Small Rant after encounter with a "friend"

trinityrecgirl Posts: 84
I was out walking when a casual friend I used to work with drove up. I have not seen him in months, and he was quite surprised by the amount of weight I have lost, and asked what I had been doing. I explained that I had changed my diet, and walk 7-9 miles a day (or more), and log my food intake. I ended with it has been difficult, but worth it.
My “friend” then made the statement. “All you do is walk, how hard can it be”

Umm…Let’s see.
I get up between 4:30-4:45am Monday through Friday to get ready. I commute 36-40 minutes and arrive at the office around 6:00am and then walk until 7:30am. I then walk my two breaks and 30-60 minutes at lunch time. On the weekends I am walking by 7:00.
When it is 32 degrees – I bundle up and walk
When it is 90-100+ - I walk
When it is raining – I put on my raincoat and Wellies and walk

Everyday is a small battle with a choice to keep my new lifestyle. I have had to reduce and even give up so many things I used to love to stay on course. When those around me are enjoying foods I no longer eat, I still want to be with them, so just have to stay strong. For the rest of my life I will have to be careful, making sure that indulgences are tempered with smart living.

And this is easy?


  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    Smile and nod.

    You can't change the way others view you. Just keep walking.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    The fact that he doesn't grasp the effort you have made and are still making does not negate your accomplishments. If people are consistently good for anything, it is for stupid comments. Go for your walk, be proud, and spend time with people who recognize and celebrate your hard work as much as you do.
  • kmburns3
    kmburns3 Posts: 46 Member
    Don't let him get your down, he's just jealous of your motivation to be healthy! Keep up the great work
  • mightybooshmoon
    mightybooshmoon Posts: 14 Member
    Some people love nothing better than to swat somebody down. In one sentence, he managed to denigrate all your effort. "Not hard?" you should have said. "How about I walk on your face and you tell me what you think?"

    Barring that solution, you reinforced here all that you do do--good for you!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,251 Member
    Clearly the doofus doesn't know what "7-9miles" means.
  • Thanks,
    He cannot get me down. I have so many friends who are such strong supporters, that one person does not make a difference. I did have to laugh at "How about I walk on your face......" I also tend to think...."Jealousy" He sees the hard work, and wishes he could put in the same effort. I just wish that people like this man would think before they speak. I am towards the end of my battle before I get to maintain, however there are so many others who are in the middle of their struggle, and an unthinking even if well-meant statement could cause a setback.
  • That's a lot of walking
  • That's a lot of walking

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