1100-1200 Calories a day

i am trying to lose fat, although i know some muscle will go, i try to maintain good protein by adding meat to my dinner (i usually try not to have it)

On a typical day i will eat

breakfast: granola/or honey nut cheerios, almond milk-200 cal
lunch: salad or vegetarian sandwich with salad dressing-200-300 cal OR
greek yogurt and a piece of fruit-200-300 cal
dinner:liver, chicken, fish with a salad or tons of veggies/carb OR whatever mom cooks (rare)-350+ cal
snack: piece of fruit, chocolate, coffee with milk, etc-200 cal

so a total day for me is like 1100-1300 give or take. i try to work out every day but sometimes i feel tired. i think i dont eat enough, but i dont want to. i think that if i stick to this long enough i will drop the pounds. i do HIIT and jogging. i alternate; dont do them in the same day.

should i start doing HIIT and jogging all in one? i jog 4mph at 45 min. i do 17 min of HIIT.

im so confused about that starvation mode BS. every thread i read is full of contradictory information. research studies i read say that your body will burn muscle, but it will also burn fat and that it will turn to ketogenesis before it turns to muscle. and that only fat people have glycogen in their muscle. since they are so sedentary and never use it. if i exercise, and eat at this rate (BMR for my goal weight is 1290) will i lose fat? or just get sick and die?


  • BUMP
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    You will lose weight.

    You will also be tired, weak, unhappy, skinny fat and unable to eat a decent amount of calories without gaining.

    Bodies are efficient machines, they adapt to suit their needs. If you are teaching your body to run on nothing it will. For a time anyway, why would you want to teach your body to live on fewer calories?

    You say that you don't think you eat enough, but you don't want to eat more. Why?
  • jsdholland
    jsdholland Posts: 77 Member
    How tall are you?

    You may want to add some strength training to mix things up....lots of great stories on here about that!!!
  • I'd like to hear some more takes on this subject myself!!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Unless you have like 5% body fat you will not enter starvation mode. it is a myth that you will by eating too few calories. Too few calories does screw up our bodies in other ways - you should calculate your Military body fat percentage and BMR (fat2fitradio.com). BMR is the minimum number of calories we need to support healthy organ function. If you calculate body fat percentage first you have a better shot at getting a more accurate BMR (or you could have your doctor do a test for you). I see yoru BMR is reported at just over 1200 calories - mine is 1375 and I am 5'2", 42 years old, female, weighing 125 pounds.

    Even so, you should never eat below your BMR for very long. If you do the BMR calculation at the website I suggested, it will give you the number of calories you should be eating daily (TDEE). If you use your current weight as your "goal weight" in the calculator, deduct 20% from the number it gives you so you are at a deficit. If you use your real goal weight just eat at the number provided based on your acitivy level. That is how I did it and it works very well for me.
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Your BMR is about the same as mine. I'm netting 1400. I try to eat 1200 really good and healthy calories. But to be honest I'm not always great with the last 200...anyway I usually eat about half of my exercise calories too. you might try 1400 and see if it works, I am losing netting 1400.
  • How tall are you?

    You may want to add some strength training to mix things up....lots of great stories on here about that!!!

    im 5'4 130 pounds

    i eat based on a bmr for someone who is 100 pounds- but im thinking i should take it up to 110. 100 seems scary low.

    my BMR is 1414. so should i take the daily recommended calories, subtract 250, and burn the other 250 off with exercise? will that really work? it seems so simple.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    You want to weigh 100 pounds? That would put you Underweight according to your BMI.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    How tall are you?

    You may want to add some strength training to mix things up....lots of great stories on here about that!!!

    im 5'4 130 pounds

    i eat based on a bmr for someone who is 100 pounds- but im thinking i should take it up to 110. 100 seems scary low.

    my BMR is 1414. so should i take the daily recommended calories, subtract 250, and burn the other 250 off with exercise? will that really work? it seems so simple.

    That will really work ;)
  • How tall are you?

    You may want to add some strength training to mix things up....lots of great stories on here about that!!!

    im 5'4 130 pounds

    i eat based on a bmr for someone who is 100 pounds- but im thinking i should take it up to 110. 100 seems scary low.

    my BMR is 1414. so should i take the daily recommended calories, subtract 250, and burn the other 250 off with exercise? will that really work? it seems so simple.

