Progress Pics - 31 pounds lost

Hi all I just wanted to share with you some pics from my journey so far. In August this year I was weighing in at around 91kg (200 lbs). I looked disgusting, I felt miserable and needed to make a change. I had lost a small amount of weight the previous year but due to a series of personal issues combined with a big dose of laziness I put it back on. This time around I have given up chocolate completely and made some better food choices as often as I can. My food diary is less than perfect however I am trying my best! The big change for me has been with regard to exercise. I LOVE IT! I run, swim and have recently started doing free weights. I have never set foot in a gym. Fortunately I recently moved to a place near the beach so running around these parts is very motivating.

I now weight in at 77kg (169 lbs) and have never felt better in my life!!!

My next phase is to focus on strength and see if I can work to get myself a chest and some arms instead of what you see here! Still I am very proud of what I have achieved to date. In the last couple of days I have entered into a half marathon to be held in August 2013. It is there to keep me focused for the next 12 months.

I also wanted to say a big thank you to my fabulous MFP friends and the wider MFP community. I know for certain that there is no way that I could have achieved this weight loss without your constant support. I hope that I can continue to be of support and motivation to others on here. Keep up the great work everyone!!!!

(I hope these photo links work as this is the first time I have posted!!!)







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