What did you do??

I love love love coming on this board and seeing all of the wonderful pictures of everyone's before and afters. What I really want to know though is what did you do to get there? I know there is such a wide variety of plans out there that work for people and I would love to hear what worked for you.

What were your workouts like? What did you love/hate? How have you kept yourself motivate? What happened to get you motivated?


  • SCouture421
    I love tae Bo !!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I just counted calories. Turns out that even though I was eating generally healthy things, I was just eating way too much of it. I got myself a digital food scale and lots of measuring cups/spoons and it really changed everything for me.

    For workouts, I realized I always made excuses to not go to the gym so I decided to work out at home using DVDs. No excuses if I'm already home! I started with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and C25K. Both were extremely hard for me, but I kept at it. After I lost a few lbs, I got up the nerve to sign up for adult ballet classes in September. I go twice a week and I'm totally in love with it. Great workout too. Right now I do a mix of ballet, Jillian DVDs, and P90X workouts.
  • GrannySparkle
    GrannySparkle Posts: 225 Member
    I had gastric bypass. I log what I eat and my exercise here on MFP. I have a long list of illnesses and chronic pain, for exercise I walk almost daily and bowl once a week. However there are days that getting out of bed is the biggest exercise of the day.
  • mrramsey
    For me it was finding something I liked to do. It was Martial Arts - Tae Kwon Do to be specific. My 10 year old son wanted to try it so I signed him up for a free trial for 6 weeks. It looked fun so I signed up too an immediately loved it. I have tried going to the gym many times before but found it to be mindless and boring. There is a great mental aspect to martial arts and it is continuously evolving. I found myself going 5-7 times a week and I feel lost if I miss a class.

    I did this about 3 months before I found MFP. Then I started tracking my cals. I was eating healthy but like one of the other posters... just eating too much. I am now down 42 pounds and lost 6 inches off my waist. I also picked up yoga along the way from my wife. It has helped me with my focus and flexibility thus improving my martial arts training. I do not focus on the weight loss... that is just the icing on the cake. My focus is making myself better at what I love to do.
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