OMG 5 pounds over the weekend!!

I hate the scales this morning!! I had reached my New Years goal on Friday of 165. Then today I'm at 170... 5 pounds in three days!!! UGGHHHHH... We had three parties and it was so hard to resist...and the Wine OH the Wine!!! Please tell me these pounds will leave as quick as it came. Anybody else have this happen?


  • Fenomka
    Fenomka Posts: 103 Member
    do you feel bloated or heavy? it could be as simple as water and undigested food from the parties, and will disappear fairly quickly, once your body readjusts to it's normal diet again.

    Just remember, deep breaths. You've totally got this.
    Yep. Had that happen over Thanksgiving. Never fear, a lot of it is water weight! A lot of the goodies you had were probably high in sodium and you are like a lil ol sponge soaking up the water. Drink more good ol H2O and flush it out. You'll be ok!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    Not recently, but yes, i've had that sort of thing happen. Depending on what you ate, you might be retaining water, so that might account for some of the weight. Also, scales are funny things. Regardless, when this happens to me, I make a concerted effort to eat really healthy, really clean the following days, and I incorporate hot water with lemon in place of other beverages like juice, tea or coffee.

    Tis the season! Good luck!
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    You'd have to have overeated by 3500 calories daily to gain that much. It's not fat unless you did. It's likely water and will be gone in a day or two. Fluctuation is common to us all. Don't let the scales depress you. Depend more on a simple measuring tape and what you see in the mirror.
  • cgirlygirl
    Jump back to your regular calorie intake--and lots of water and it should come off :)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Yes it will come off! I gained 3.5 lbs over Thanksgiving weekend and it was gone after 3 days of being back on my regular routine. Just get right back on the saddle and it will be fine!
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    hurry up and jump back on board asap! i had a xmas party fri and i drank like there was no tomorrow. it certainly reflected on the scale this am but im right back to doing what i do. oatmeal and banana for breakfast and i will most certainly watch my calories and exercise this week. :)
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 483 Member
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member
    I did the same thing over the week end, we went on a trip visit some family and do some shopping, meaning lots of restaurant and wine and beer.. I was up 5lbs this morning on the scale..HAAAAAA! back to the diet this morning, drink lot's of water and back to exercice for me tonight. hopefully those pounds are going to be gone by the end of this week.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    water retention from the wine :) it will go away...
  • Suewags
    Suewags Posts: 57 Member
    Same with me and I was thinking of posting this morning asking why that happens. I've gained six pounds in two days. I know I overate, but there's not way I overate 21,000 calories (6 x 3500) so it has to be water weight, excess sodium, something!

    So what you are all saying is the best way to counteract this is to be sure to be strong and stay within your calorie intake for the rest of the week, drink lots of water (more than usual?) and perhaps amp up the exercise. Will that do it? Will that take all those extra pounds off within the rest of the week? Or am I looking at spending the next 2-3 weeks working off just 2 days of bad choices?
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Why not stop drinking alcohol?
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I hate the scales this morning!! I had reached my New Years goal on Friday of 165. Then today I'm at 170... 5 pounds in three days!!! UGGHHHHH... We had three parties and it was so hard to resist...and the Wine OH the Wine!!! Please tell me these pounds will leave as quick as it came. Anybody else have this happen?

    It will vanish, I jumped 4lbs by Sunday. Due I think to loads of beer with cheese sandwiches on Friday This morning it has gone, all of it.

    The sudden jump did pull me up short though and i am now being a good boy until Christmas
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Keep your diet tight and relatively low in carbs and I bet by Friday you will be 5-6lb lighter.
  • meganbook
    Don't worry! I weighed in at 128 on Friday, and a weekend at a cabin with beer and goodies galore I weighed in at 132 this morning. After my workout, I weighed back at 130.8. Get back into your routine, add an extra 5-10 minutes to your workout, and it will come right back off! You didn't gain 5 pounds of fat. These things happen. I've been at this for over 5 years and it ALWAYS come right back off!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I hate the scales this morning!! I had reached my New Years goal on Friday of 165. Then today I'm at 170... 5 pounds in three days!!! UGGHHHHH... We had three parties and it was so hard to resist...and the Wine OH the Wine!!! Please tell me these pounds will leave as quick as it came. Anybody else have this happen?

    You've lost 61lbs and you've never seen the scale fluctuate before?

    This happens to everyone. It's normal. You probably didn't gain any *actual* weight.
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    DRINK WATER!!! like never before. and get back on track, you will be fine in a couple of days
  • rcaton3
    rcaton3 Posts: 16 Member
    I like this one! :laugh:
  • MikkLuhnRozzWhuh
    MikkLuhnRozzWhuh Posts: 240 Member
    I hate the scales this morning!! I had reached my New Years goal on Friday of 165. Then today I'm at 170... 5 pounds in three days!!! UGGHHHHH... We had three parties and it was so hard to resist...and the Wine OH the Wine!!! Please tell me these pounds will leave as quick as it came. Anybody else have this happen?

    It's called fluctuating. Your weight does it.
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    Why not stop drinking alcohol?

    First time in 10 months! So I think that's pretty good! Don't you!