Not eating enough!

Well after much advice from you lovely forumers, i decided to up my daily cals from the much debated (and flamed) 1200 limit as my weight loss had slowed.

My new problem is i now feel like i'm eating too much! I was satisfied with the sensible meals i was eating at that range and i just don't feel like eating more & I simply can't imagine having to eat back the calories i've earned exercising which is apparently what i should be doing too.

I know people are gonna dislike me for this post because they are hungry on the plan they are on, and trust me i was so hungry at the start of my 1200 plan that i honestly can't believe i am having this problem, it is totally alien to me!... But this is the situation i'm in today being the first day of the cal increase.

I just feel quite frustrated with this whole eat more to weigh less idea, i stopped losing weight at 1200 but is stuffing myself so i feel too full to get up and do exercise really for the best? Afterall it's that gluttany personality that got me into these giant jeans in the first place! :ohwell:


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Instead of eating hoards of food, eat higher calorie foods to make up the deficit.
    Try eating cashews, almonds, nuts.
    1/3 of a cup of cashews (so really NOT much) is 290 calories. It's a quick bump in calories without feeling like you're eating a cow.
    This is a tactic that I'm using.

    I recently started tracking again & eating back my exercise calories so that I net 1200+
    When I burn 800 calories, I don't always want to eat 2000 calories worth of food a day. I don't always have time.
    Days like this, I use the calorie bump of cashews or other mixed nuts & it works great :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Well after much advice from you lovely forumers, i decided to up my daily cals from the much debated (and flamed) 1200 limit as my weight loss had slowed.

    My new problem is i now feel like i'm eating too much! I was satisfied with the sensible meals i was eating at that range and i just don't feel like eating more, it's that gluttany personality that got me into these giant jeans in the first place!

    I just feel quite frustrated with this whole eat more to weigh less idea, i stopped losing weight at 1200 but is stuffing myself so i feel too full to get up and do exercise really for the best?

    Sounds like you're doing it wrong. What did you increase your cals to?

    1500ish cals shouldn't be "stuffing yourself". Look at more calorie dense foods if the volume you are eating seems like too much.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I eat my TDDE less 20% = 1047 calories a day. I am still losing weight. Slowly, but surely.
  • NataBee
    NataBee Posts: 57 Member
    Sounds like you're doing it wrong. What did you increase your cals to?

    1500ish cals shouldn't be "stuffing yourself". Look at more calorie dense foods if the volume you are eating seems like too much.

    I increased it to 1500 initially but after one day i doubted i could reach it so lowered it to 1400.
    I think i've had "THINK LOW CAL" drummed into my head so much i'm almost afraid of higher cal foods! I wouldn't know where to start.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I eat my TDDE less 20% = 1047 calories a day. I am still losing weight. Slowly, but surely.

    Virtually no one on this site will have a TDEE of ~1250. I'm glad it's working for you, but this won't work for most people, especially long term. I'm not critcizing you or your progress, just point this out before people jump on your advice to eat < 1200, which is rarely a good idea.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Sounds like you're doing it wrong. What did you increase your cals to?

    1500ish cals shouldn't be "stuffing yourself". Look at more calorie dense foods if the volume you are eating seems like too much.

    I increased it to 1500 initially but after one day i doubted i could reach it so lowered it to 1400.
    I think i've had "THINK LOW CAL" drummed into my head so much i'm almost afraid of higher cal foods! I wouldn't know where to start.

    Why couldn't you get there?

    You ate too much for a long time. You gained weight. You joined MFP. You feel like you eat too little. Can you not find a happy medium?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Two slices of bread instead of one, some rice with your Tandoori chicken?
    Carbs are not your enemy - especially if you are exercising.

    Nuts, dried fruit, hummus, cheese - all calorie dense and high nutrition.
    Swap "diet" foods for regular foods?
  • NataBee
    NataBee Posts: 57 Member
    I eat my TDDE less 20% = 1047 calories a day. I am still losing weight. Slowly, but surely.

    My TDEE less 30% was 1500 (ish) unless i never calculated it correctly.. I'm sure my weight will decrease over time slowly, but i'm worried that not eating correctly will damae my health. Some posts have put the fear of god into me about metabolic slowing or starvation mode or just general bad health.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I eat my TDDE less 20% = 1047 calories a day. I am still losing weight. Slowly, but surely.

    I read your profile, that looks like an accurate assessment, if you're sedentary. You are already at a low weight for you're height, if you're looking for better results, I recommend a smaller cut (like 10% below TDEE) and start incorporating strength training. You'll see nice changes in your body composition.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Give yourself a little time! Your body isn't just a light switch. Let it warm up, get your fires stoked until they start burning red hot. You can't just throw four cold logs onto those embers and expect them to burst into flames.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I eat my TDDE less 20% = 1047 calories a day. I am still losing weight. Slowly, but surely.

