Just hit 99Kg

Gotta hit the breaks before it goes even further out of control. Started the keto diet thanks to Reddit.com and very happy to have found this site.


  • lorri68
    lorri68 Posts: 53 Member
    add me if you want to
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I actually got partially motivated thanks to all of those before and after pics people have been posting lately that make it to the front page.

    I'm not sure what exactly the keto diet fully entails, but I do know that I am doing a high protein/ultra low carb diet myself.

    The problem I'm running into right now (I've since gotten used to it) is that I get full, and stay full off of very little and I end up under consuming calorie wise. Either way, I started out at 99kg myself (218lbs) and lost almost 1kg (2lbs) this week, so that is quite a coincidence.

    Any who, I sent ya a friend request :D
  • OrhanC1
    Yeah! I don't actually remember how I stumbled upon it. This guy blew my mind! http://www.reddit.com/tb/156pfx

    The gist of it is that when you eat a small amount of carbs, you body starts producing ketones which takes energy from fats and proteins.

    I can see how that could be a problem... Have you asked for advice on r/fittit or something?

    Thank you both for your friend requests :)