need to lose can't exercise

I'm waiting for back surgery, problems with L4, L5 and S1 limit movement and will be fused during surgery, my neurologist wants me to lose some more weight. Walking, standing, lifting, sitting etc. with nerve root issues is not an option. Any advice on losing weight without exercise? I am doing some core strengthening exercises, but no cardio, i've stopped losing weight and have reduced intake to below 1,000 cal per day any helpfull sugestions?


  • barb_32
    barb_32 Posts: 73 Member
    Look into the 17 day diet, which is pretty much just eating clean and I didn't feel deprived. I lost 11lbs in 17 days and I didn't exercise at all. Just ate healthy and drank lots of water. You can get the book at walmart.
  • MaxineMarieM
    MaxineMarieM Posts: 50 Member
    Hi I lost over 200 lbs and did not exercise at all due to bad knees so you can lose weight without it. After having both knee replaced I am happy to say I take my dog for a walk every day and we both enjoy it! Just follow whatever plan you are on and stay within your calories and you will do fine:happy:
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    You can still lose without exercise. You just have to be pretty careful with what you eat.
  • Thickhoney
    Are you able to swin with your back problems? The nice thing about swimming is that it's non-weight bearing cardio AND strength. If that doesn't work--and I am concerned that you have limited yourself to so few calories (1,000 / day? yikes!) is to look at the types of calories you are eating and are there combinations that help kick up energy in your body. E.g. going high on green veg + vegetable proteins vs. other combinations for the same calorie value. Whatever the case, if your doctor wants you to lose weight you will want to get a lot of guidance on what is the best way you can go about losing this weight. I find it hard to understand a physician sanctioning 1,000 calorie/day limit, but if that is the case then perhaps a prescription for a medical weightloss plan is better/easier.

    Back surgery has to be a scary thing to approach and extremes can make for more stress. Take gentle care of yourself.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Exercise is not necessary for weight loss at all. Even for those that do exercise, diet still accounts for the vast majority of their loss.
    Thank you for your comments. I was able to swim after last back surgery, but not for the past 10 months. Doctor says just eat less. My last target was 1300 calories per day and I did lose 22 pounds, but have not lost any weight in last 2 months. Where can I find more information on foods that will increase my metabolism so I can start losing weight again?
    Thank you I will check it out, or rather I'll have some one pick it up for me, bed rideding isn't fast enough.:smile:
    Thank you for the encouragement. I feel quilt and failure as I lay here waiting.
    Thank you for the encouragement.
  • shaydon80
    shaydon80 Posts: 138 Member
    Luckily in my experience weight loss is only 20% exercise and 80% diet. You should be able to lose a fair amount just by eating less, cutting back on sugary drinks, drinking more water and logging what you eat. I think you'd be surprised :)