New Year Fitness Challenge

Hi! Everyone works in different ways but I know that for me exercise is essential to losing weight. Who fancies setting up a challenge for January? This could be a fitness challenge, a running challenge or anything! We could, for example, set a distance that we all have to get to by the end of the month, whether we run, row, cycle?

Any ideas?


  • Lytle_Byrd
    Heres an idea, like you said everyone is different, and we all log different kinds of activities, what about setting up a challenge to work out [in what ever form or fashion] for a certain amount of time per week.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    check out the blog for member name "MotivationMatters" we had a GREAT challenge last year. Someone needs to run that one! It's fantastic!! Message me if you decide to do it.
  • crislee291
    Sounds good to me, maybe a little competition will get me motivated! Although I am just starting out..
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    The motivation matters competition looks amazing, but I don't think I've got enough time to organise that myself. I like the idea of a time challenge though.

    Or we could do a calorie burn challenge. It takes 3500 calories to make a pound, so if you're eating less, plus burn 3500 a week in theory you should lose 2 lbs a week. But maybe people are already burning this much?