Knee Problem: Sliding Knee Cap

So I've had an issue with my knee for nearly a decade now.

To the best of my knowledge through MRI's, numerous doctor visits, and physical therapy, my left hamstring is stretched and without constant focus on exercising the knee area, my knee will pop out of place with pressure and certain hip shifts ie. chambering leg for kicks (martial arts)

Ever since my focus on a raw and fresh vegan/vegetarian diet and heightened exercise awareness through biking, martial arts, and dance, my knee has caused no problems. That is, until the other night in class I was throwing a back stomp kick and it all happened. My knee cap slid around, popped out and then back into place...but has not been the same since.

I've tried staying off of it for two days, icing, stretching, walks, and arnica montana....but I still am unable to put pressure all the way on the knee. It feels stiff and easily "pops out" and back in.

Does ANYONEEEEEE know of any other methods to help aid this back to normal.

I have an MRI scheduled the 26th, but that last time they said everything was okay and just suggested physical therapy. It feels like there's got to be something else other than physical therapy. Or maybe I'm wrong. Just looking for another perspective.

Please and thank you!



  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    I went through physical therapy, regular exercise, all worked.....until.....and then I finally had surgery. It was a lateral release. I haven't had a problem since. I can't say I've always kept up the exercise on it but I still haven't had a problem since. Now that I'm getting more fit it feels even better, but no problems. I'm NOT a surgery advocate, but when all else fails sometimes it's just necessary.
  • wow, my left knee is off and on and hamstring area is weird? it hasnt stopped me but it pops when i walk sometime and it was really swollen at one point? this is something i will look at
  • I have a torn ACL and missing cartlidge in one knee and damaged cartlidge in the other. I have rehabed both knees using tension bands then moving to leg extentions and leg curls starting with light weight and moving up. I played rugby for 4 more years after rehabing the ACL. I have been in martial arts for ten years. The trick is to build the muscle around the knee for added support.