25# lost and going strong

hiryze Posts: 48 Member
Sometime in September I decided that I was very tired of being fat. I haven't had a life long battle with my weight but after moving to the south (we eat A LOT of bbq and mexican food down here) and having two kids in two and a half years my weight shot up quick. I got over 200 # with both of my pregnancies (I'm 5'4") and was sitting at 188 when I decided it was time for a change. I started the day I signed up for mfp and have been going strong since; logging every calorie I eat and spending as much time as I can on the elliptical while the kids are napping. I'm down 25# so far and feeling great so here are my NSV so far:

1. I've lost the waddle. I picked up the pregnancy waddle when I was carrying my youngest and never lost it.
2. I'm getting to go shopping in my own closet. I was down to one pair of jeans that fit (my fat jeans) and refused to buy more in a bigger size but now I am getting to pull out clothes I haven't worn in years.
3. I can get up out of a chair without moaning. It doesn't feel like my hips are out of wack anymore.
4. I can keep up with my very active preschooler and toddler.
5. Today I looked in the mirror and actually saw a change. I knew I was losing weight and inches by how my clothes fit but I couldn't really see it until today.

So for whatever it is worth, I hope someone reads this and is inspired to keep on going. I have about 30 more pounds to go and this board always helps to keep me motivated when I feel like giving up. Please feel free to post your victories here also.


  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Well done you. They are some great NSV's. Keep up your fantastic progress
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member

    2. I'm getting to go shopping in my own closet. I was down to one pair of jeans that fit (my fat jeans) and refused to buy more in a bigger size but now I am getting to pull out clothes I haven't worn in years.

    I am also starting to do this now after only losing 13 lbs. I'm about halfway to my goal weight. it feels great!
  • JimmyJazzMX
    JimmyJazzMX Posts: 55 Member
    Congrats on your achievements. Keep going and enjoy the new you!
  • loribenfield
    loribenfield Posts: 120 Member
    Great Job! I also have about 30 lbs to go. Your story will keep me going. All of them do.
  • robin820
    robin820 Posts: 150 Member
    Your story is mine to a T! I am also 5 ft 4 inches and I weighed 189 pounds in January. Since then I have lost 36 pounds. In August I jumped on the Insanity highway and I haven't looked back. I feel so much better and everyone of your NSV's are my NSV's. Part of me would like a new outfit to wear for Xmas, but Im still enjoying all the clothes I havent been able to wear in the last 3 years. The really good part is some of those clothes are so big that I skipped right over being able to wear them. Yeah I know that isn't good but to me it is great! I have spent 15 years worry about my kids and not worrying about me. Time to put me first!!!

    Great job to you and keep it up. People think its easy for others to lose weight but hard for themselves. Its hard for everyone and every pound is a success! Way to share with all of us!!!
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for sharing and Congrats! This is the kind of story that keeps me going...
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