Checking OUT of Facebook to focus on self?



  • Elma1975
    Yes I have and yes it helps.
    Facebook is full of fake.
    I haven´t set a status or commented for almost a month now on FB and it´s like I don´t exist, my friends couldn´t care less because they are too busy bragging about their perfect lifes, their spouses, their children, their creativity....etc.
    Who needs to be put down by some fakebook? Not me, my confident is so much better when I stay away from fakebook and I think I will keep it that way.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've taken breaks from social media before. Not for the reasons you listed but just because I got tired of reading some of the crap that is spewed on Facebook and Twitter.

    Breaks have always felt good. And no one ever seems to notice. I was not on twitter for like 3+ months and only one of my followers said anything.
  • ChunkieNuts
    ChunkieNuts Posts: 135 Member
    I de-activated my account a few years ago, best choice i made. I dont miss it at all!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    facebook is what you do when you should be living your life.

    f^£k That.

    True ^^

    in the end:

    since when did everyone need to know what everyone thinks. most people are idiots. we already know that.

    I dont really have time to create my own press releases and wait for approval of my life.

    if it was cool, you know it was cool. if it was epic, you probably wouldn't need to take pictures of it and post it, because you would get enough gratification from living to not give a fkkk.

    the only time it is productive to be on facebook is on the toilet, because then you are synchronizing the creation of *kitten*.
  • lukester19
    lukester19 Posts: 72 Member
    Well I deactivated my account about half a year ago. But when I was off facebook I realized something. It is not facebook that had a effect on me, but my perception of facebook. Facebook is just a tool, and I chose to think certain thoughts about certain people. Once I altered my thoughts the experience of my life changed accordingly. Now I don't use it since it has freed up a lot of my time to do other things in life I love. I still have my cell phone, email and text messaging so life is good. If I did not deactivate my account I probably would not have self realized how my thoughts affect me in life and why I was comparing myself to others.

    I love this quote i heard somewhere, "change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change!"
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    I deleted my facebook earlier this year because I became tired of constant negativity being posted by my friends. It was a rude awakening as many of my "friends" admitted that they hadn't even noticed that I'd deleted my profile. Needless to say, my circle of actual friends is now smaller and more fulfilling. Best thing I've done in a long time.

    If there was a "Like" button in MFP (which thankfully there isn't) I'd really 'LIKE" this comment.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I did cut back a lot recently; I installed LeechBlock (add-on with Firefox) to limit when and how long I could be on facebook and blogs. It's helped with my productivity, and broken the habit of checking it all the time. But I still find facebook a convenient way to keep in touch with people.
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    I've thought a few times about deleting my account but I find it just a great, cheap way of keeping in contact with friends who are now all over the world. I use it more to keep in touch with people I do not want to loose contact with rather than to reconnect.

    My phone died a month or so ago and since then have had no social media (FB / Twitter / Instagram / MFP / Tumblr....damn the list is long *blushes*) and it has been liberating. MFP is the only one I have keep online with via a computer (when I can) and I have found that is because it serves a functional use as well as social.

    My new sim arrives this week and will I delete any accounts?? No, probably not as I do use them and they do serve a purpose but will I check it everyday? No; I can honestly say I won't. The urge to constantly have a look through news feeds is long gone and I am enjoying the time focusing on enjoying experiences rather than thinking of ways to articulate about it.

    MFP and Tumblr will definately stay though as I find them to be powerful tools to keep me focused rather than distracting me but admittedly; at times it is a very fine line!!! :smile:
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    Yes. I did this recently... partly to focus on myself, partly to force myself into better communication with people, and partly because it was before the election and I was tired of the rampant political posts.

    It helped immensely, and although I'm back on there again because I'm posting pictures I've taken of family events (to share with other members of the family far and near), I'm not checking it so frequently and am not comparing myself to the all the perfect little snowflakes from my high school class.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i deleted my facebook last summer. while i miss seeing updates on my friends, i don't miss the reminder that those "friends" never called, never asked how i was doing.

    i have more time to focus on myself, & my true buddies!

    also FB just encourages you to whine and moan about how other peoples lives seem better, when really people are quite good at making themselves look different online than in real life.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That has never occurred to me. I have managed to stick to my goals in spite of my participation on Facebook. I'm not sure how "checking out of Facebook" would be beneficial to me. But whatever works for you. :flowerforyou:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Actually, I don't find the pictures of my friends from school to be perfect. Most are overweight and look pretty rough. I think if you think it will help you then you should. But might I also suggest talking to someone. If you feel so dissatisfied with life that you compare it to your friend's lives often, then there might be a problem.

