does it matter?

Hi, i have only just started my journey i am on week 3, week 1 i was working on portion sizes and curbing the cravings, week two learning about how to count calories and the healthier version and stuff but tonight and last night i was really tired from work as i am on my feet all day and i wanted a quick meal so i had a pastie heated up and 2 tablespoons of coleslaw it totaled to 554 calories but i was just wondering does it matter what i eat during the day as long as i stay in my calorie goal or not??

I am really desperate to keep loosing weight and i don't want to do anything to ruin it so can please some one help me on this subject as i am worried i am going to ruin everything and put the 8 pounds back on that i have lost.


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Read these two threads for a lot of helpful and useful information:

    Short answer: Does it matter? Yes and no. Barring any medical issues, as long as you're staying within a calorie deficit and hitting your macros (especially protein and fat), you can be very flexible as far as what you eat without screwing up your weight loss.
  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    Thank you, they helped a bit :) as i only have 1-3 things a day that are nutrient or i could really do without but sometimes i just give and i would love to do that without being angry at myself for thinking that i have ruined everything
  • DownloadDiva
    I think if 80% of what you consume is nutritional then you can be a little more relaxed with the other 20%. It's better to do that than give up completely if you have an unrealistic plan and you beat yourself up at the occasional slip up.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    As long as you stay in budget it really doesn't matter what you eat as far as weight loss goes. If you live on garbage food you'll be lacking in nutrition and probably feel like crap but you can totally lose weight eating junk.
  • ken_ferry77
    I agree with monkey mostly, I have been experimenting with multiple different diets and fitness programs for the past 5 years. As long as your eating less calories than you burn ( calorie amount depends on RMR ) you will eventually lose weight. You can eat just Twinkies if you want, although the downside is that you lose out on nutrition and that it will eventually cause you to have weight gain( yes, I know somebody that actually did a twinkie only diet and lost weight). I found that nutrition does come in effect with weight loss, but I have not found any kind of measurement to how much it effects it(posted a research below on the fat section). The main reason people tell you to eat lean protein, veges and fruits is because for the most part they will fill you up quicker with less calorie amounts. Eating a whole plate of vegetables isn't going to be costly on the calories at all, but after your done your stomach will be full. The only proven scientific method of weight loss is less calories in than you burn.

    Lately I have found research on Interesterified which replace the "trans fats" ( you actually think the products were going to taste good after they took those fats out without a replacement? naahhh). Research shows that these interesterified fats can slow your metabolism and still have the same effect as transfat. Transfat will redistribute your fat to your abdomen(hence the so called doughnut role or mushroom top) and biochemistry shows that your body doesn't even recognize transfat so it doesn't get processed properly.

    I have found basically to stick to meat, vegetable and fruits 90% of the time. When I need something sweet I stick to fruits, but I will have dark chocolate(70% or more cacao) or cheese cake. If you want to lose weight quickly I would suggest to research fasting or intermittent fasting, both are physically and mentally healthy for you no matter what the food lobbyist bought out nutritionist tell you( personally did 1.5 years of research on fasting). Good luck with your weight lost and don't listen to the little tips you get from this website, do your own research( the starvation mode tip I got was a joke, I don't think this website even understands what the body considers starvation)