tips on not losing control over christmas?

my gym is closing for about 10 days over christmas, and im stressed about
a. eating heaps of unhealthy food over christmas
b. become a slack at my exercise regime
c. gaining weight back

does anyone have any tips? would be much appreciated :)


  • seekingstrengthX2
    A. Treat it like any other day. Its all mental. Why overeat just because its a holiday?
    B. Keep exercising. There are LOADS of exercises you can do with no equipment at all. You can also go outside and run (or walk).
    C. See A and B.
  • dinamadden
    yeah, i already do go running,
    thanks :)
    and its just because my whole family will be watching me eat and be like
    "eat this eat this eat this'
    and i try not to eat too much, but, its hard aha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I managed to lose a few pounds while traveling and eating other people's cooking over Thanksgiving. Count every bite and record it on myfitnesspal. Practice portion control. If you go over one day, start fresh the next. Get as much exercise as you can outside of the gym by walking, dancing to your wii, or any other means you can. Lean on your friends here for encouragement. Never ever give up on yourself even if you slip up.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Don't let yourself get too hungry. Worst thing you could do is show up to a buffet with a big appetite. A little pro-active eating will help you control yourself.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    The very definition of a First World Problem ... Stress arising from a gym closing for a few days ... What WILL we do?!

    Well, you could try not eating lots of pies OR eat a pie or two and do some active stuff that might involve you being in nature for a bit instead of a building.

    Or any combination thereof.

    I've also heard that smoking crack curbs the appetite. Might be worth considering.

    Good luck with it :)
  • dinamadden
    on the bright side, i live in australia, and its summer, so theres less possibility of masses of comfort food, and more light, fresh foods like salads and lean meats, coz thats how we roll :)
  • iampaulinegiles
    Youtube has millions of workouts that you could do each 10 days.
    Workout at home.
    Watch what you eat make a mealplan and stick to it.
    Don't worry about others watching you eat at Christmas - a simple 'No thank you' should be enough for someone offering you bites of things.
    Drink your water each day.
    Stay strong you can do this :happy:

  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    For food, I agree with not letting yourself get hungry... keep healthy snacks handy, and literally "snack light". Take it easy at dinner- make a deal with yourself... if you know what's going to be on the table (more or less) pre plan in your head!

    Think about what you KNOW you won't be able to resist, and think "ok, so yes- I know I'm going to have the pumpkin pie. I'll skip the mashed potatoes for it, it's worth it." Make sure you go for a run in the morning... or if you don't have time, take a walk at least.

    I take my niece on a walk usually before we eat... it started as a way to get her out of everyone's way during the final stages of cooking and set up and it gave her a chance to burn some energy at the park.... but now I do it for me too.

    Just eat in moderation:
    One plate.
    No piling.

    Have a spoonful of everything if you want... just don't go back for more.. if you know you want more of something, then get 2 spoonfuls or 3 the first time around, and skip something else.... but if you go back with an empty plate for seconds... it may not turn out so good. lol

    For exercise- do stuff at home. You can literally do squats at home in front of the T.V. or take a run outside... bike, walk, anything is better than nothing! Grab a fitness DVD for those couple of weeks. Set a fitness goal to complete BY January 1st!

    Bottom line, if you WANT to stay on track, you have to make it happen, and you WILL.

    If you secretly just want to relax and have food, drinks, and to not worry about it, then don't worry about it. It's just 2 weeks. Pick back up after.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    my gym is closing for about 10 days over christmas, and im stressed about
    a. eating heaps of unhealthy food over christmas
    b. become a slack at my exercise regime
    c. gaining weight back

    does anyone have any tips? would be much appreciated :)

    a. Don't. Hold yourself accountable. Have some self control.
    b. Any regime that would allow you to slack is not much of a regime. Tyrannical Absolute Dictatorship is the type of regime you need if you feel you might slack.
    c. Eat at maintenance or a deficit.
  • ironmonkeystyle
    ironmonkeystyle Posts: 834 Member
    I feel your pain. It's hard to keep up a routine when out of your element.
  • marthathebear
    You have to decide which is more important - being at a healthy weight or eating whatever you want just because it's a holiday. It's all about choices we make. There should never be a day set aside to see how much we can gorge ourselves. If your gym is closed that is a bummer but there are plenty of youtube videos, dvds and just plain walking.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Eating a lot on Christmas isn't going to mess you up. Eating a lot for the whole ten days you're not working out is where the problem is.

    Do a workout video instead of your gym activities, eat like you normally do, and don't stress too much. Keep logging so you can make sure you don't start consistently going over calories.

    And number one: hold yourself accountable. Don't use the gym being closed or frustration as a reason to go hog wild.
  • AmberMahfouz
    I agree with the mental aspect. Make sure you tell yourself that it's not any different than any day. Watch your portions most of all. Stop eating when you feel full. And if you can squeeze in a little at home exercize! :-) Have a good holiday!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Look at the bigger picture - overeating (even by a lot) on one day is not going to undo everything. Overeating for 3 weeks would be a bigger issue. There's no need to let it last weeks though, just because lots of yummy food is available. Make a conscious decision that for x number of days you are going to indulge (to whatever extent you decide is appropriate) and stick to it. For example, you might decide to eat whatever you like on Christmas Day, and maybe for a couple of other meals, but the rest of the days, you can just carry on as normal. Just try to be mindful of what you're eating. Are you eating something because you will really enjoy it? Or just because it's there or being offered to you?

    If you plan to indulge, consider setting your calories to maintenance level, which will give you a little more wiggle room.

    Consider looking into Intermittent Fasting if you don't already - that can give you a bit more flexibility.

    Definitely get out running, especially if you already enjoy it and are having good weather.

    Really, you've got to find the right way for you. Some people will eat as normal on Christmas Day, eat only healthy stuff and log everything. Some will have that one day off, but that's it. Some will indulge a little for a few weeks, but not overdo it. Some will completely overdo it, accept that they may gain a couple of pounds over the period, and commit to getting right back on track in January. There's no reason for Christmas to be your undoing unless you let it.