Weightloss help please? About diet changes.

I have been doing this since june and since then have lost close to 50 lbs. I usually took 2 slimfast meal shakes and a meal and would work out. But recently I have been getting grossed out by how sweet it is. It also makes me realize hey there may be alot of sugar in it and maybe I would have better weightloss just eatting my calories alloted and making my protien and fiber goals. I have been doing that and have had even slower weightloss. Any suggestions? Also my schedule is like afternoon to morning so how would I log that since it goes into another day like from when im awake to when i sleep or in that day ? Because I have been doing from when im awake to when im asleep.


  • tekeyla25
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    When you say "even slower weightloss" - how slow do you mean? It's possible that your rate of weight loss now is actually in line with how much you have left to lose, and that your expectations are unrealistic at this point. If your profile picture is current, it looks like you're already a healthy weight, so should not realistically expect to lose more than about 0.5 lb a week.

    As for logging, either use midnight as the cut off point no matter whether you have slept or not before the new "day". Or, count your waking hours as your "day", even if some of them are technically part of the next calendar day. Basically, it doesn't matter when you log them, as long as you log them once.

    Oh, and I don't blame you for giving up the Slimfasts for real food. I would too. :flowerforyou:
  • tekeyla25
    I guess its within the line of .5 a week but im in the 2 lbs a week and it has been working for like 6 months now im stalled. I really want to lost 10 more lbs after i reach my goal just want to reach my goal. Maybe some confetti or something will come down :P im 5'9 and 165 and 160 is bmi for my height so im still considered fat lol. But I dont understand why my diet is no longer working
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    cut your carbs and look at Atkins Advantage Shakes.... they are very low carb and most of the good ones have NO sugar in them...

    what do you think
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Your body is ALWAYS adjusting to what you do to it - our bodies strive for equilibrium. it's not surprising that what you've been doing is no longer working. 50lbs in what, like 6 months, is very fast progress, and now that you only have a little bit left to lose, you're going to have to WORK harder.

    slim fast shakes are CRAP. stop drinking them. eat real food. your body will like it better. use a protein shake if you want to do a shake (because they are easy) - but get some protein powder and you'll have a much better balanced shake. (slim fast has way too much sugar and not enough protein).

    also, I experience better success when I eat 6 times a day, vs three. but chances are you've stalled out because you probably aren't eating enough calories... though i can't see your diary.
  • Klem4
    Klem4 Posts: 399 Member
    Some months I lose nothing, and others I lose a couple pounds. Just happens when you get closer to your ideal weight. When I get to 140, I still want to lose another 10 as well, but I think that could probably take 6-12 months since I have not been that weight in a long time. You just have to be patient and keep with it.
    But.. more importantly, you only drink slimfast and 1 meal!? eek, I'd be starving. If I were you I would start phasing out the slimfast. You might gain a few lbs, but just keep with it. I surely wouldn't want to drink slimfast the rest of my life. :) Perhaps this is the reason your loss is stalling as well.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    I like the idea of switching the shakes out for more normal food and making your macros. This close, you should particulalrly be working to build lifelong eating habits that will help maintain the weight loss. It's going to naturally get tougher as you get closer. What role does your exercise routine play in your plans - that's an important factor in getting to a strong, fit level. And I love the Batgirl outfit.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    OP...I think you're on the right track. The body is very smart...you are very close to a healthy weight, so it's not at all surprising that your weight loss is slowing. Everyone I've ever talked to about this says that the last 5-10 Lbs is the toughest...your body just doesn't want to give up those stores.

    What's your exercise routine like? At this point, if you're not already, you should definitely start adding some resistance training or weight training into the mix...build up a little lean mass and kick that fat out.

    Also, I'm sure your body will appreciate you giving it real food again.