Trouble hitting 1200 cals



  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    you didn't gain weight eating less than 1200 calories... eat some of the crap you ate before, or start to cook nutrient dense foods. fat isn't the devil and 1200 calories isnt enough to sustain you in the long run. make it a goal to eat at least 1500 and lose the weight slowly and learn healthy habits in the meantime.
  • imarose6968
    Now I see why I hate coming to the forums. People say they aren't judging, but they are instead of just giving the best advice they can and leaving the rest alone. I got fat by eating a lot of crap, but what I hvae noticed now that I eatprotein rich whole foods, mostly fish, exercise in the morning and evening and drink a lot of water as well as fiber rich foods that I get fuller quicker and stay full longer. I am not as hungry so I too don't hit my calories most of the time. I finally decided not stress it and the days and times I feel more hungry, I eat more. If you are skipping breakfast, make some time for it and try to make it more calorie heavy. I don't know how your mfp friends are, but I would try getting advice from them because it's easier to stay accountable to a friend and when you come on message boards sometimes it's hard to get through junk to get to the good advice.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Meat, nuts, cheeses, milkshakes (made with good stuff at home like a smoothie), greek yogurt, are big calorie punches but can be very healthy. Peanutbutter and peanutbutter powders in many things can also boost you. Fats and proteins can be your healthy friend.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I would make sure you are logging your food correctly. Get a food scale and weigh and measure everything you eat for a while. My guess is that you might be underestimating what you ate. Serving sizes are a lot smaller than people realize.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Take whatever healthy foods you have been eating and eat more of them. Toss in a bit of "junk" if you want. It's not rocket science. If you continue to eat so low you are likely to be very tired, lose hair, and get sick. EAT!

    Take a look at my diary. I eat an average of 1,800 calories per day and I eat real food. I've lost 40 pounds.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I think some people switch from eating without thinking about it to eating all vegetables because that's all they can think of as a "healthy diet." Try picking up some healthy cooking magazines, etc. to get ideas of what a "healthy diet" looks like, then start looking at people's journals who have reached your goals and see what they eat. Eating 1200 calories a day is not hard, but if you aren't sure what you should be eating, you might get stuck and just eat really low cal "diet" food. This is not a sustainable long term plan, but it's fine for a few days as you transition.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I'm having a hard time hitting my 1200 cal limit. I'm always left with a large amont of calorie intake (500-900 depending on the day). I have a very small appetite and I eat pretty healthy foods and exercize. Any tips or suggestions on helping me reach my calorie intake goal that won't make me gain weight?

    Fairly easy- 3 balanced meals of 300 cals each, then 2-3 snacks of 100-150 cals each.
  • cloza12
    cloza12 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm having a hard time hitting my 1200 cal limit. I'm always left with a large amont of calorie intake (500-900 depending on the day). I have a very small appetite and I eat pretty healthy foods and exercize. Any tips or suggestions on helping me reach my calorie intake goal that won't make me gain weight?

    Eating that little bit of calories is not healthy, and even if you do eat the 1200 you wont be gaining weight. Try eating whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nonfat dairy, and healthy fats like avocado, nuts, seeds..
  • TXGirl821
    We can't see what you're eating, so we don't know what we can advise as far as how you should go about changing things up.

    I had this same problem when I first started on MFP. I ate really cleanly [obsessively so] and would not stop working out until I had burned a minimum of 500 calories. All I ended up doing was making myself really sick and then gaining another 25 pounds. You don't want to do that!

    My advice would be to set an alarm for yourself so that you can get in a little snack at least every 3 hours. Nuts, nut butters, drinking milk or eating avocados would be a good way to bump up your calories a bit more and keep your energy up. I don't know how long you've been doing this, but it DOES catch up to you if you eat too low calorie for too long. Good luck!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Another thing, are you here to lose weight or get healthy? Let's be honest. If you're here to lose weight, then just eat any old ****e to meet your calorie goals. I know you can do it.

    If to eat more healthily, then check my earlier post.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    So many people experience this, that I am continuously surprised by the people who ask "how did you get overweight, if you cant even eat 1200 calories a day?"

    it's simple:
    it's easy to eat 3000+ calories worth of crap, but switch out the crap and go instead for lean proteins and tons of veggies, and all of a sudden, damn, it's a challenge to eat 1200 calories worth of food that is actually nutritious, UNTIL YOU LEARN HOW.

    Ice cream doesn't take up nearly as much room in my belly, or give me the right nutrients as a big luscious salad full of greens, veggies, and turkey, and maybe some whole grain bread. Pint of ice cream: 1300 calories and I'm hungry a half hour later. Sensible lunch? -400 calories and I can go for hours without needing another bite.

    To the OP:
    as other have suggested, on those days when you are low, add calorie dense, healthy foods. When I am low, I add avocado to anything, i LOVE IT. I have some nuts instead of lowfat cheese. PEANUT BUTTER YUM. Go for whole-fat dairy instead of low-fat.
    I began my journey at 300 pounds, I obviously know how to eat a lot. I started my "diet" by eating under 1200 as well, because i wanted to make only low-calorie choices, and hitting 1200 meant eating a ridiculous amount of veggies! then i learned that it's ok to eat real, full calorie foods, as long as I watched my portions.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    I'm having a hard time hitting my 1200 cal limit. I'm always left with a large amont of calorie intake (500-900 depending on the day). I have a very small appetite and I eat pretty healthy foods and exercize. Any tips or suggestions on helping me reach my calorie intake goal that won't make me gain weight?

    peanut butter, nuts, olive oil. or protein shakes. my goal is 2500-2700 calories per day-i drink 1000 calories of it.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    1 jar of peanut butter = 2000 calories. :-D

    Each tablespoon has about 150 calories and makes you feel satisfied for about 30 seconds.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When I read topics like this, I'm realy asking myself how you can get in weight trouble when you have problems with eating 1200 calories a day. You say normaly you eat arount 300 and 700 calories a day. So are there days when you eat 5000 calories? Because otherwise I don't understand where the weight comes from you want to lose.

