Lean Cuisene & Smart Ones

amypomm Posts: 140 Member
Has anybody been able to lose a significant amount of weight eating Lean Cuisenes and Smart Ones? I was just wondering because Im getting sick of eating stuff thats not packaged. I guess Im out of ideas.


  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Sure. Calories in vs calories out
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yep - 60lbs with at least three or four of those per week...Just drink lots of water to help with the sodium...I don't like it anymore, and am trying to eat a litlle cleaner, but I lost a load of weight while eating it....
  • laurainparis
    laurainparis Posts: 64 Member
    I eat them almost every weekday for lunch. I like knowing exactly how many calories my meal has, and the convenience of not having to weigh or measure (or cook!) anything. Also, when you buy them on sale they're about $2 each, which is a nice cheap lunch.
  • amypomm
    amypomm Posts: 140 Member
    That makes me feel better, Thanks!
  • derekj222
    derekj222 Posts: 370 Member
    I eat them a lot. Just don't do more than one a day, they are sometimes like 750mg sodium which is like 35% of your daily intake.
  • amypomm
    amypomm Posts: 140 Member
    Ok Thanks. Maybe I just wont eat them everyday. :smile:
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member

    And I used to eat them, but avoid them now because they have like 500 ingredients and way too much sodium. I had a stouffer's yesterday, because it was all I could grab last minute, and it made me feel horrible. You're better off eating real food that's not so processed.
  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    I'm a fan of them, myself. I usually eat one every day. I wouldn't make them all I eat if you're worried about sodium, but they make for a good lunch or dinner.
  • bluelena
    bluelena Posts: 304 Member
    These used to be my go-to for lunch at work. They're convenient, they taste pretty good, but you know what? They never satisfied me. For awhile I started bringing a salad or some extra veggies on the side, but still.

    Once I started focusing on eating things that were as minimally processed as possible, they had to go.

    Nowadays, I will occasionally buy Amy's Organic frozen meals just to switch things up. Yeah, they still have the sodium - what packaged foods don't? But you can actually understand all of the ingredients. And they are more filling/satisfying than the Lean Cuisines/Smart Ones to me. Sometimes I'll have Amy's burritos for breakfast with some fruit as well.

    Amy's is more pricey than the other ones, but I don't rely on them for everyday use and usually pick up a bunch when there's a sale.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice (was never a big Smart Ones fan) were instrumental for my weight loss when I first started out. Easy to heat and eat, plus I knew my exact macros for what I was eating. Every now and again I'll pick one up if I'm working very late and can't be bothered to cook once I get in. It definitely beats swinging through a drive through!

    Like others have said - keep drinking water to counter any sodium and you'll be fine :)
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    While some of them taste great I find they aren't worth it.

    They are LOADED with sodium and other preservatives and various chemicals. They are great in a pinch but really not all that healthy for you.

    I find I can make a cheaper, more nutritious meal myself. Those meals are small and some of them just taste horrible.

    It is much butter to make those types of meals yourself. Cook extra dinners and portion and freeze.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Sure. Calories in vs calories out

    Agreed. You can eat whatever you want as long as you maintain a calorie deficit.

    If you want alternatives, you could do batch cooking once or twice a month and freeze individual portions. That way, you can control the ingredients. Just a thought.

    But don't feel guilty for grabbing a frozen meal in a pinch.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Amy's has good delicous frozen meals also. Theirs hace more vegetables and they have a lean and healthy line that's lower in sodium and fat. They are good in a pinch with something else, fruit, or a salad, cheese stick or yogurt.
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    You absolutely can as long as you include them into your Macros. I keep a few in my freezer at home and a few at work for in a pinch. I stopped eating them regularly after a couple of months because I started to get major heart burn. Stopped eating them and voilal! all gone. I usually get by on leftover dinner for lunch these days.
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    I eat 1 a day for lunch. So much easier to bring that into work and pop in the microwave. Calories are already counted for more and they taste great. I find them to be filling, but if not add a piece of fruit or string cheese.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I lost my first 30 pounds almost exclusively on Frozen meals. I've since starting cooking on Sundays and packing my meals every day. But, I still have Lean Cuisine in a pinch, especially on late nights. My favorite is the Chicken Margherita steamer bag with a healthy squirt of Siracha. And a BIG glass of water.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I used to eat them quite regularly when I first started losing weight
  • I've been eating those at work for a while now with a piece of fruit, and it's helped me lose 38 lbs in the process. To me it's just convenient, and i hate going out for lunch, trying to decide on what i want. And yes, those meals have a bunch of sodium in them, but that's mostly where my sodium comes from on a daily basis. I'm not concerned at all..........
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