12lb down but I see no difference!?

So I was reallly happy to see the scales drop this week to a total loss of 12lb.
From 182lb to 170lb yay!

But in general and reading what other say about similar loss, i'm disappointed with my results.
My clothes still feel about the same and i look the same, even my very kind boyfriend admits I don't look different.

I know I need to up the exercise for toning but I'm only 5ft 2in and thought that I would be starting to see a difference?

Anyone else in/been in a similar situation?

(I'm not giving up - just frustrated!)


  • AmberRSkelton
    AmberRSkelton Posts: 19 Member
    Maybe you're a little bloated because it's that time of the month? That could explain why you've lost 12 lbs but your clothes fit the same. Which would be cool because in a few days you should be able to tell. Congrats on the loss all the same!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Definitely! It took losing closer to 20 pounds before I could notice a difference and then as the next 10 pounds came off it really became apparent. Just keep pressing on. I don't know how to explain why a 12 pound loss doesn't show evidence as strongly as we think it should, but just know with each extra pound you lose you will feel better and your clothes will start to hang and your face will start to thin. I feel your pain, but it does get better!!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    invest in a seamstress style measuring tape (the soft, flexible ones-- they're only about $5 or less) and measure your major areas. I bet you've lost an inch or two, even if it doesn't seem like the fit of your clothes have changed :)

    I seem to lose an inch or two with every 10 lbs I lose so maybe you have, too!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I understand your frustration. It took 20 pounds and another 2 weeks for people to even notice that I was smaller. I agree with the measuring tape. As you work out you will shrink and taking your measurements will give you a better indication of how far you've come.
  • teerene
    teerene Posts: 16
    I've lost 20 and can't tell a difference except on the scale.. But I'm not stopping.. don't give up.. it will be apparent soon.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    It's the same as gaining weight. You look at yourself everyday, where the same clothes over and over and don't notice how much you've gained until one morning you wake up and think "oh s**t!!". You are looking so so hard for the loss, and all of the sudden, it will hit you--and others too! In addition to tracking measurements, try pulling out a clothing article that you KNOW didn't fit before, or try pictures. It will help to look at the before and the now. Congrats and keep on trucking!
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    invest in a seamstress style measuring tape (the soft, flexible ones-- they're only about $5 or less) and measure your major areas. I bet you've lost an inch or two, even if it doesn't seem like the fit of your clothes have changed :)

    I seem to lose an inch or two with every 10 lbs I lose so maybe you have, too!

    Definitely take measurements (neck, chest, waist, hips, and maybe even upper arms). Remember that areas where you want to see the difference are frequently the last place to lose fat and the areas you want the fat are the first place to lose. My wife looses first in her boobs. I loose first in my face.

    I have pictures of what my first 20 lb loss looks like on my profile. If you look, you can see a difference. But you wouldn't notice it as a slow progression... not enough difference. I am closing in on 30 lbs, and it is only the past few pounds that people have started to notice my weight loss.

    At 20 lbs, I was just starting to see a difference in the way clothes fit. But since 20 lbs, I have seen more and more difference in the way clothes fit and the clothes I can fit into.

    Keep up the good work, and you will begin to see the difference.
  • AleashaBrydon
    I'm in the same boat... I am 5'7 use to weigh 180 now at 162 and see no difference.. a lil in my face and that's about it getting frustrated as well but still working at it...Good luck!
  • Davidgreyson
    I dont really expect to look much different, my weight is spread pretty evenly. Some people didnt even think I was overweight at all but I was 40 over what i should be. One thing I know, it will be noticable when I am completely ripped and cutting my run times in half. Until that point, it shouldnt really matter.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Same here. I'm 5'1. The measurement was still the same. Then I noticed that my jeans are getting longer!!!!
    because the thighs are smaller now. .. and I'm sure I have smaller lower stomach also. As long as the scale keeps on moving and the measurement has lower number we know we are on the tright track.
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    oh it's so frustrating!

    i think part of it is a % change from where you started -- around 10% i started seeing it. that said, i complain daily (to myself if no one else) that i can't see it and that not enough people notice. but keep going! if the scale is moving, things are changing even if we are too close to ourselves to see them.

    good luck!
  • avedon
    avedon Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts :-)
    It's good to see that there are others like me and that I just need to be patient! Though seeing the change in weight that some of you have, I can't help but feel that it may be in our heads - we must look different somehow?
    I'm hoping doing some light weights along with more cardio will help tighten me up some!
    I'm about 7lb away from being out of 'obese' range, so for now I'll keep my eye on that prize and hope that before I know it the fat reserves will have melted away.