    That will really work ;)

    thanks. im going to do a trial and see how eating and working out this way works. i hope my energy levels increase.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    How tall are you?

    You may want to add some strength training to mix things up....lots of great stories on here about that!!!

    im 5'4 130 pounds

    i eat based on a bmr for someone who is 100 pounds- but im thinking i should take it up to 110. 100 seems scary low.

    my BMR is 1414. so should i take the daily recommended calories, subtract 250, and burn the other 250 off with exercise? will that really work? it seems so simple.

    That will really work ;)

    thanks. im going to do a trial and see how eating and working out this way works. i hope my energy levels increase.

    You don't want to remove calories from your BMR. Removing calories from you BMR will cause you to eat too little. You should be NETTING at least your BMR>

    Your BMR is the calories your body needs just to stay alive and keep everything functioning if you were laying still all day, everyday. You need to work out your TDEE and take a small amount off of that.

    You shouldn't be aiming for 1lb per week as you don't have a lot to lose. The smaller you are the less of a deficit you need to remain healthy and lose weight.

    You are already within healthy weight range. It might be best for you to focus on strength instead of weight loss.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    i try to work out every day but sometimes i feel tired. i think i dont eat enough, but i dont want to. i think that if i stick to this long enough i will drop the pounds.

    you feel tired because you're not eating enough. You need to eat more! You'll lose weight if you eat more. I'm 5'2' and I eat 1475 or more (on my weight training days) If your BMR is 1414, you need to be eating AT LEAST THAT.

    Someone already posted it but I'm posted it again: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12 check it out, it'll help

    edited for spelling
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    thanks. im going to do a trial and see how eating and working out this way works. i hope my energy levels increase.

    make sure you give yourself 6-8 weeks of "trying" before giving up. It's going to take you longer than that to acclimate to the change.
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
  • You're in the ideal weight range Twisted!! Why on earth would you want to lose 100lbs and be underweight? It makes no sense to me, and honestly, I think you're on the verge of an eating disorder reading your posts. Go live a little and stop aiming for unhealthy
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    If you continue to eat that little, you will probably catabolize more lean muscle mass that fat. And why do you think you have to eat 1100 calories to lose fat? All that is doing is teaching your body to survive on little to no calories. If you want to cut fat, you want a moderate deficit and generally a combination of HIIT and heavy weight training. If you want to look like the girl in the link below on the left, then keep eating the way you are, but if you want to look lean and fit, then you need to eat like one. Which is generally closer to 1800 (based on your current BMR and workout routine this is where you should be daily) calories or more. Additionally, you feel tired because you don't' eat enough (sadly you know this but don't' want to change it). I think the biggest thing you need to change is your perception of a fueling your body. Also, stop worrying about the weight, worry about body composition. The more muscle you have, the tighter your body will be so you do NOT want to be ok with losing muscle.

  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,251 Member
    Ok, I've been confused about this since Day 1, for some reason, I'm just not getting it.

    I am 5'2", 34 y/o, CW is 180, GW is 135.
    I don't know my body fat percentage.

    If I input those numbers into the calculator on fat2fitradio.com, It says my BMR is 1570. It also says TDEE at sedentary is 1649.

    So if I want to lose 1 lb per week, at a sendetary lifestyle, how many calories should I be eating????
    Because it seems I only lose any weight if I average around 1200 calories per day, so I don't see any way I could eat above 1500 and lose weight at all. Are these numbers just off because I don't know my bodyfat?

    Someone please clearly explain this to me. Thanks!

    *UPDATE* I just calculated my body fat, it is 41.9%. So if I input that into the calculator, I get BMR: 1401, TDEE at sedentary: 1649.

    If I use my CW as my GW, it gives me a TDEE of 1884 to maintain. So to lose 1 lb per week, should I be eating 1384?
    I'm so confused!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    I've done 1200 was losing..but also depressed over the hunger and careful eating. I decided to follow the advice to up my calories and lose slower so I can eat more at maintenance. I want a life of fun and food..not starving to death.

    Many girls have posted that after losing on 1200 they have to stay there or they gain.