Semi-New, Need motivation

I'm Jamie, 21 year-old female, with one child. I've been using the MyFitnessPal app for awhile now. I went from 175/170-116 in 11 months. At first I yo-yo'ed with my diet, then stuck with it hard core, then went to the gym every night for 2-3 hours. Now since I got a job in a cafe I fell off my diet and been avoiding the gym because I'm so tired after work. I put my foot down to stick with my diet, and fell sick with the flu, while sick I craved a hamburger then thought of all the nasty product in it besides beef and the greasy and now I am vegetarian (still eat little diary and cheese though). I lost my weight loss buddy, and motivation. I want to lose 6 more bones and tone up, but every time I run into a problem or just down on myself, google is the only thing there for me. I would like to learn more of at home workouts that can be done around a almost 2 year-old and also some quick vegetarian meals that are healthy. Any tips?


  • hanstand1990
    I use the Jillian Michaels Dvd's they are excellent i havnt been sticking to them but my sister has used them for a year and a half and they have worked realy well :)