How do you keep yourself motivated?

Over the past few days, I feel myself slipping back into old habits. I've been on track pretty well since the middle of November. I'm not sure if it's just holiday stress or what.

So, what I want to know if how do you motivate yourself when all you want to do is sleep and eat crap?


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    "You'll regret not working out, but you'll never regret working out."

    The mirror.

    Some of the inspiring people on this site that I've had the pleasure of getting to know.
    Some perfect examples are leakramirez and DavPul and DrMerc. You should add them if you're looking for motivation.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    "You'll regret not working out, but you'll never regret working out."

    The mirror.

    Some of the inspiring people on this site that I've had the pleasure of getting to know.
    Some perfect examples are leakramirez and DavPul and DrMerc. You should add them if you're looking for motivation.

    Exactly this and Fire_Rock.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    A quick peek at myself in the mirror when I get out of the shower usually does a REALLY good job motivating me to stick with it!
  • cinner506
    I try to remmeber it's a life style change not a diet! I also look at my beautiful daughter, and know I need to be their for all of her accomplishments! In order to around a long time I must be healthy
  • melliebelly77
    I remind myself how far I have come, and that what I am doing works!
    The thought of buying new, smaller clothes helps too:)
  • mtlkate
    mtlkate Posts: 55 Member
    I was sliding back into those holiday habits too. Today, I found the dress that I want to wear to my son's wedding next month and it scared me into logging everything and adding more movement to my day. I don't want to find myself unable to wear what I want for the entire weekend of festivities.
  • Alicia7519
    I keep thinking about how much weight I have lost and how I hard I have worked to get to this point. I have my days where I will eat junk, but within my calorie limit, but I will blow off doing some type of cardio. I just start over the next day.
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    Over the past few days, I feel myself slipping back into old habits. I've been on track pretty well since the middle of November. I'm not sure if it's just holiday stress or what.

    So, what I want to know if how do you motivate yourself when all you want to do is sleep and eat crap?

    There is a full length mirror at my gym. Every time I go to the gym I purposely walk past it. I see the changes in the mirror, this makes me happy. This motivates me to go every day (though I do take 1-2 days off a week for resting) because I want to SEE what I look like.

    And my food stuff, I would love to trade my greek yogurt for ice cream or I'd really like to eat Cheetos every single day, but I know what I should eat so I can eat to be full and not eat to just eat.

    I think it is a mind set. I've only been at this for a month, so I could be wrong.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I have a conversation with myself..

    me: "hey, can you deadlift 450 yet?"
    myself: "um, no...."
    me: "get your *kitten* in the gym, you weak b1tch"
    myself: "fine"
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I set fitness goals for myself when the scale isn't moving..... most recently , i ran my first and second half marathon in the past month.... :)

    Mostly, I just think about how good I feel vs how crappy i used to feel, and I know I can indulge occasionally but I'll never go back to the way I used to be.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Caregiving has taught and continues to teach me about patience and about living in the moment. I apply those lessons to my fitness. I remind myself that I am better now than I had been before.

    Focusing on healthy eating and exercise also gives me some of "me" back. My exercise sessions are like mini-vacations.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I was struggling for a couple of weeks, too. I do think holiday stress, as well as sucky weather play a part. For me, the little treats here and there this time of year I think also mess with my hormone levels and general body reaction.

    I pulled out of it by having a Challenge group to meet a certain goal by Christmas. (because I kind of sabotaged myself a little bit a couple of weeks ago, I won't make it by Christmas, so I had to do some soul searching.)

    I remind myself of my ultimate goals and the reasons I eat better and get regular exercise. It is a lifetime thing - it has to be (for me). I do not want to go back to how I looked or felt a year ago. Failure is not an option!!

    I also know that EVERYONE that is healthy is making the choice to be so. They choose to eat well and balanced, and to stay active and fit. No one (over the age of 25) can eat huge portions, (heathy or junk food), get no exercise and stay at a normal weight. For those of us with 'food issues' it can be harder, but it is still 'hard' for everyone. We must choose our 'hard'.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Remembering that I don't want to be a fat fck anymore and the only way I'm not going to be is to eat right and move my fat *kitten*.

    Also having great motivational friends like MoreBean13 and Fire_Rock. They really give me the accountability that I sometimes don't have for myselft.
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks everyone. I too think it's holiday stress and the weather. I always get kind of depressed in the winter, and I think that definitely has something to do with it. I just find myself struggling with a lot of things, not just exercise and eating right. But I know know when I exercise and eat right I feel so much better. It's just pushing myself to do it.
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    The people on my feed have been motivating me so much on MFP. Every time I see someone post their workout it makes me want to work harder and do more.

    I hear what you mean about the winter depression. Winter always puts me in a "blah" kind of mood. Honestly its one of the reasons I came back on this site. Trying anything to keep motivated this time of year. :)
  • rh60
    rh60 Posts: 1
    i am having the same problem
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    The people on my feed have been motivating me so much on MFP. Every time I see someone post their workout it makes me want to work harder and do more.

    I hear what you mean about the winter depression. Winter always puts me in a "blah" kind of mood. Honestly its one of the reasons I came back on this site. Trying anything to keep motivated this time of year. :)

    I really wish I knew how to deal with winter depression. I moved from northern PA (cold and gray all the time) to southern Louisiana (sunny and warm 97% of the time) and I still have issues. It gets dark so early. I can't wait for the winter solstice.