    I'm not judging, just wondering.

    this girl makes a good point, how did you become overweight if you are struggling to eat a dangerously low intake.

    you need to force yourself to eat more, or bad things will happen to you.

    you should only be on a diet that low if you are morbidly obese and under the care of your doctor.


    is that clear enough?

    when you eat better and more satiating foods and stop eating junk you can struggle with eating enough. or at least i have.

    Not this guy...I eat good and healthy and have no problems hitting my 1,800 calories. Look to things like nuts; 1 oz of unsalted almonds has 160 calories...good source of protein...good source of healthy fats and they leave you feeling full. An avocado can have upwards of 200 calories depending on 8 oz serving of Voskos Greek Yogurt has 140 calories and 24 g of protein. When you're eating cleaner and healthier, you just have to know where to look to get those big calories.
  • Shas2228
    Shas2228 Posts: 187
    If you aren't going over 1200 calories, you won't gain weight. 3,500 calories equals 1 pound. So if you're exercising on top of eating only 1200 calories a day, there's no way you would gain weight.

    Eat some regular mayonnaise and/or avocado on a sandwich or wrap. That'll take care of your calorie deficient in no time. Or use regular dressing on a salad. I actually had a similar question when I first started eating better, but after reading some of the helpful responses I realized I could change some of the things that I was eating, not that I had to eat "more".

    So instead of salsa for salads I use light ranch now, for example. :-)

    I sat here and read most of the responses you've received. What some people don't understand is not everyone who is over weight necessarily ate all the time like a pig. I feel like everyone associates obesity with eating 20 meals a day. That's not always the case. Sometimes it's really what you eat. You can easily order/make a meal that has 2000 calories in just one sitting and not realize it, until you start counting those calories.

    Anyway, good luck. You can totally do this.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I think some people switch from eating without thinking about it to eating all vegetables because that's all they can think of as a "healthy diet." Try picking up some healthy cooking magazines, etc. to get ideas of what a "healthy diet" looks like, then start looking at people's journals who have reached your goals and see what they eat. Eating 1200 calories a day is not hard, but if you aren't sure what you should be eating, you might get stuck and just eat really low cal "diet" food. This is not a sustainable long term plan, but it's fine for a few days as you transition.

    Agreed...I also think a lot of people become food-aphobic and develop an unhealthy relationship with food...they blame the food and not not their own bad eating habits and overeating. Food gets classified as good/ groups essential to a healthy diet get eliminated and suddenly 1200 calories becomes some monumental mountain to get to.

    Personally, I think 1200 calories is for the birds...literally...only birds should be eating that little. Humans were not meant to live off of 1200 calories for any sustained period of time.

    To the OP...personally, I think you should up it by a couple hundred calories and go get yourself a burger and fries.
  • imarose6968
    I would make sure you are logging your food correctly. Get a food scale and weigh and measure everything you eat for a while. My guess is that you might be underestimating what you ate. Serving sizes are a lot smaller than people realize.

    This is very good advice.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    I've been surprised lately at the fact that I have to make sure I'm eating enough. Before I changed my eating habits, I had no problem at all packing it away. I've turned in some pretty low net calorie days and recently broke a plateau by (a) increasing my net and (b) doing more weightlifting. If I haven't prepared my body with enough of the right food for a good exercise session, it tells me!

    My main go-to dense calorie food is dry-roasted, unsalted peanuts. Half a cup bumps my calorie count up beautifully.

    I also check my macros and listen to my body, because sometimes I need carbs rather than fat/protein. I literally take a minute or two and picture various foods in my mind until I get a visceral reaction that says: Yes, this is the food I need.

    For those people confused by the seeming discrepancy between the need to lose weight and the difficulty meeting one's minimum -- the type of food one eats has a lot to do with hunger signals. Junk food includes a combination of fat, sugar, and salt that really ramps up hunger. Fresh produce and unadulterated meats allow more signals of satiety to come through. Exercise can also suppress hunger (or increase it, depending on the type of exercise and the individual).

    When I travel, I carry a small cooler of healthy food with me. When I feel hungry in-between meals I usually grab a banana or crispbread; I don't try to "tough it out." My body seems to be happy with three meals and two snacks. There's an adjustment period, to be sure, but learn your body's signals.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    MFP gave you a 1200 calorie limit? To lose 145lbs? That's awfully low in my opinion. I started at 220 and I am set to lose 80lbs. With my goal set to 1.5lbs per week, I started with over 1400 calories per day, which then was dropped each time I lost 10lbs. When I hit the 30lbs mark (so 50 left to lose), it gave me 1200 calories.

    I changed my goal to 1 pound a week, more food, and I'm still losing!

    Make sure you are weighing and measuring EVERYTHING. I can't see how you're able to function, let alone work out on 300-700 calories per day....