Weight Survey!

Hi! I wanted to create a survey because I may be doing a research paper for English/Fitness. Plus it is really interesting! Here are the questions. IF YOU FEEL uncomfortable answering some of the questions you don't have to answer:) :

Gender :
Pant size range:
Shirt size range:
Dress size range:

How comfortable are you with your current weight?
Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight?
Have you ever lost weight before?
^If so how much?:
^^Over what period of time:?
^^^What was your main motivation?:
What is/was your bad fitness habit?:
What is/was your good fitness habit?:
What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?:
How do you compare your new self to your old self?:
Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?:
Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect)
Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect)
Favorite Healthy food :
Least Favorite healthy food:
What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?:
How do you feel about your weight loss?:
What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?:

Thanks sincerely!


  • Gender : Female
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 166
    Pant size range: 28-31 depending on brand and type of pants
    Shirt size range: Medium-Large
    Dress size range: Medium-Large (I don't have any dresses in the # scale)

    How comfortable are you with your current weight?
    I hate it.

    Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight?

    Have you ever lost weight before?
    Not a drastic amount.

    ^If so how much?:

    ^^Over what period of time:?

    ^^^What was your main motivation?:

    What is/was your bad fitness habit?:
    I hate working out more than anything

    What is/was your good fitness habit?:
    Once I am working out, I stick to it

    What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?:
    Nothing yet!

    How do you compare your new self to your old self?:
    I love that I'm starting to not crave bad foods anymore

    Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?:
    My mom (she's SO in shape!) and numerous celebrities/models.

    Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect)
    I love yoga and circuit training

    Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect)
    Running (except I LOVE how I feel after!)

    Favorite Healthy food :
    Any type of fruit!

    Least Favorite healthy food:
    I don't really have a least favorite!

    What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?:
    Anything reaaally really sweet. Like icing, most candies, Slurpees, etc.

    How do you feel about your weight loss?:
    I want to keep losing more!

    What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?:
    You won't see results overnight, keep at it and you can achieve anything!
  • Gender : Female
    Age: 18
    Height: 5 ft 5
    Weight: 124 pounds
    Pant size range: 10
    Shirt size range: 8-10
    Dress size range: I'm not sure! - I don't wear dresses

    How comfortable are you with your current weight? - not very
    Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight? - lose weight
    Have you ever lost weight before? Yes
    ^If so how much?: 1.5 stone
    ^^Over what period of time:? About 12 months
    ^^^What was your main motivation?: To look better, I was too embarrassed to get weighed by the nurse in my high school and she suggested I avoid unhealthy food in my teens, since it's easier to lose as a teenager - it got me out of the 'I'll do it later' attitude.
    What is/was your bad fitness habit?: Avoiding exercise and comfort/boredom eating
    What is/was your good fitness habit?: Being able to choose the healthy option
    What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?: When my boyfriend said I genuinely look great, even though he didn't like the sound of a 'diet'
    How do you compare your new self to your old self?: I feel more confident and I my endurance is better
    Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?: The good people at myfitnesspal
    Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) - cardio, running
    Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) - sit ups
    Favorite Healthy food : Vegetables
    Least Favorite healthy food: low-fat yoghurt
    What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?: cake and crisps
    How do you feel about your weight loss?: Like I'm making progress
    What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?: Be patient! It doesn't happen right away, the best results happen over time which is why you need to stay motivated and don't expect the scales to be generous!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Gender : Female
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 201lbs
    Pant size range: 14-16 (sixteens being loose and fourteens being juuuuuust right)
    Shirt size range: L-XL
    Dress size range: Hell if I know.
    How comfortable are you with your current weight? Relatively. I could stand to lose a lot more though.
    Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight? Lose.
    Have you ever lost weight before? Nope!
    ^If so how much?:
    ^^Over what period of time:?
    ^^^What was your main motivation?: To be able to fit in clothes I can buy anywhere instead of having to shop specialty.
    What is/was your bad fitness habit?: Procrastination.
    What is/was your good fitness habit?: Trying to eat well.
    What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?: When I bought a scale and saw just how much I'd lost. c:
    How do you compare your new self to your old self?: Just as unstable and stupid as I was before.
    Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?: Uhm...nobody. c:
    Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) Cardio.
    Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) Dunno!
    Favorite Healthy food : Bell peppers, cucumbers, cheese, apples, oranges....basically like, every fruit. And carrots.
    Least Favorite healthy food: Brussel sprouts, eurgh. And walnuts.
    What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?: Pizza. It makes me sick now, typically not worth it.
    How do you feel about your weight loss?: Pretty proud actually, considering I've lost 50+lbs in four years and counting.
    What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?: Drink lots of water, get active, eat healthy.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Gender :F
    Age: 51
    Height:5' 6"
    Weight: 219
    Pant size range:20 started at 28
    Shirt size range:XL started at 3XL
    Dress size range:not sure now was 28

