52 in 52 group (Week 1)

Kellee76 Posts: 11
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support

WELCOME, MY FITNESS PALS, TO WEEK ONE: addicted2sweets, amjayasuriya, babyteine, bobobbin, bsparks81, chigirl_j, crystal986, hpruett, jenniebelle, jmatecki, kitchuses, LifeAfter50, MexicanStew, Mickey73, myfitnesspaljp, Rhoslynn, sarahhnash, shalma, smanning2007, milogirl, TalonaCat, tansyf, Tigermadstanley AND ydnic!

Time for this week's 52 in 52 ROLL CALL! Everyone listed above, please post a response to this topic telling us what you're going to do differently this week to help you get closer to your goals. I'll get us started...

This week, in addition to staying at or under my calorie goal each day, I'm going to increase my minimum daily fiber intake to >24 grams AND drink all my water. (The water is going to be the BIG challenge but I know I can do it for one week.)

Can't wait to see all the great ideas you gals have to offer!



  • shalma
    shalma Posts: 80
    This week I am attempting to do 2 days of a nutritional cleanse and also adding in much more exercise. Walked for 3 miles last night and getting ready to walk again now.
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    Can I be a part of this? I must not have replied to the original post - Sorry!

    This week, I'm going to attempt to avoid eating fast food at night. My husband & I are out late but I want to make it a focus to make something at home if I'm hungry at night & not stop at Taco Bell or worse.
  • Rhoslynn
    Rhoslynn Posts: 20 Member
    Well, considering it's almost the weekend and I'm planning a trip out of town with a friend to go see my fiance I'm really going to work on watching what I eat when my only choices are eating out and to consume less alcohol. I don't drink that often, maybe once a month, but my friend, fiance and I like to go to a dance club in his town, so sometimes I can get carried away, so I plan to drink less and dance more (which is another thing I'm self-conscious about) at least then I'll be getting in some exercise!

    I also need to work on drinking more water and exercising. This week I've been under my calories, but I can't get motivated to move!

    Lots of work to do!! :)
  • Kellee76
    Kellee76 Posts: 11
    Can I be a part of this? I must not have replied to the original post - Sorry!

    Of course! Anyone who want to join is welcomed to participate. They'll just end their 52 weeks a little later, that's all. :wink:
  • I have been making my calorie goal (or staying under), but I am going to try to start eating more healthy foods instead of focusing only on the calories. Also, I definitely need to work out more this week. I need to work on toning these thighs! =\
  • ydnic
    ydnic Posts: 2
    Hi ladies!! First, thanks to Kellee76 for starting this group and taking the lead to keep us all motivated!!

    This week I am also working on drinking more water, and LESS diet coke. (So hard to overcome that caffeine addiction!)

    I'm also starting the "couch to 5K" running program (if anyone else is interested, you can find it here: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml). I've gotten away from running and my endurance is shot, so I'm starting back at square one. :)

    Good luck to all of you!!
  • addicted2sweets
    addicted2sweets Posts: 14 Member
    I plan on getting back on track with working out this week. I've been sick this past week and haven't really felt up to it. It has also affected my appetite, so I haven't really missed the extra calories. I'm sure I'm going to want those back as soon as get to feeling a little better though.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Can I join?

    I added sodium to my food diary this week and WOW was that a wake up call.

    My new goal in addition to losing a pound a week-watch my sodium.

    (Am I the only one that didnt make the cut?:noway: )
  • I think I will focus on drinking more water and also doing a better job of balancing my exercise calories and eating healthy foods to make up for the kcal that I expend:)
  • Mickey73
    Mickey73 Posts: 19
    I am going to make sure that I track my food everyday....even on the weekends. That is the hardest for me!!!
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    I am participating in my first 5k on April 11th. So my goal for this week is to get a run in on both Sat and Sun. I tend to not do regular exercise on the weekend and only count housework or gardening as my exercise. I hope to change that this weekend!

    I am also going to be sure I drink my water on Sat/Sun. I tend to forget to drink enough water.

    Good luck all!
  • ComfortFoodAddict
    ComfortFoodAddict Posts: 278 Member
    I am making a goal to track all of my food and watch my sodium.... Lucky-I didnt the same thing.

    So, yay for today. I have had an almost completely healthy food day. I am so proud of the choices I made for lunch and snack.

    I am working on making a food menu as well. Wish me luck :D
  • My 'new' thing is actually tracking and listing exactly what I eat and monitoring the different aspects. I've tried to monitor my blood sugars 4x daily before meals but keep forgetting! So next week's target is to monitor my blood sugars 4x a day every day to see what effect the diet monitoring & exercise is actually having.
  • I'm going to start walking more often..:happy: . I started this afternoon with my granddaughter and her friend... they are only 2 and they wore me out.:laugh: ... This week should be fun with all of the Easter egg hunts.... which include walking...

    Good Luck Ladies!
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    Hey everyone!

    My goal for this week is to WORK OUT!!! Lol! I keep bumming out and not going to the gym....So no matter how I feel I will work out somehow.

  • I'm IN!! Great idea!! 52 in 52! Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • seesylrun
    seesylrun Posts: 22 Member
    I missed this yesterday (darn term paper!)!!! But now I'm here and accounted for. ;)

    I will be meeting my exercise appointments that I set for myself. I have been slacking on the C25K (only two days of not showing up) but will step it up because I'm seeing CHANGES and want to keep that going.

    So glad to be a part of this!! Thanks for setting this up and getting us going. :)
  • bsparks81
    bsparks81 Posts: 29
    Just wanted to post my excitement for today...weighed myself, I've lost 3 lbs this week. :happy: Tonight we are having my hubby's and a good friend's hubby's promotion party so I'm hoping to really watch my portions so I don't sabotage it but I'm so happy! (I know 3 lbs is a lot to lose in a week but I have 100 lbs to lose so I think it'll be ok in the long run.)
  • Sorry for the late reply I am lacking in getting on the computer. My goal for the week is to up my work out to 3 days this week and an extra 30 mins. And, keep my calorie count under or at my goal. I also need to drink more water.
  • bobspdx
    bobspdx Posts: 198 Member
    Hope everyone had a successful first week! I lost a pound for week 1.
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