Hello from sunny weather!

So I have some people on my friends list that are GREAT motivators! I also have a huge pile of people who added me and never log in (which will be deleted in a moment), then there is a small last pile of just plain out crazies (who would have been deleted if reading their drama wasn't so enticing)

Long of the short, I would like a small collection of people who are genuinely here for body issues. Not looking for a boyfriend on the side or anything lol just some people with actual goals.

Thanks :) Names Miann btw and I'm in Florida


  • Poetry_In_Pics
    Hi Miann!

    I am jealous of your sunny weather... it's snowy & blowing here in MI!!

    Your post made me chuckle! Feel free to add me as a MFP friend if you'd like... I'm usually on here everyday checking in.

    ~ Rebecca ~
  • missliss4763
    missliss4763 Posts: 26 Member
    hey girl! I'm in florida too! Jacksonville. :) I downloaded myfitnesspal app on my phone and love it!! You will do great!!
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    "then there is a small last pile of just plain out crazies (who would have been deleted if reading their drama wasn't so enticing)"

    This cracks me up! I have the same crazies on FB as well and I alternate between being embarrassed for them and enjoying the "Jerry Springer show". I am on here for fitness only. I have already reached my goal, I log in always except when I'm traveling and am really working on maintaining fitness. If you'd like to add me, I dont comment much, I'm not crazy, not looking for a boyfriend and believe this site works! Oh and I am in Florida too.
  • JDAlder
    JDAlder Posts: 153 Member
    You can add me if you like. Starting my journey today and need to build a strong support group. Besides, I don't need a girlfriend either, I'm married!
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I'm old enough to be your father (my son is 21) and I also live in Florida - in the Orlando area. I log daily and most days I'm able to follow what my friends are doing and give them encouragement. I'm here for the weight loss and general fitness support. I also seek active friends who are here for similar reasons.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    I just started a couple of weeks ago and am also looking for support from people on here. I am on here every day. Jealous of the great weather you have. It's cold here in Jersey. Add me if you would like
  • roundtherink
    Another Floridian (Orlando) checking in! I'm also on every day, like to support my friends, and am here for the encouragement!
    Feel free to add me!