Hello! I need friends!


I'm new to my fitness pal and I would love some friends!

About me: I'm a 25 year old single mother who has been diagnosed with celiac disease, chronic epstein barr, asthma, migraines and a whole host of other problems. I am also technically obese. At 5'10'' and 225lbs, I don't really feel obese, but, thats what the bmi says!

Recently, my doctor referred me to a nutritionist who took in all my info, all my stats, all my syndromes, my likes and dislikes and turned it into a diet for me that would help me to start to rebuild my immune system. My new diet is gluten, dairy, yeast, red meat and nightshade free. I've been on the diet for only 5 days, and I have already began to see some major improvement.

I want to lose weight of course, but I'm mainly focused on feeling better. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. And, I'm about to lose my awesome insurance, so another hospital stay would be disasterous at this point. I've never been thin, so I do not have a real goal weight in mind. I have set an arbitrary goal of 160 lbs, but, I will reevaluate when I get closer.

Thanks for reading this! I'd love some encouragement or advice!


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step. This site made me get my ars in gear but it's super cool when u meet awesome people........
  • importdude
    importdude Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there,
    I wouldnt be focused on wieght at this time. Just start eating healthy and do some light exercises, like walk after eating. For me when i started eating right and portion control, i felt much better and had so much more energy.

    I too, Will be losing insurance. This kind of is scary as how i have cholestrol and high blood pressure.

    Keep up the good work and stay focused.