


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Get good recommendations from people you trust - and have tattoos - on whom to actually do the tattoo(s). Meet with him/her and have them design it. That way, you KNOW that that person can actually put that tattoo on you. Too many times, I've seen tattoo people (I refuse to call these types tattooists) put a ****ty rendition of someone else's design onto skin.

    If you don't like the design, either work with your tattooist to get what you want, or find someone else. It shouldn't cost you anything to get the design made. You just won't be able to take it with you for someone else to put on you.

    In addition, as far as putting both on your back, I also advise talking to your tattooist. He/she should be able to judge how it'll end up looking and any options you have.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    The first part is the below which I want on my lower back but am not sure of the size or exact placement.
    For my taste, going too low on your back looks, well... rather girly. Personally, I wouldn't go lower than the kidney area.

    Fair enough that's a good bit of advice and something to think about, hadnt really thought of it but I guess you're right. If i push it up too high though will just look crowded, maybe I need to think about putting the tree somewhere else but not sure where.
    Are you Celtic or of Celtic origin?!

    *just curious*

    My mums half welsh, but no more that I have always bee n interested in celtic/gaelic history and love visiting the outer hebrides in scotland. I am interested in a lot of mythology but wanted something to reflect the meanings and these seemed to fit best.

    Did consider a phoenix but they are quite common and more feminine. Also although lots of people go for maori or native indian designs, I'm aware that this is actually a subject of annoyance for some people from these cultures that they have now diluted across the rest of the globe and have less meaning to them on most people if any than they do for people from within the cultural group.

    Yeah, I don't get it, it'd be like me getting a Chinese symbol... but whatever floats your boat!

    I have my daughter's name in Japanese Kanji on my arm. To be fair, though, my bff (daughter's godmother as well) is Japanese and I had her verify it before I got it done. It means something to us.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Yes the eagle on your upper back would be bad *kitten*! As for the tree, id say on you peck but if you want it large that would not work.. Maybe center of your chest! or rib area :)

    Be careful, though - you don't want people to mistake what's on your chest, a la Brock Lesnar's penis - I mean sword - on his chest.


  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member
    I have a Tree of Life on my lower back. It's designed by Pat Fish, but my tattoo artist made my tree with bark and coloring instead of solid black. I love it. She also has some designs made for calves/arms.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    I have a Tree of Life on my lower back. It's designed by Pat Fish, but my tattoo artist made my tree with bark and coloring instead of solid black. I love it. She also has some designs made for calves/arms.

    Had a look at pat fish's website also love the tree of life on there with the blues, made me think might need a combination of the two. Just need to find a good celtic artist in kent.
  • Dark_Roast
    Dark_Roast Posts: 17,689 Member

    Had a look at pat fish's website also love the tree of life on there with the blues, made me think might need a combination of the two. Just need to find a good celtic artist in kent.

    My artist had never done a celtic design before, but he had done some beautiful tattoos ( I checked out his work). He followed the design exactly, just changed the coloring/shading.

    Good Luck!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If you have it lower back, don't have it small and central or it will look like a tramp stamp. And while I think they can be attractive on women, I don't think it'd be a good look for you :P

    As for those who wouldn't approve; don't tell them then. Those who would like it, show them.
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    I think have ruled out having both on back now, eagle will be on back and like I say tree of life more than likely on chest, but only problem there is I have quite a hairy chest!!!

    Just need to get to a place mentally where I feel that the tattoo's are justified given their meaning, and also gives me the time to get body shape I want before get them

    Thanks everyone for the advice
  • spooney36
    spooney36 Posts: 18 Member
    I think it would look pretty cool and effective if you had the eagle in flight from shoulder to shoulder but heading either left or right if that makes sense, then have the tree of life as a wrap around on either upper arm, this would look like the eagle was interacting with the tree and would also represent the uniqueness of the meanings between the 2 without losing either identity or each tattoo.

    Either that or you could do it the other way with the tree on upper back between shoulder blades and the eagle taking flight from top of shoulder/upper arm wrap if that makes sense. Can picture in my head but hard to describe.

    Also it is worth contacting a tattooist that had more experience in celtic designs, i know of one or 2 up my way in North East Scotland that are pretty good with the celtic stuff. May be worth sharing your ideas with someone like that who could provide the design from your ideas and then you can ask a local tattooist to ink you if they are happy to use anothers work (some are and some aren't but ask around).

    As for what other people think, its your body so you can do what you wish, at the end of the day its up to choice and what you wish to do so whatever others think, go with what you want to have and want to wear on your skin. Personally I think your idea is cool and has a great meaning behind it. xx
  • jbradley89
    Take your idea to the tattoo artist and have them draw you something up. Then if it's not exact, work out the details on where you want things, or if you want it bigger or smaller and all of that fine detail stuff.
  • mmikayla37
    having an unzipped zipper showing gears on the inside

    on your side
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    I say if a guy wants a tramp stamp, he can have a tramp stamp!
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    I say if a guy wants a tramp stamp, he can have a tramp stamp!

    Haha no it's ok, now that's been pointed out it makes sense so won't be doing that.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    An eagle across the upper back would be fine. Perhaps the tree on a shoulder?

    ETA: If there's a college near you check out the art department. There might be a student willing to work with you on the design.