Emotional eating

I was just wondering if anyone else is an emotional eater. I have been having a really hard time with this shooting in CT. I have a preschooler and so many friends with kids the age of the victims, and it's just been so hard to see and think about. Unfortunately, my knee jerk reaction when things like this happen is to EAT. Comfort food. Junk. Thank goodness I've been logging into MFP for about 70 days now or else I'd be off the bandwagon I think. Trying to rein it back in and find healthy things to eat when those feelings strike. Anyone else deal with this or have advice? Thanks! :)


  • CooperSprings
    CooperSprings Posts: 754 Member
    Yes. I understand you completely. After watching the president's address to the community, and hearing the names of those children, I sat there and bawled like a baby and literally got up and went into the kitchen to binge eat for a half hour on whatever I could find.

    I think at this point every time I go to eat when I'm upset I'm going to have to reroute myself to the bottled water. Making post its asking why I'm about to eat would be good, as well. Like, Are you physically hungry? Is it meal time? Etc. Might help me, and you as well.

    I don't really want to discuss the shooting much. I think that while we have the right to be effected as much as the next person, our children are ok, and that thought alone should be a reminder not to go looking for comfort food and instead reach for comfort from them. We are still blessed with our little angels. Food should really be the last thing that we should be reaching our hands out towards when pain like that appears.

    Here's hoping we can remember that!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am an emotional, stress and bored eater. I have to constantly evaluate why I'm hungry, if I'm hungry at all and if I'm sure I'm really hungry. I try hard to pop a piece of gum to try to curb these cravings.

    I can say it works both for nicotine cravings and food cravings (in terms of being this type of eater. If I am really hungry, I eat so please don't take the gum thing as a means to avoid eating even if really hungry).

    After that (if it isn't meal time), I will try to choose healthy snacks and double check that I am getting in my water. I also make sure to log things BEFORE I eat them. Not planned, just before I decide to eat it. This helps me stop and think if I should.

    it's a lot of little things and steps, but these are the things I do to help break me from the mind frame of munch munch munch. Especially if I'm stressed, feeling emotional or bored...I try to find something else to do to steer myself away from food.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    This is the main cause of my weight gain over the last 2 years. With any emotion I reach for comfort food and just tell myself I'll diet tomorrow. But tomorrow never came, so 3 stone later here I am.

    The trick for me is concentrating on what I'm eating. If something bad has happened and is affecting me then I'll have a little of what I fancy, but instead of wolfing it down in front of the tv, I sit quietly and concentrate, taking small bites and making it last. With a big glass of water. Then I'm more satisfied, rather than looking down at the empty wrapper of a huge chocolate bar and not remember eating it!

    So thats my trick. Maybe oneday I'll be able to say no completely, but for now I just need a little something and make it last.
  • sboling79
    sboling79 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks you all. Glad I'm not alone in this!