show through to 'ripped abs' assuming you keep a clean diet and stay on your water. 13 days of insanity could lead to a pound or 3 of loss--again, assuming you are eating right, which includes eating enough. You may want to do some measurements, take a picture of yourself tomorrow and compare it to your Day 1 insanity photo, etc.,

    Be patient, keep working and the results will show. That's how you lost the first chunk of weight. Now that you are leaner it's just getting harder because your body has less to 'get rid of.'

  • I'm not sure what the Insanity program consists of but I've seen the most success with abs by heaving lifting, working all muscles not just doing 'ab days.' Ab days 3 days a week on top of heavy lifting.
  • cnocant
    cnocant Posts: 3 Member
    Insanity is core cardio training program. That claims calorie burning from ranges of 500 to 1000 calories per workout. Lots of Cardio and resisetence training. The first 5 days were the toughest workout i had expirenced in my life. Couldnt hardly drag my self out of bed on day 3 and 5 mornings. Very sore muscles. It is a full body workout.