sugar cravings

I crave sugar-y foods all the time. Even when I'm not hungry. If I know it is just down the hallway or somewhere in the building I feel that I need to have a small piece of it.
Why do I always want sugar foods? What can I do to stop this craving?


  • annas3911
    Do you eat a lot of sugary foods? The more often we have something, the more often our body gets used to eating it and craves it!
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I crave sugar-y foods all the time. Even when I'm not hungry. If I know it is just down the hallway or somewhere in the building I feel that I need to have a small piece of it.
    Why do I always want sugar foods? What can I do to stop this craving?

    Because they taste good
  • DebLee
    DebLee Posts: 38 Member
    I can eat about 300-500 calories of sweets easily in any given day. If I eat that much in sweets then I do cut something else out to keep my calorie count for the day around 1300 - so maybe skip the baby coke and drink a diet baby coke. or eat less protein for dinner. Something to cut back on the calories. Sometimes - pending on outdoor weather - I will not change my food choices for the day but I will go out for a 20-30 minute walk to burn more calories.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    You'll never stop craving then. Cut out the soda. Use it as a treat like once/week or less. 300-500 calories is alot for sweets in a single day if you're eating 1300 calories (1/3 of your diet is sweets). Swap out sweets for veggies, and you can eat a TON more and fill up on healthy food.
    I can eat about 300-500 calories of sweets easily in any given day. If I eat that much in sweets then I do cut something else out to keep my calorie count for the day around 1300 - so maybe skip the baby coke and drink a diet baby coke. or eat less protein for dinner. Something to cut back on the calories. Sometimes - pending on outdoor weather - I will not change my food choices for the day but I will go out for a 20-30 minute walk to burn more calories.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    You crave what you eat. That's what it finally came down to for me. And I finally figured out all my sugar cravings seem to be directly tied to my DIET Pepsi consumption. The fact that the "sweet" taste of diet soda is from artificial sweeteners doesn't mean much to your body. Sweet is sweet. I am absolutely convinced that cutting out certain foods for me has made the biggest difference. I know what people say about deprivation leading to binges. So there are very few foods that I've made completely off limits. And I imagine they will only be off limits for a time for me. Just until I can eat them like normal people eat them (whoever they are).
    I adore fruit flavored candy. But I don't seem to be able to control my consumption of it. So I cut it out. Three and a half months without so much as a Skittle or Starburst. I eat other sweets. Just not that one that I know I can't control.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I've been caving to the cravings lately, myself. What I need to do is plan out my meals ahead of time, particularly making sure I get enough protein. That seems to help stabilize my blood sugar enough that I have a chance at resisting the cravings. And, yes, I need to pretty much eliminate sweets from my diet. One thing that helps me is to only eat sweets when we go out. First, that means I don't have them in the house. Second, having worked in restaurants and bakeries, most restaurant desserts are not as good as ones I make myself. Third, it avoids the snacky, addicting things like Skittles and M&Ms altogether. Fourth, that leaves me with some room to indulge at Christmas gatherings.

    For myself, I find that I can have a limited amount of fake sweetener without causing severe cravings. I like the Russell Stover Sugar Free chocolates, and the maltitol base keeps me from eating more than a couple (if I eat more than 3-4, I have digestive issues).
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    I want sugar all the time too.

    Call me, maybe?
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    You crave what you eat. That's what it finally came down to for me. And I finally figured out all my sugar cravings seem to be directly tied to my DIET Pepsi consumption. The fact that the "sweet" taste of diet soda is from artificial sweeteners doesn't mean much to your body. Sweet is sweet. I am absolutely convinced that cutting out certain foods for me has made the biggest difference. I know what people say about deprivation leading to binges. So there are very few foods that I've made completely off limits. And I imagine they will only be off limits for a time for me. Just until I can eat them like normal people eat them (whoever they are).
    I adore fruit flavored candy. But I don't seem to be able to control my consumption of it. So I cut it out. Three and a half months without so much as a Skittle or Starburst. I eat other sweets. Just not that one that I know I can't control.

    exactly, the more you eat the more you crave when it comes to sugar...all the high sugar foods available, fast food,processed food, sweets, do not keep you full, spike your insulin levels and make you crave more, only way to stop is to cut it out completely or drastically reduce your refined sugar intake.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Eat a diet that keeps you feeling full (not just not hungry) and your blood sugar stable - modest portions of low glycaemic index whole carbs, no added sugars or white refined carbs, limit caffeine alcohol and sugary fruits, have protein, fibre and healthy fats with every meal and snack, never skip meals.