How do you make up for a "bad" food day?



  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    I usually try to anticipate them and work out accordingly.

    None the less, one "bad" day isn't going to hurt you much (it takes 3,500 cals to gain 1 lb). It is the habit of stringing "bad" days together that is dangerous. Know this encourages me to move on the next day with healthy habits.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    (carbs, fried food, sweets, alcohol etc).
    Just for the record, there's nothing wrong with these foods.
    Of course I was over my calorie count for each day of the weekend!
    That's your problem.

    As for your question... just stick to you goals moving forward. A bad day or 2 isn't going to kill you, and you can easily make up for them in time. Losing weight is a slow process, try not to think about it in terms of meals or even days. Think in terms of weeks and months.
  • katirooksie
    katirooksie Posts: 3 Member
    omg. i had that today. studying with my buddies...ate about a bag of dorritos, chocolate...then came home to find burgers and chips for dinner :'( so i'm just going to eat less and do more tomorrow, then just stay with my plan and go hard. we all have difficulties i think... just getting back on track :)
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    I would go into detox mode... Green tea, salads, seafood, lots of fruit, go to the sauna do a bit of extra exercise and accept that these things happen and its ok for these things to happen as long as its not a regular occurance
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I draw a line under it and just start fresh the next day. If I try and 'claw back' the calories over the next few days I just end up hungry and miserable and end up going over again.
  • lisst87
    lisst87 Posts: 26 Member
    You take the bad food over your knee...and you SPANK IT...spank it HARD...that'll teach that bad food...grrrrr

    LOL - Fifty Shades?

    realise this was a post from ages ago, but had a bad weekend and reading up! Bump for later but this really made me LOL!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I just try and keep the week ahead as good as I can. Lay off the wine, keep my calories in check and exercise up. I figure it all balances out in the end. Not so good weekends, weddings, etc., it's all part of life so I figure we should just enjoy it and keep on going. I would feel too restricted if I lowered calories in order to balance it out.

    Edit: Just realized how old this was ... oops!
  • siba1312
    Hmm...always have MFP around to type as you are eating. I know that kills the enjoyment part of eating, but it does make you more aware of what you are doing. Eating so much more than you are supposed to could effect you for 2 weeks if you are eating VERY dense and rich foods.

    If that fails, stick to keeping your same daily calorie intake, but stay out of the house for as long as you possible can. Instead of going home after work, go to the gym and follow it by a sauna. Sauna makes you so sleepy. Have a small snack on your way home, and by the time you arrive home you're too sleepy to eat! Do that for a week and hopefully you would've burned all those munchies!

    Good luck!