How do you get your calcium-

lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
Without going over your protein?

I used to use and it calculated milk products separately from meat/protein products.

I cant seem to get enough calcium in w/o going over my protein.

I may just bump my protein section for sodium anyhow since we can only have 5 selections.


  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I always go over on my protein.... I am probably silly, but I look at the protein section like I look at my fiber --- like it's a minimum setting or target. I hope I'm not wrong in that thinking!!!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    I always go over my protein.... I have to eat limited carbs so I do that.... I have not heard that its bad to eat too much protein, I eat at least 4 servings of Dairy a day... along with my normal chicken or tuna..:)
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Um...1 cup of milk has about 30% of your calcium, and 9 grams of protien. 3 1/3 cups of milk, 100% of calcium, 30g protien.

    Eat more green leafy veggies.

    Customize your goals and up your protein.

    Do what works for you!
  • bigdawggs
    bigdawggs Posts: 2 Member
    My girlfriend and I both use Nutrilite Cal Mag D to get our calcium. Nutrilite is a 100% all natural supplement, plus she likes it cause it's easy to forget about getting enough for the day. I took this to my doctor and she recommended it to us. I'm putting the link below so you can check it out for yourself.,Arpp:2147483647,Nea:True,N:4294966646
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    If I have cereal I get some calcium from milk.
    I try to have a low-fat cheese stick with my lunch and those really help to bump up calcium.
    Yogurt is good. Even frozen yogurt ;-)
    Some greens have calcium.
    They make things like orange juice that have added calcium.
    I also take a multivitamin that has some calcium in it (not 100%, but it gives me a head start)
  • mmains
    mmains Posts: 7
    And there's nothing wrong with a calcium supplement!!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    What do you have your Calcium level set at? I take a daily Multi-Vitamin and I am always over on my calcium without going over on protein (both are set at the default level).
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Calcium Supplement.


    I added a "Vitamins" sectin to my food diary, all the brands are in there . What a difference!!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    skim milk, low fat yogurt, broccoli and other dark greens and I still take a supplement with vit D in it for good measure since all the women in my family osteoperosis.

    Don't worry about the protein count at the end of the day, protein is good as long as you try to keep it lean.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I take a Calcium supplement with D added as well as a multivitamin and extra Vitamin D. I've always been a milk drinker but wound up with a Vit D deficiency anyway. (Probably from years of covering up when I go out in the sun). I also do 2 servings of dairy per day.