ok this isn't working :l

I'm 18 and still live with my dad. And I've told him I'm going to try to lose weight and get thin. And I beg him to take me to walmart to let me buy my own food. He says he will but always puts it off. And now today he brought home pizza hut for lunch and subway for dinner.

So I just have to eat what he gives me most of the time.

So can you still lose weight eating like crap because I still have a 250-500 calorie deficit? And when they say you'll lose weight if you eat under TDEE does that mean you'll get thin from that and loose fat or just a lower number on a scale? Because it doesnt seem like I'm loosing anything. I dont know what else to do because I obviously cannot eat healthy all the time.


  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    You're 18, drive yourself to walmart.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    So can you still lose weight eating like crap because I still have a 250-500 calorie deficit?

    Yes. You probably won't feel that energetic, though.
    And when they say you'll lose weight if you eat under TDEE does that mean you'll get thin from that and loose fat or just a lower number on a scale? Because it doesnt seem like I'm loosing anything. I dont know what else to do because I obviously cannot eat healthy all the time.

    You will lose weight. The weight people lose in a deficit comes from fat, muscle, and water, and the number on the scale will eventually go down. How fast it goes down depends on a number of things.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    can you get to any shops yourself? can you just ask for shopping money and offer to do the shopping and cooking?
    I assume you aren't working so can't buy food on your own money yet.

    I can't believe a parent would not want their offspring to learn how to cook and manage a household.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    You're 18, drive yourself to walmart.

    You assume she has access to transportation...
  • xFitnessFlirt
    So can you still lose weight eating like crap because I still have a 250-500 calorie deficit?

    Yes. You probably won't feel that energetic, though.
    And when they say you'll lose weight if you eat under TDEE does that mean you'll get thin from that and loose fat or just a lower number on a scale? Because it doesnt seem like I'm loosing anything. I dont know what else to do because I obviously cannot eat healthy all the time.

    You will lose weight. The weight people lose in a deficit comes from fat, muscle, and water, and the number on the scale will eventually go down. How fast it goes down depends on a number of things.

  • xFitnessFlirt
    can you get to any shops yourself? can you just ask for shopping money and offer to do the shopping and cooking?
    I assume you aren't working so can't buy food on your own money yet.

    I can't believe a parent would not want their offspring to learn how to cook and manage a household.

    no im in school most of the time so no money and no time for a job
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    How long are you in school for?

    When I went to highschool I worked part time ... weekends and a few nights a week.

    WHen I was in full time college I worked a full time job.

    Get a job so you can afford to buy your own groceries. It can be done if you want to.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    veggie sub ...... one slice of pizza ..... lots of water ...... take a walk ......
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,303 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about your problem. It could be your dad can't or maybe doesn't think he can afford "diet" food. the point here is not for us to criticize your father. There could be a number of reasons why he is doing what he's doing.

    One things for sure.. you asking outright isn't working. So count your calories and don't mention your diet to him..ok? Many times family members sabotage family members who advertise their diet efforts. Most of us married gals on here will tell you our loving hubbies have pushed pizza and sweets in our faces as we try to lose weight.

    Maybe you could just ask to go with him to the grocery store and ask for a few things as you're there that are more healthy and act like you want them because you like them not that they're diet food. It is sad you have to hide your new efforts..but sometimes that is what it takes.

    Also..if you exercise..that will help you lose too...do that i and drink that water. good luck..
  • dmhorton80
    lots of water and exercise.....you can eat the pizza but you need to work it off asap.
  • xFitnessFlirt
    I'm sorry to hear about your problem. It could be your dad can't or maybe doesn't think he can afford "diet" food. the point here is not for us to criticize your father. There could be a number of reasons why he is doing what he's doing.

    One things for sure.. you asking outright isn't working. So count your calories and don't mention your diet to him..ok? Many times family members sabotage family members who advertise their diet efforts. Most of us married gals on here will tell you our loving hubbies have pushed pizza and sweets in our faces as we try to lose weight.

    Maybe you could just ask to go with him to the grocery store and ask for a few things as you're there that are more healthy and act like you want them because you like them not that they're diet food. It is sad you have to hide your new efforts..but sometimes that is what it takes.

    Also..if you exercise..that will help you lose too...do that i and drink that water. good luck..

    thanks a lot for your kind advice! I only try bringing up our diet habits once in awhile so he doesnt get annoied. and I do want to eat healthy not cause I have to but because I love the taste of fruit and veggies. and I exercise a lot to work off the bad junk but thats all i can do for now.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Haven't you asked basically the same question on multiple threads?
  • eloelochat
    eloelochat Posts: 32 Member
    Not cool... Just try to eat smaller portions and exercise as much as you can. How far is Walmart? Any chance you could walk or catch a bus? Get some exercise videos on youtube, and exercise 20 min 3x a week or more, I'm sure you'll see a change. It can be done at home, no money or dad involved. Also, cut on the soda! Whenever you drink, make it water!
    Good luck, keep us posted!
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    You're 18, drive yourself to walmart.

    You get the most unhelpful comment of the thread award. Clearly she doesn't drive/does not have access to the car if she is posting this.

    OP, I'm also sorry to hear about your situation and I know how you feel since I've been through something similar. I second what has already been said, ask to tag along with him. If you do the healthy thing more gradually as well (and trying not to shove being healthy down his throat kinda thing) that would be ideal I think and that's what worked for me. The people I live with are much more accepting now. Hope you have some luck with this, good luck to you and your goals!
  • firemanfive0
    firemanfive0 Posts: 228 Member
    Fitness Flirt, first off pizza and subway doesn't have to be considered "crap". I have lost over 42lbs eating 'regular' food. I eat what I want. I have tweaked some things...35 calorie wheat bread for the 110 a slice stuff, no more greasy potato chips, no more glazed donuts. My diary is open...feel free to have a look and add me as a friend. good luck on this lifestyle change