    I could be way off base, but that's just my take on things.

    This is true for me as well. I have several friends from high school that put on a LOT more weight than I ever did. And a few of them look like they have really been through the ringer these past 20 years.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I have actually been off of Facebook for 9 months now... I was suffering terrible anxiety and panic attacks, and that was one of the first things suggested. It has made a HUGE difference in how I function. I miss my friends a lot and I miss some activities, but I have a LOT more time to do the things I really need to to take care of myself.
  • enigmachik
    Yes, I found myself obsessively checking for no good reason. I found myself getting depressed with all the "I'm engaged!", "I just got married!" "I'm pregnant" "I'm so many weeks along" "I just had a baby!" etc etc...all those life events that seem to elude me. The constant updates about them started to make me feel like a failure at life.

    Soo, I deactivated my account. I've actually started engaging people IN REAL LIFE. And when people in real life have these events, you are genuinely happy for them because you are part of the journey. I haven't been on facebook at all since September and I'm much happier now!
  • andrewparker1
    I quit facebook. Everyone is either super negative, or they are trying to pretend their life is awesome when it isn't. It was depressing me.
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    I've spent less time on fb since joining here
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I find Facebook helps me:

    1) It helps me network with other fitness pals (Encouraging one another to come to a workout, sharing recipes, finding out about local events or useful websites, sharing inspirational photos/quotes).

    2) It makes me feel good about myself to "check-in" to a gym on Facebook, sort of a little "I did it! :D" to myself. Likes or comments from friends are nice, but I'm posting more for my own record rather than to get "likes."

    3) It's a place I can write about a workout accomplishment or post gym photos that I can look back on. Friends will cheer me on, share their own workouts/progress or give advice.

    4) People new to working out ask me advice, about gym schedules or ask me to accompany them to a class at the gym I go to, and it makes me feel happy that I can assist someone to getting on a healthy path.

    5) It helps me become better friends with trainers & people I meet in the gym, races, events, etc. Normally it's a bit hard to get a word in at an intense workout & we'd all go home knowing nothing about each other. But by adding each other on Facebook, we can learn about each other or have a friendship bud out of a facebook convo if we're shy. Knowing what's going on in the lives of my workout pals makes it easy for me to start a convo in real life with them... ask how something went, discuss a photo they posted or bring up something you both like :)

    6) I actually LOVE seeing photos of fit friends on Facebook! It amazes me, reminds me to work out & that a great body IS possible without photoshop & deception lol. Well at least I assume they haven't photoshopped it!

    As for all the negative, depressing or annoying posters of Facebook... I unfriend those users, skip over their ranty paragraphs or sometimes their posts make me realize how lucky I am that I have no real drama in my life. And that I'm using Facebook for positivity rather than negativity!

    I know MFP can do many of the above things I mentioned, but Facebook helps keep it local for me. Support from people I know in real life. And it's a little more organized photo-wise.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    Yes, I found myself obsessively checking for no good reason. I found myself getting depressed with all the "I'm engaged!", "I just got married!" "I'm pregnant" "I'm so many weeks along" "I just had a baby!" etc etc...all those life events that seem to elude me. The constant updates about them started to make me feel like a failure at life.

    Soo, I deactivated my account. I've actually started engaging people IN REAL LIFE. And when people in real life have these events, you are genuinely happy for them because you are part of the journey. I haven't been on facebook at all since September and I'm much happier now!

    I already commented earlier in the thread but this is pretty much me in a nutshell! It was fun for awhile. But, husband and I can't have kids (and I'd love to), and when I was also unemployed and recovering from back surgery, it got a little old reading the Pure Joy updates from everyone I ever used to know. Since these were people I had reconnected with via Facebook only, it didn't feel much different after awhile than reading celebrity news about all those beautiful people every day. There wasn't really any value added to my life since I already knew the information posted by my friends in real life.

    My issues with Facebook were MY issues, not the people on my friends list. I just felt so free when I removed it from my life altogether.
  • destack
    destack Posts: 33 Member
    I definitely know that there are traps I can fall into on Facebook. Certain people, former romantic partners or the popular girls from high school, never make me feel better after seeing status updates or pictures. I really like the idea of taking a break from the site for a little bit!
  • madcat_wechanged
    I broke up with FB and it was the best decision I made!