20 pds to loose before prom??

Hey everyone I am a 5'7 180 and I am a size 12. For some reason a carry my weight very evenly and I have relized that just loosing 20 pounds would make me look a thin as I want to. I really dont think that with my body type I will ever be smaller than a size 8. I was just seeing if anyone knew why at 1,400 cal that I am really not loosing at all? I though I would ask you guys! And I am really busy person and really cant find time to go to the gym or workout as long as I would like.


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Can you open up your diary so people can see what you are eating? That will help people make suggestions.

    DO you weigh and measure all your food? Log everything? Milk/cream/sugar in coffee or tea? Mayos/ketchups/oils/margarines/butter, etc?
  • samanthazoemiller
    I opened my diary. And yeah I try to. But these last couple of days have not been very good.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm the same height as you. If you are eating 1400 cals. you'll lose almost 2 lbs. a week. My guess is that you are estimating. Weigh your food and stick to it.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Stop using generic entries for your food. A lot of the stuff in the database is not correct so you need to be double checking it on the package of what you are eating. The "Homemade" and "generic" entries are most likely going to have different calorie counts than what you are actually eating.

    Track your sodium. You are eating a lot of processed garbage that contains a lot of sodium which can hurt losses. Drink more water as well.

    Also, increase your calories. 1200 isn't enough. Set your goal to 1lb per week and eat that.

    Stop eating so much processed crap. Donuts for breakfast? Eat more fresh foods and include some fruits and veggies.

    Sure, you can lose weight eating processed crap but you won't be healthy.

    Also, make sure you are paying attention to serving sizes... did you really eat only half a package of ramen noodles the other day? Those packages have TWO servings in them. Weight, measure everything.

    And make sure you track everyday. There are alot of holes in your journal which could easily be the difference between losses, gains and staying the same. You need to track everything, everyday. Don't forget the small things either, along with juices, milks, nibbles while cooking etc etc.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Weight loss is 100% diet.

    calories in < calories out = weight loss

    Exercise will help on the calories out side of the equation and it will also determine what you'll look like when you've lost the weight. So I'm not saying don't exercise.

    I don't believe most people when they say they don't have time to exercise. If your spending any time watching tv, surfing the internet, hanging out with your friends or other misc time wasters then you have time to exercise. If you have breaks at school or work you should be at a minimum walking during that time. If you don't have the energy to do that you may not be eating enough. It's all about priorities. There are no pills, no magic foods, no secret work out routines. It takes hard work, determination, and dedication to eat healthy and have a active lifestyle. If you hate exercise then find something that you like to do that makes you move. The best exercise is the one you do.

    I don't know what a healthy weight is for you. I have no idea if 160 is good goal for you. When is prom? May? 20 pounds in 16 weeks is going to require some dedication but shouldn't require any extra time. You could do it with diet and I'm not talking starving yourself to get there. If your hungry all the time your doing it wrong. Looking fit with 20 lbs lost is likely going to require a time investment from you. 1 1/4 lbs loss a week should initially be pretty easy but the closer you get to goal weight the slower it will come off the harder your going to have to work for it.

    So set reasonable goals and then do what you have to do to meet them. Start today.
  • samanthazoemiller
    Thanks for the advice. The doughnut the other day was because we had breakfast at school and I caved in. I am normally a busy person. But I will definatly try to work out more! Or just any activity will help. I am really set on this goal and am going to try to do anything to loose the weight!

    And when I put the generic or homemade is because most the time it is homemade food. I have been eating alot of grapes these past few days that I am forgetting to put in. And I will try and change the weight loss goal to 1 lb per week will i still loose? And over Christmas break I am planning on trying to go to the gym 3 times a week or run!

    Again thanks for everything!!