    Sounds to ME like you're eating your BMR less 20%, not your TDEE. You're probably doing it wrong.

    She's 66 years old and 102 pounds. It's probably accurate, but a 20% deficit is pretty large when you're just two pounds from your goal weight. :indifferent:
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Honestly, look at your diet and what your macros and vitamins and minerals are at. From their, judge what food changes you should do.

    For example, I HATE fats, any visible fat on food and I probably won't eat it. The texture of fat repulses me. Feel like throwing up if I bite into a piece of fat. But because of that, my diet has typically been very low on fats. When I found this out, AND read up on the good part of fats, I adjusted. I eat some nuts and also decided to go whole milk instead of low fat milk.

    It really depends on what the whole diet is like to really suggest where changes can be made.

    For what it is worth, I stalled eating about 1280 a day, now I am eating 1800+ a day and not even moving, not even really gaining anything.

    Any changes do take time. It is a good idea to slowly up calories to the new level rather than immediately switch to it.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I eat my TDDE less 20% = 1047 calories a day. I am still losing weight. Slowly, but surely.

    Sounds to ME like you're eating your BMR less 20%, not your TDEE. You're probably doing it wrong.

    She's 66 years old and 102 pounds. It's probably accurate, but a 20% deficit is pretty large when you're just two pounds from your goal weight. :indifferent:

    yep I caught that too and edited my post accordingly. Seems to me like strength training is the best solution for that situation~!
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    I was eating 1200 cals and like you increased gradually over a week or so to 1600. Yes at first its difficult because you have to eat sometimes when you don't actually feel hungry.

    My weight loss kicked in again after stalling at 1200 and now back to losing the steady 1lb per week eating 1600 cals.

    As others have said, it is about what you eat. Increase size where possible i.e. a bit more chicken, another gram of cereal etc. Also there are plenty of foods that have a high calorie number for a small portion and therefore easier to eat when feeling full. peanut butter, avacado, nuts, 0% greek yoghurt

    Yes it does feel totally alien to eat more to lose, but it does work if you do it properly. I feel better and healthier than I have in a long time. I also realise that doing it this way, when I do reach my goal I will only have to increase by a small amount to maintain. How more scary would it be to continue to eat 1200 for months and reach goal then have to increase way up to normal 2,000 cal a day maintenance for women.

    My diary is open and I try to eat mainly clean if you need any ideas.
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    Your diet looks varied enough, I would just say to do what some of the others here have said. Just a handful of almonds would get you there, or add half an avocado to your salad, or a bit more lean protein. Also (not that I do this very well but I am aware of it every day) do you drink enough water? As you don't seem to track it. I find this makes a massive deal to me especially on a sodium heavy day. Do you exercise? Just wondering if you do as it doesn't say... I find I get a lot more hungry when I have been walking to/from work or at the gym, it makes me feel better about eating too! :)
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member

    Love this. Yes this is what it sometimes feels like trying to get all those calories in LOL. But if it works...hey!!!
  • NataBee
    NataBee Posts: 57 Member
    Your diet looks varied enough, I would just say to do what some of the others here have said. Just a handful of almonds would get you there, or add half an avocado to your salad, or a bit more lean protein. Also (not that I do this very well but I am aware of it every day) do you drink enough water? As you don't seem to track it. I find this makes a massive deal to me especially on a sodium heavy day. Do you exercise? Just wondering if you do as it doesn't say... I find I get a lot more hungry when I have been walking to/from work or at the gym, it makes me feel better about eating too! :)

    People keep suggesting almonds and nuts but i hate them, besides in a fruit and nut dairy milk or on top of a walnut whip (i don't think they count, more to the pitty) haha

    I don't like logging exercise as it ups my calories and i don't want to eat them back, i drink lots of water now on doctors orders due to water retention. I even have an app on my phone to remind me to drink water, so see it a little pointless to count it twice :)

    To be honest i've never considered eating small high calorie things as i'm used to eating lots of low calorie! I guess i'll just have to give it a go, although feels totally wrong.
  • NataBee
    NataBee Posts: 57 Member

    Love this!! :D
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    To be honest i've never considered eating small high calorie things as i'm used to eating lots of low calorie! I guess i'll just have to give it a go, although feels totally wrong.

    Why? From a weight loss standpoint, calories are calories. Whether you get them in 10lbs of calorie "light" foods or 1lb of calorie dense food... getting them is getting them.

    I just skimmed through your diary from last week. Fats and protein are both pretty low. Keep you carbs the same, increase fats and protein a bit and you'll hit 1500 no problem!

    On a side note... if you aren't eating back exercise cals, then you're netting a pretty low number. You gotta get past all the crap that's been beaten into your head and feed your body!