Who knew proper diet and exercise actually work?

prettywoman75 Posts: 13
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
January 4, 2010 found me at a whopping 275lbs. Looking down the barrel of 35 and being morbidly obese was not in my game plan. I have made half hearted attempts in the past at weight loss and been somewhat successful. But, I would soon find myself bored and slip back to what was comfortable for me. I had eventually resigned myself to thinking that I just can't lose weight. Well, true, I couldn't because I didn't really want to. Today finds me 34.5 lbs less than when I started my lifestyle change. Not a diet, a complete and total, permanent change in the way I approach food. 2 weeks into my revelation, a friend told me about this site. The difference for me has been that I hold myself accountable for every single thing that goes into my mouth and some days, it sucks. I don't want to have to admit that I have actually eaten the calories I have. Thankfully, those days are so few and far between now that I find it a fun and exciting challenge to list my food for the day. Logging my food has been the true key to my success thus far in addition to portion control and moderate exercise. My husband and children are all on board and we are cruising to a very healthy lifestyle. While at work, I only eat what comes out of my feed bag, including breakfast, lunch and snacks. If I can't get nutrional information on a food I want to eat, I don't eat it. This is hard work. It takes a lot of time and energy but most importantly personal conviction. So, two weeks from my birthday and I really like me today. I like that I have made this healthy choice for myself, so that my outside matches my inside! Thank you myfitnesspal.com for getting me going in the right direction!!


  • tndiva10
    tndiva10 Posts: 22
    Prettywoman I think that is wonderful! Congratulations on your loss and even more your new life style. Here's to your continued success!
  • micnic
    micnic Posts: 16 Member
    Great job. Sounds like you are doing an awesome job. I too have been at this since the New Year. I'm only down 10 lbs. so far but I'm getting there slowly but surely. Without this site and making myself accountable for what I eat, I would not have been able to make it this far. Good luck to you as you continue on your weight loss journey. Hopefully 2010 will be the year for both of us to FINALLY lose the weight!! :happy:
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Congrats and good luck, I too was basically in the same category as you, but I am turning 50; so you are smart to get a jump and get control over your life now before your my age and things are a bit more challenging. I basically do the same as you, I pack snacks and lunch but I have not called it my feeding bag - I love that!!!!

    I would love for you to add me as friend so we can keep track of what is going on.

    Thanks for sharing and for giving us a little more motivation!
  • Good for you! You are doing great and going about this lifestyle change with a great approach. Congratulations!
  • Great job and keep up the outstanding work!:smile:
  • AWESOME! Way to go on your change and losses! You're amazing!
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    Awwww...your post was amazing. Brought a tear to my eye. Keep up the GREAT work!!!! You're going to be in fantastic shape when you're as old as me:flowerforyou:
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