    How comfortable are you with your current weight? Very comfortable, still hoping to lose more but Happy with where I am now

    Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight?
    Keep losing

    Have you ever lost weight before?
    yes, pretty much my whole life

    ^If so how much?: varies, the most was 50 lbs once but gained it all back

    ^^Over what period of time:? don't remember

    ^^^What was your main motivation?: to get healthier for the 2nd half of my life

    What is/was your bad fitness habit?: not going, bored once I get there

    What is/was your good fitness habit?: going and keeping at it

    What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?:
    going into regular stores and having clothes fit. Being able to choose clothes based on how they look, not having to take it because it is the only one that fits.

    How do you compare your new self to your old self?:
    More confident,
    Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?:
    No one person but everyone who has lost their weight over time and hard work

    Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect)
    can't say I have one, do it because I know it helps

    Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect)
    all of them

    Favorite Healthy food : Love most foods, still eat everything, now I watch portions and plan for special events (ie exercise more or eat lighter so I can indulge)

    Least Favorite healthy food: fruits and veggies

    What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?: love breads, pastas

    How do you feel about your weight loss?:

    What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?:
    stick to it, one moment at a time. Make a lifestyle change not a diet. It takes time, not going to lose it all quickly. Forgive yourself and then make better choices the next time.

    Thanks sincerely!
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    Hi! I wanted to create a survey because I may be doing a research paper for English/Fitness. Plus it is really interesting! Here are the questions. IF YOU FEEL uncomfortable answering some of the questions you don't have to answer:) :

    Gender : female
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'7.5"
    Weight: 160
    Pant size range: 9/10/11
    Shirt size range: M
    Dress size range: Idk honestly, i guess 8/9/10

    How comfortable are you with your current weight? i'm not
    Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight? lose fat and gain some muscle
    Have you ever lost weight before? yup
    ^If so how much?: when i was 14 i went from 127 (at same height) to 115. yeah...
    in april i went from 155 to 145, but i gained it all back plus 10 more pounds D:
    ^^Over what period of time:? when i was 14 i think it took me a year because i as doing it in a very unhealthy way
    in april it took about a month and a half
    ^^^What was your main motivation?: to look hot
    What is/was your bad fitness habit?: missing many days
    What is/was your good fitness habit?: jointing a sports team
    What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?: I'm not sure
    How do you compare your new self to your old self?: fatter
    Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?: hot celebs lol
    Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) tennis and zumba
    Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) weight training
    Favorite Healthy food : strawberries
    Least Favorite healthy food: broccoli
    What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?: wish i could post here
    How do you feel about your weight loss?: i'm proud of myself for doing it, but pissed for gaining it all back! /:
    What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?: do it for yourself, not for anyone else
  • twilight_princess
    twilight_princess Posts: 270 Member
    Gender : F
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 157lbs
    Pant size range: UK 10 (sorry I don't know in inches)
    Shirt size range:UK 8-10 (US 4-6)
    Dress size range: UK 10 (US 6)

    How comfortable are you with your current weight? Comfotable with weight range as am a healthy BMI but I still carry a lot of fat
    Are you trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight? lose some fat but gain muscle also
    Have you ever lost weight before? Yes
    ^If so how much?: ~20lbs
    ^^Over what period of time:? 4 months
    ^^^What was your main motivation?: Nothing it was a job that was very physical and I was burning more than I was eating
    What is/was your bad fitness habit?: Time management
    What is/was your good fitness habit?: Performance
    What was/has been a really inspiring moment during your weight loss?: Realising I really enjoy exercise and can be quite good at it
    How do you compare your new self to your old self?: Mentally and emotionally am exactly the same. Physically am stronger than ever.
    Who has been a weight loss inspiration to you (celebrity or friend/relative)?: No-one in particular but I always get motivation from seeing someone physically doing their best wheter on tv or a jogger passing by me.
    Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) Hard to choose (I like everything)
    Least Favorite exercise (cardio, resistance, ect) None (I like everything)
    Favorite Healthy food : Hard to choose (I like everything)
    Least Favorite healthy food: None (I like everything)
    What is/was a original food addiction you had (cake, chips, sweet tea) that you no long like?: I still like and occasionaly have all my former food addictions
    How do you feel about your weight loss?: Proud that I've changed myself and am developing the physique and fitness I want
    What would be your advice to someone trying to lose weight?: Always remember weight loss comes down cals in and cals out, MFP is a great tool for keeping track.

  • Thanks everyone for answering! Cheers!