


  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    20-30g of fiber per day (can track on here) below or under is not good. You could even use a fiber supplement if needed.

    Lots and lots of water

    Lots of grapes

    Stay away from bananas and bread

    Eat prunes... Any dried fruit!

    Try to walk around a little. Helps things move a little and helps surgery recovery.

    All tips given to me after a liver resection

    Also painkillers are a killer for this try to limit them possible.

    Fybogel sachets are good quite gentle and also lactulose syrup.

    Trust me you'll feel a whole lot better once you follow a few of those. Hope that helps and you get better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • BranMuffin947
    BranMuffin947 Posts: 104 Member
    WATER!! && lots of fiber-rich foods.
  • Peazwithin
    Peazwithin Posts: 41 Member
    So much advice had been given here. You said you had a recent surgery. Call your Dr's office and if you don't talk to him/her then talk to the PA and tell them what is going on (or not going on, as it may be). I agree with JennKie1, if okay with your Dr's office, take colease (not spelled right, I know) or miralax. But by all means see what they advise first. Depending on the surgery they may not want you taking anything over the counter while you are under their care. Take care.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    I had minor surgery over the Summer and the same thing happened to me. My Dr. suggested milk of Magnesium at max dose with lots of water. Maybe ask your Dr. if that would be a good option for you.
  • Thank you for the responses-- I am currently on codeine for my pain. I guess I just have to deal! Bummer :(
  • Sorry you're having trouble. I really think you should contact your doctor for advice, especially since you've recently had surgery. Good luck and feel better soon.
  • Shred raw beets into your salad...voila! I have them every day.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have the same problem but not to the extent that you have at all. Before I started my healthy life style, I like to call my diet that, my normal was several times a day. Now I'm lucky to have 3 a week. I drink way more water than I ever have before, I love apples, fresh veggies, whole grain breads.So I decided to go with Colace to see how that would work. I worked myself up to 4 Colace a day and I now have a BM every two days and even that isn't comfortable. it's a mystery
  • janaq2003
    janaq2003 Posts: 44 Member
    I feel your pain. Extra fiber gives me horrible awful smelling gas so its my last resort. I eat tons of leafy greens as well but it seems whenever Im really doing well with my eating , I get locked up.
  • WATER COMSUMPTION needs to be at least a gallon which is 128oz
  • teryx123
    teryx123 Posts: 57 Member
    This is not normal constipation. It is being caused by the pain killers you are taking. Your doctor should have warned you and given you some ways to manage this. I would be afraid at this point that you might actually have an obstruction. I had this happen after taking pain meds for a kidney stone. My doc gave me a bottle of something to drink and that stuff was like white lightning! Bottom line, call your doc! They need to know.
  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    This is not normal constipation. It is being caused by the pain killers you are taking. Your doctor should have warned you and given you some ways to manage this. I would be afraid at this point that you might actually have an obstruction. I had this happen after taking pain meds for a kidney stone. My doc gave me a bottle of something to drink and that stuff was like white lightning! Bottom line, call your doc! They need to know.

    ^^^^ This!
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Sorry you're having trouble. I really think you should contact your doctor for advice, especially since you've recently had surgery. Good luck and feel better soon.

    This is the path for sure. Get professional help. Impacted feces can lead to serious complications. Wishing you the best!

    ps: too much fiber can exacerbate the problem (in the healthcare industry)
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    If you are not in pain, call your doctor in the morning. If you are in pain, go to the emergency room.
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    CALL YOUR DOCTOR!!! my husband has issues due to pain meds and constipation can be a serious problem..he is on a high fiber diet and stool softeners..the doctor also recommended dried apricots...but you NEED to call the doctor!! do it NOW!..they have on call dont want to be llke this for the holiday....take care!!
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    This is not normal constipation. It is being caused by the pain killers you are taking. Your doctor should have warned you and given you some ways to manage this. I would be afraid at this point that you might actually have an obstruction. I had this happen after taking pain meds for a kidney stone. My doc gave me a bottle of something to drink and that stuff was like white lightning! Bottom line, call your doc! They need to know.

    ^^^^ This!

    he probably told you to drink magnesium sulfate...that is white lightening but can be very dangerous!!!
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    sorry..magnesium citrate!
  • phyllisbobbitt
    phyllisbobbitt Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: dump all the eating & drinking advice! call your dr. or if after hours call the dr. on call but do not wait. this could be very serious since it has been sooo long. the dr. can call in a prescription (example-enulose) etc. but please do not wait. I was on pain meds after my car accident an I know how it feels!
  • A little prune juice first thing in the morning does the trick for me...good luck!