little help

tell me if this sounds right:

jump rope 200x- 106 calories
jog (12min mile)- 24 min--406 cal
walk briskly-25 min--202 cal
body weight squat-100x-5 min--50 cal
push ups-100x--9:29min--155cal
sit ups-200x--9:20min--156cal

just did this work out computers telling me i burned over 1200 cal in @87 min. also my food tracker just increased from 2300 calories to over 3000. pretty sure my info is open to the public feel free to look and tell what u think. thanks all


  • JFresh85
    I am sure that this is correct. That sound like a pretty good intense work-out. Just because it opened up some calories doesn't mean that we have to put on those calories that we lost. We can always replenish with a well balance meal and keep it going. good Job