I am getting married in October and I have to lose 30 lbs! HAVE TO! I would really invite anyone to friend me on here that can help me be accountable, I have been logging for a while now, this weekend I just really blew it and I am feeling down on myself!


  • kellykat
    kellykat Posts: 180 Member
    Don't put too much pressure on yourself. That will only set you up for failure. Instead, focus on smaller goals that will get you to your goal in October. Focus on getting yourself healthy in terms of what you eat and how much you exercise and the results will follow. You can do it.
  • dpsloc92
    dpsloc92 Posts: 6
    Yes, don't be too hard on yourself, we all have off weeks. I agree with kellykat try for smaller goals and achieve those tiny stps first.
  • vickijw
    vickijw Posts: 3
    Just get back on the horse!! You can do it!!! And we are here for you!!!
  • DennisHarrison
    The best way to achieve your goals is to NOT pay too much attention to them. SERIOUSLY! You must treat this as a lifestyle change that will lead you to success, rather than try and get to a weight destination. Just get up, do it, and see where you are come October!! SOOO many people treat getting in shape as a destination, that when reached, means you're done. NOT!! Your goal should be to move more and eat less, for life, not for a wedding, not for a bathing suit, nuttin! Once that mindset is adopted, the rest will fall into place.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    I agree with not pressuring yourself too much. I know how easy it is to get discouraged. Like others said on here, try focusing on just getting fit and feeling better than a specific weight-loss goal. Just focus on doing a little bit every day...and relish that the soreness in your muscles means you are getting fit!

    Good luck with your fitness goals! :):) You can do it!
    MSPENCE Posts: 31
    I agree with all the others.... Don't focus to much on 30LBS by your wedding, just focus on losing weight, any weight! YOU CAN DO IT!!!! We are all here to help eachother.
    GOOD LUCK!!!!!
  • learning2bfit
    learning2bfit Posts: 61 Member
    Don't put too much pressure on yourself. That will only set you up for failure. Instead, focus on smaller goals that will get you to your goal in October. Focus on getting yourself healthy in terms of what you eat and how much you exercise and the results will follow. You can do it.

    I agree break that 30 pounds down to smaller goals and work towards it. Another friend of mine on MFP is down 30 lbs and did it in 3 months. It's doable...don't be to hard on yourself!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    Try not to beat yourself up to much. I know how hard it seems at times but you can do it. For me, if I focus too much on what I have done wrong I start to feel defeated and want to give up. I encourage you to start back on your plan today and continue to move forward and let the past stay in the past. Welcome. :flowerforyou: This is a great site for support.