51st Day on MFP, but 1st Forum Post!

Hello all,
I decided to lose weight about a month and 1/2 ago, and so far have lost 8lbs. I started out really strongly motivated to stay within the calorie goal I set to lose weight. Lately, I keep slipping up though, and it's starting to set me back. On one hand, I don't want to completely restrict myself from indulging in treats ( wine, cupcakes, etc), because I want this to be a permanent weight loss. I don't want to starve myself for a couple months, then go crazy on all the things I wouldn't let myself have and gain it all back. On the other hand, I DO want to lose weight and so I feel guilty if I ever let myself have a "treat" and don't loose a couple lbs from week to week. I am also training for a 1/2 marathon, and am very active- lately I've justified indulging myself with food because I feel like I "deserve" it from all the running. Unfortunately, I feel guilty afterward, and wishing I hadn't done it and realizeI 've set myself back from my weigh loss goals. I'm just feeling disappointed in myself and like I need to refocus and regain my determination. Any tips or advice on how to get through my "slump" would be appreciated!


  • aisha11188
    Hi, I have a similar problem. Was speaking to one of the trainers in the gym who said rather than eating 'bad' snacks throughout the day even if it is just one, have 1 'bad' day set aside each week to allow you to eat things you wouldnt normally.

    Hope that help, but whatever works for you is best.
  • sarahshearer
    That is a good idea, and something I think I could stick to. Thanks and good luck to you!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    You can totally do this! It is all about moderation and portion control. You are doing the exercise. I think you just need to limit how often you allow yourself those treats. We all need to learn to eat all over again. We need to find healthy good for you replacement that we still feel satisfied from. Some of mine are a banana shake- 1 banana, 1/2 serving of Edy's half the fat vanilla ice cream, 1/2 serving of skim mike and a cup of ice. It is sweet and yummy. You are looking at 185 calories. Another one is Blueberries, Strawberries, Dannon - Light & Fit Vanilla Yogurt, 1 cup and Cascadian Farm - Oats & Honey Granola 1/2 serving @ 260 calories depending on how much fruit you use. It is sweet, filling and has a nice crunch to it.