Looking to lose and keep it off

I signed up last year but never visited the boards and after 1 month stopped visiting period. I guess at the time I wasn't taking my weight very seriously but I was being pushed from family to lose it and that just made me feel less inclined to actually do anything about it.

After I moved last December I started back on track and was attempting to lose enough and tone enough to feel happy in my own skin, unfortunately I had an extended bout of insomnia (from mid-january to late november) that made it near impossible to actually burn off the weight and lose it. I found myself gaining no matter how hard I worked and how healthy I ate. I gained from 132 (May) to 171 lbs (as of december 1st). My body flipped that switch when I was able to sleep again and now have gone from 171 to 157 lbs. I have lost 14lbs without changing my diet and only walking everywhere, only two days ago did I finally decide to restart my workouts again so I can tone and burn.

As much as I hope nobody else has had to deal with life experiences like this but I hope that I can find the support and motivation to keep me going as that seems to be the hardest thing for me to find which surprises me. But maybe being here and giving it a real go I can find a great amount of support to get me to my goal and to help me maintain it while making friends.

Nice to meet you all!


  • kristenleewarren
    sounds like me! added you. lets motivate and support each other :D
  • Hfunaki
    I can't believe the hurdles you've been facing! You've got support now and even without it, by the looks of things you knew what you needed and are now completely honest with your goals :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I certainly should have been here a long time ago, was almost there last year on my birthday (was 128 which was the closest I had been to my goal since getting pregnany with my daughter).

    Reading around this community, it makes me feel really inspired! I don't feel so alone with my goal just seeing how everyone has been so helpful with eachother. I am really glad I came back, I honestly don't think I can reach my goals on my own.
  • Hfunaki
    I don't think I could reach my goals on my own too but like you've said, it's good to be here! Also reading around the community is crazy, all these people have similar or the same goals as us, very up lifting!