I love pizza any ideas for healthy alternatives?

I love pizza. I love pizza, I love pizza and did I say I love pizza?

Any ideas for a healthy lower calorie, lower fat and sodium pizza?


  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Here's what I did when I was in the losing weight mode: we bought pizza dough from Whole Foods. I used a scale to measure out the dough, cheese and toppings. Then I made the pizza--which is very tasty, but the way. This is a 600 cal or so meal, so I usually only do it when I have had a workout.

    As far as the store-bought/take out pizza: check the calories on MFP BEFORE you eat. Then eat what will fit into your daily diet.

    The key with pizza is the same as with any other high cal foods: enjoy, but don't be a pig.
  • Pizza is yummy. I usually just watch the poriton control and choose what I'm craving.

    A neat pizza filler I liked was flatbread, pizza sauce, and cheese cooked on the grill. Just check the calories when putting everything together.
  • SanDiegoCasey
    SanDiegoCasey Posts: 130 Member
    you can make pizza dough with califlower, then go all healthy with it from there, honestly though for me.. that's too much work, I have pizza once every 2-3 months when I'm out with my friends and don't go crazy... why make it so tough... eat right %90 of the time, and say screw it %10, it's when you reverse those numbers you have trouble.
  • beccamh
    beccamh Posts: 85 Member
    We make "pizzas" all the time that are around 300 cals.

    We use square pita breads as the "dough". The ones at our local Kroger are made by Paramount. They are very soft and thick and have 150 calories for an 8 inch square. With an ounce of mozzarella (80 cals), a few tablespoons of sauce (20 cals) plus your choice of toppings they come in around 300 calories. My favorite is fresh tomato and basil but my bf loves BBQ chicken.

    We bake them in the over at 350 for about ten minutes.. MMM :)
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    If you love pizza then eat it. Pizza actually has pretty good macros (get it with lean meat like chicken and some veggies). Make your own and use low fat cheese and less oil. Or just eat less of it when you eat it. There really is no alternative to good pizza, everything else is just a pale imitation.
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I use tortillas for the dough.. and pizza sauce and top with LOTS of veggies!! also you can add chicken if you want some protein, I like to put green & red peppers, mushrooms, and spinach. and Cheese, just portion out the cheese to stick within your calories. Put in the oven for 5- 10 minutes! SO yummy :)
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I make pitta pizzas for the kids with a wholemeal pitta, tomato puree, oregano dried herbs and grated cheese. They love them and they are so easy. I have that too sometimes or I make thin turkey steaks grilled lightly on both sides and then topped with sliced tomato, dried oregano and some cheese. Really tasty and healthy too, just be careful about the quantity of cheese.
  • Both Kashi and Nature's Promise (Stop & Shop organic brand) make frozen pizzas which I can eat in their entirety if I so choose. I just make sure I have the macros available on the days I NEED pizza. :wink:
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Pizza gets a horrible rap. When you actually think about it, it's just a base with meat, veggies cheese and sauce. Really not any different from a sandwich

    It's all about the components. Use a healthier base ; cauliflower crust, pita/whole meal tortillas, whole wheat crust, mini pizzas with sandwich thins or English muffins.
    Use a low sodium low sugar version of your sauce of choice
    Add lots of veggies
    Pick lean meats
    Don't slather it in cheese, sprinkle it over the top of the ingredients- use a low fat mozzarella mixed with some Parmesan, or do a Mediterranean style pizza with feta
    Season with lots of herbs and spices

    Seriously, a properly put together pizza could be eaten for every meal if you wanted. It's all about smart choices!
    JARHOUSE95 Posts: 1 Member
    I use Walmart's Great Value Pizza Crust Mix. Mix can tomato sauce with Penzey's pizza seasoning. 1.5 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese and Hormel pizaa style canadian bacon. Also sprinkle with oregano, basil and crushed red peppers. My family doesn't like veggies. Only around 135 calories for 1/8th of pizza. I will eat 2 slices along with a salad. Keeps the craving in check without denying myself something I enjoy.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Pizza made with healthy ingredients.
    If you want lower fat, use reduce fat cheese (not fat free, that stuff is weird and won't melt) and lean/no meat.
    If you want more fiber, add more vegetables and/or use whole grain crust.
    If you want lower calorie, make the crust thinner, use less cheese, and load up on veggies.
    If you want less sodium, skip cured meats and use reduced sodium cheese.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Flatout has thin crust pizza flat breads that are 140 cals each. Depending on your toppings, it can make a pretty good meal.
  • Shannafo
    Shannafo Posts: 121 Member
    I use tortillas for the dough.. and pizza sauce and top with LOTS of veggies!! also you can add chicken if you want some protein, I like to put green & red peppers, mushrooms, and spinach. and Cheese, just portion out the cheese to stick within your calories. Put in the oven for 5- 10 minutes! SO yummy :)

    This is what we do too. I do toast the tortillas a bit so they aren't soggy.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    One slice instead of two. If I have to fiddle with the perfection that is a good slice of NY style pizza, then I'd rather give it up entirely.

    What we do when ordering is get or make a good veggie salad to go with it and I fill up on that. I will never give up good pizza. Look up recipes for Israeli chopped salads. Lots of variations, really filling, and they go great as an accompaniment to pizza.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    I sometimes use whole wheat tortilla , little pizza sauce, fresh veggies and mozzarella cheese
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Moar PIzzzzzaaaaa!

  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    I love pizza. I love pizza, I love pizza and did I say I love pizza?

    Any ideas for a healthy lower calorie, lower fat and sodium pizza?
    If you want to eat pizza ... EAT IT!! Watch your portions.

    When I want to 'think' I'm being healthy I make a cauliflower and sweet potato crusted pizza.

    Basically the measurements are:

    2 cups raw, grated cauliflower (Think 1 cup per person)
    1 small sweet potato, washed, peeled and grated (I like to leave the skin on)
    1 Tbsp fresh basil, chopped
    1/4 tsp fresh ground black pepper
    1 egg, beaten
    1/3 cup finely grated provolone cheese

    1 chicken breast (grilled or roasted)
    2 oz Mediterranean herbs Feta Cheese
    Drizzle of EVOO
    4 fresh basil leaves (just tear it)

    I prefer to make pesto as the pizza sauce because I don't want the crust too soggy. If I eat it as is, the calorie count for the meal is 371 . If I choose to add the pesto: 452 calories.

    Then again, I do also make a heartier pizza using a blend of whole wheat flour and sweet potato for the dough, where I can pile on ALL the veggies I want, using a tomato pizza sauce or pesto and copious amounts of feta.

    EDIT: When I make the latter, my calorie count for the meal is around 806. More veggies - more calories.
  • Preheat oven to 415 degrees. line a large cookie sheet with foil, take two corn tortillas, spray with cooking spray on both sides and place on cookie sheet. In a bowl mix half a cup of spaghetti sauce from a jar and 1 oz of reduced fat mozzarella and mix it together, split the between with the two tortillas and spread it around. Sprinkle it with parmesan cheese. Bake for 15 minutes or until the tortillas are crunchy. Cool and eat.

    It's really good, low calories and filling.
  • CarrieBudd
    CarrieBudd Posts: 2 Member
    Trader joe's Vegetarian pizza is really good, and without cheese, much lower in calories.
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442