Cardio ideas with runners knee?

Is the rule of thumb if you have runners knee "Just do whatever doesn't hurt?" I can't run (at all) without it hurting and I can't walk downhill or downstairs without pain. Are there better cardio options than others while I'm healing?


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    I have had knee issues from a car accident in March, and used to be a runner. Now, as much as I miss it, I rarely run. It hurts my knee, and only makes it worse. I've found that the elliptical doesn't hurt at all, the bike is okay occasionally, and swimming laps at my rec center is the best, when I can. However, walking inclines on the treadmill has helped A LOT to build up my strength!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Could try elliptical or a stair climber. Neither one of those hurt my knee when it was injured.
  • i have runner's knee (ironically i've never been a runner!). i walk and as long as i don't over exert myself i don't seem to have major issues. i've walked 10ks several times and my hips are usually more sore than my knees when i'm done and i just walk to train in advance. have you done any physical therapy? sometimes there are underlying issues that cause the runners knee (or cause it to be worse). i know that's what i learned when i went to physical therapy a few years ago and i have been better able to manage the pain and flare ups since then.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Swimming, elliptical machine! I have osteoarthritis!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I got a compression brace and spent a couple weeks walking, rowing, and on the elliptical.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    My left knee is f'ed up so I can't do those things too. But I can cycle (stationary bike or regular) and use the elliptical, which is the closest thing to running I'm capable of doing without being crippled with pain. If you can do that - I think it's great. :)
  • sarahlouise7
    sarahlouise7 Posts: 198 Member
    Rowing has been fab with my knee injury :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Boxing/kickboxing on a heavy also strengthens bones because of the impact from striking.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • KimJohnsonsmile
    KimJohnsonsmile Posts: 222 Member
    I also have runners knee, but my elliptical doesn't bother it. Occasionally if I do a really hard level it will get sore and a little swollen, but overall it's the best cardio I've found for me.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Firstly work out which bit of the knee is damaged, then find a strengthening programme to rehabilitate it gradually. I'd recommend a physiotherapist!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    I have runner's knee from time to time. I swim and bike through it. Mostly bike. Sometimes swimming can aggravate it, if my form goes to hell in a bucket. A pull buoy helps with that. Good luck. Getting over runner's knee is a real booger. KT tape helps me.
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions! Much appreciated!
  • Hi guys, I saw that some of you guys have runners knee and I myself do and I love to run! Thankfully I found this article and many more by this Dr. that really helped me out! It gave me great tips for my running, my runners knee, and it even encouraged me to try barefoot running. I know with knee pain who thinks about that?! but trust me it's great information and I'm sure you guys will benefit of it. Ill post a link for you guys to this awesome article about runners knee that can help you guys out. Enjoy!!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    When I was incorrectly diagnosed with runner's knee, the doctor told me no bicycling as that is hard on the knee but said I could do elliptical.... turns out, through second opinion, I have a meniscus tear... so if you knee does not get better with rest, treatment, etc... get second opinion... my tear came from a fall, not a running injury..
  • ironman1431
    ironman1431 Posts: 22 Member
    If by runners knee, you mean patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) then there are options for you. Typically, PFPS is due in large part to tightness of the outer quadriceps muscles. If your pain is around the knee cap, and gets worse with activity or sitting with the knee bent, it may be likely that you have PFPS. (knee gives out/collapses? think ligament/knee locks? think meniscus)
    1. I would foam roller the quadriceps, especially the lateral quads, and do it consistently for a few weeks, then slowly get back into your running routine. Usually, PFPS is also due in part to over training, as a large majority of lower extremity injuries are over training related. You may also want to do leg strengthening exercises (knee extensions) that focus on your inner quads
    2. Additionally, PFPS can sometimes be due to muscle imbalance at the hips, usually the glute med is weak. I would stark working on glute med strengthening exercises. (1 legged balancing, step downs etc.) I would not rush out to get an Xray or anything like that right away, until you try to address the soft tissues first. Chondromalacia may be an issue, but I would start with the soft tissues first and save yourself the radiation from the xray if at all possible.
    A little bit of pain with your running is o.k, but if you push through too much, you're likely to prolong your recovery.
    I would cross train, bike etc. swim, water running, but also focus intently on foam rollering, and icing the knee.
    When in doubt, contact a healthcare professional.