poly cystic overies

Hi guys my name is Katy bateman
I am 21 and I live in the UK
I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries about a year ago and I have struggled to keep my weight down I was told by my doctor that if I was to ever have a baby in the future then i would need IVF however i do not want a baby yet but I would like to get into shape so that I can have one in the future.

I am on a very strict diet and trying to do as much exercise as possible I have two horses that I ride every day I also go the gym as much as I can I understand that it is harder to lose weight due to my ovaries however it is so frustrating i feel like i am not getting any where i am trying my best and i have only lost 9lbs

i have always tried my best at everything and done really well however i feel like i am not getting any where losing a battle and that hurts i want to be the person that i was two years ago


  • Connie_Cupcake
    I have PCOS also, good luck!
  • katybateman
    thanks xx
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I also have PCOS, feel free to add me if you need some support! :) Best of luck to you!
  • katybateman
    thankx and gd luck to u too xxx
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Katy welcome to MFP

    I also have PCOS including insulin resistance but we weren't keen to go down the IVF path. To improve our chance at a healthy and natural pregnancy I changed my lifestyle and did regular exercise and really watched what I ate (low GI foods, lean proteins etc). I also lost 9 lbs but that made the difference - we got pregnant and I had my son, without IVF.

    4 years later and I had become slack with the exercise and eating well, have put the 9lbs back on and more. I think the important thing to realise is that the lifestyle changes have to be sustainable in the long term and that PCOS can work against you. Don't be impatient, celebrate smaller goals. My first goal was to lose those 9lbs again, and I have just reached that this week. It's not 'only 9lbs', it's '9 lbs, go me'. If you think 9lbs is not much - go to the supermarket and lift up a bag of potatoes! I think we can get obsessed with the numbers of the scale and fail to realise the physical reality of our achievements.

    Best wishes to you.
  • katybateman
    thankyou so much i understand where you are coming from i am so pleased for you that you were able to have your baby natural
    i know it sounds stupid but i do not know any one who has pcos so its nice to hear from some one that has it and is still able to have children, my doctor was horrible when she told me i had it she said that if i did not have a baby within a two years then i would not be able to and that kinda hurt but im glasd ton hear that you were able to maybe i can

    thankx again xxx
  • ChrissieP80
    ChrissieP80 Posts: 112 Member
    Time to get a new doctor. Mine was amazing and said 'you are still young' (28) and 'let's try this without drugs for 12 months'. No guilt trips, just a healthy eating and exercise plan, and she always said 'WHEN you get pregnant....' not 'IF'. A positive attitude does wonders.
  • Hallucihate
    Hallucihate Posts: 120 Member
    I have PCOS too, been diagnosed since I was 14, I think, haha anyways you are free to talk to me if you like (:
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    I too have PCOS, and after a couple of years trying naturally to get pregnant went to the assisted conception road. IVF is always a last resort, If and when you decide you want children and you might need a little help you will be offered other help first. I was lucky after only 2 months of taking Clomid I had my daughter who is now a beautiful 10 year old. A few years after my daughter I did fall pregnant naturally, but sadly miscarried after a few weeks. Your GP was very wrong to scare you in that way.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I have polycystic ovaries, diagnosed when i was 25. I'm 47 now and have 4 lovely (most of the time) children all naturally. I was told I wouldn't be able to get pregnant naturally, I took that a a challenge!! It took a while, but here they are! Now 11, 13, 18 and 20!
    Good luck to you!
  • katybateman
    thankyou all so much
    you are all so lovely
    just makes me more motivated to get it done thankyou