My Knees!!! I can't stop now.......

I have been doing awesome. I work out 6 days a week up to about 140 minutes a day, one day rest, which I hate. Treadmill 80 minutes and/or Strength & kickboxing. I started out just a half hour a day August 20, 2012, total weight loss 58lbs. However, now my knees are in serious pain. Has this happen to anyone else? The nurse at my job stated I need to only work out every other day. I am freaking out, I feel as though I should be getting stronger and going harder and that’s what's I been doing. I guess I been going too hard. Will this slow down my weight loss progress? She also stated that I must slow down on the treadmill and another co-worker who is a little fitness guru suggested I just switch it up to like aerobics or yoga. I don't want to really get injured and have to stop all together. Any suggestions.......thanks in advance.


  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    Treadmills can be bad for knees because of the surface. 140 min a day of working out is also a bit too much. 80 min on a treadmill (idk if you are running or walking) is a bit too much unless you are training for a race. For strength training I'd go recheck your form on things like lunges and squats if you are doing those. If you do those wrong continuously then you will hurt your knees. I did squats and lunges wrong for years and finally fixed my form and my knee pain went away (keep the knee behind the toes when bending the leg, mirrors help :) ).
    Yes, switch up your cardio options. The stationary bike is a good one if you are able to get on one, it's less stress on the joints and a good alternative to running/walking if you are injured.
  • trail_rnr
    trail_rnr Posts: 337 Member
    Where do they hurt? Front, inside, outside, under the kneecap?

    Is there anything that makes the pain worse? Better? Do they "crunch" when you flex at the knee?

    Could be a host of things. Most knee issues are one of two things (though there are, obviously, other possibilities), both of which are pretty easily solved: overuse (ITBFS, patellar tendonitis) or muscular imbalance/lack of sufficient supporting strength in surrounding muscles.

    You've lost a whole lot of weight, and your body is adjusting. Be kind to yourself! If it were me, I'd throw another rest day in there and, as suggested by your friend, some variety.
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Can you check out swimming options? It would be a lot kinder to your knees and can be very aerobic since your arms are probably not used to doing as much work as swimming involves. I walk a lot and swimming really challenges me. Even water-walking in the pool.
  • mom23boys10
    I am not an expert but I have always had problems with my knees. Sometimes it was even painful to up and down stairs. Doing squats properly have really helped. Since I started doing squats my knees have gotten a lot better to the point that I may even consider starting to run.
  • kenhelms17720
    Not knowing what kind of strength regimen you are on it's hard to say but make sure you are giving breaks on that for the recovery time.

    Honestly, it sounds like overuse symptoms. That is a lot of work in a week, coupled with the weight loss... your body is adjusting and you have to give it time. Remember, your stressing the body to strengthen up in all areas while under a restricted diet. Too much and something will break.

    That being said, depending on where it hurts you may need to change it up a little.

    You mentioned knees... where at on them?

    Any other pain (even if you think it's "good" pain) like on the soles of the feet, etc?
  • tricelive
    tricelive Posts: 93 Member
    Yes, I have pain in the soles of my feet as well and sometimes my ankles hurt. The whole knee hurts, both of them.
  • kenhelms17720
    It sounds like just overuse. That's a good thing, it will go away on its own.

    Find some time to take 5-7 days off. I know you said you don't want to but it will help. Just watch your nutrition and intake close. Eat some extra, just not junk. Good protein, carbs, etc. Up the intake a couple hundred calories above your maintenance level. It's only a few days, your metabolism is already high. It shouldn't affect you much if at all.

    You will feel a lot better, then start back up slow.

    Remember strength training breaks down tissue very well, doing that much stuff combined with not enough calories starts to add up.

    If you really must workout, try some light swimming with good form. Kicking "loose" while swimming will aggravate the knee.

    Your body just needs to catch up a bit, if you don't let it though... It'll end up with rehab that takes a lot longer.
  • bdtyson77302
    bdtyson77302 Posts: 86 Member
    Ugh....I did bootcamp awhile ago and boy did my knees hurt!! I now do yoga (a very simple beginners dvd from prevention magazine called "Better Belly Yoga". I've lost 3 inches in my waist from that wonderful dvd!! ) I do that three days a week then on the other days I do simple exercises using weights and my body weight. I can't do squats or lunges...they kill my knees so I've found other exercises on bodyrock that lift the booty...and you can do them on the floor! There are a million options out there...don't give up but be kind to your need those things!! :)
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have been doing awesome. I work out 6 days a week up to about 140 minutes a day, one day rest, which I hate. Treadmill 80 minutes and/or Strength & kickboxing. I started out just a half hour a day August 20, 2012, total weight loss 58lbs. However, now my knees are in serious pain. Has this happen to anyone else? The nurse at my job stated I need to only work out every other day. I am freaking out, I feel as though I should be getting stronger and going harder and that’s what's I been doing. I guess I been going too hard. Will this slow down my weight loss progress? She also stated that I must slow down on the treadmill and another co-worker who is a little fitness guru suggested I just switch it up to like aerobics or yoga. I don't want to really get injured and have to stop all together. Any suggestions.......thanks in advance.

    It DOES sound like maybe you need to slow down a little to let your knees recover. What if every other day you cut your speed and everything down by 25%? When I have had issues with my legs, but don't want to cut my DAYS down, I have done days where I do a slower pace with a lower incline.
  • jlohcook
    jlohcook Posts: 228 Member
    140mins is a lot a day. Probably keep to 60-75mins a day. What you can on alternate days is to do a 30mins -45 mins of yoga, swimming or strength training, nothing too strenuous on the knee, while workong on other muscles, and still burning calories. In addition, you want to look for exercises that will strengthen the thighs, this will help to take away too much stress on your knees.